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Live Psychic Reading 1.0
Every request is treated with the utmostcare,empathy and consideration and I will search on your behalf,for theSolutions. I am honored to have the ability to assist. IwillClarify issues in many areas of your life.Do you have questions about work or your career? I will help.Doyou have Relationship problems? Do you have Problems withMoney?Love? Health? Think about what you want to know; be open andhonestwith yourself.Clear your thoughts and be ready to receive guidance, takeDeep,Calming Breaths. Enjoy the Fresh Perspective and Optimism yougetfrom this Introductory Psychic Reading. So Lets get started, IHaveYour Answers.
Psychic Gia 1.0
I provide all types of psychicservices;However I specialize in reuniting & restoringrelationships.Unlike most unethical psychic readers that chargecallers by theminute, I offer flat rate fees. I do not operate alarge “1-900psychic hotline”, I offer dedicated one on one serviceandassistance to my clients. My years of experience and mynaturalpsychic gift ensure you get a helpful, highly accuratepsychicreading. I work one-on-one with clients to give you averypersonalized and compassionate psychic reading
Accurate Psychic Guidance 1.0
A Comprehensive Study recently revealed thatmyPsychic Readings have a 98.5 percent Accuracy rating. I’mtellingyou all this so you will feel Comfortable and Confidentwhen youcall me for your Live Psychic Reading.An Accurate Psychic Reading will give you the Answersyou’relooking for… Whether your Concern is Love, Career, Money,Family,or your Health. My Predictions for your Future are BasedonVibration Energies that I pick up from your Voice. I alsouseClairvoyance, Empathy, Tarot, and Channeling.
Tarot Reading 1.0
A tarot card reading centers around a deckofcards with specific drawings and symbols. As a Master Psychic Iusethe cards to uncover patterns, energies, and trends that I usetointerpret your present situation and predict future occurrences.During a psychic tarot card reading, I lay the cards out inoneof a number of different arrays, or spreads, depending onthequestion you ask and the way I, as a Genuine Master Psychicfeelwould be most revealing.The cards that appear and the order in which they arearrayedenable me to shed light on your situation and answeryourquestions. Some of the things tarot consider in a spreadinclude:which cards appear next to each other, whether cards appearrightside up or upside down, which side of the spread certaincardsappear on, and whether the cards are major or minorarcana.Because they are so versatile, tarot card readingsareappropriate for nearly any situation, and a phone tarot readingcanbe just as powerful as visiting a tarot reader in person. Oneofthe most popular types of psychic love reading is a lovetarotreading, which focuses on questions of the heart.
Past Life Reading 1.0
Do you ever wonder who you are? Do youeveragonize over situations that you seem to have no control? Apastlife reading will help you discover how the past holds the keytounlocking your future, heal problems in your presentliferelationships that began in a past life, obtain agreaterunderstanding of who you are and why you’re here.A past life reading is greatly differs than past liferegressionin that during the past life reading, you’re not in alethargic,confused state of hypnosis.I take a different approach, Iuse mypowers to give you an Uplifting , Powerful and Surreal PastLifeReading.
Twin Flame Psychic 1.0
Finding your soul mate is a matter of fate,anda Soul mate Reading can and will direct your paths togetheragain.Over time it seems that the connection is lost, or faded inrelationto how the other feels about you.This does not mean that there is no hope. The answers toyourtroubling questions can be found in The Soul Mate Reading.Don’tlet the worries of your relationship dictate its fate. We aretiedtogether in this universe and what we do will always impact theoneyou love and who loves you.
Genuine Psychic Tarot 1.0
Because they are so versatile, tarotcardreadings are appropriate for nearly any situation, and aphonetarot reading can be just as powerful as visiting a tarotreader inperson. One of the most popular types of psychic lovereading is alove tarot reading, which focuses on questions of theheart.You’ll be amazed at the answers Master Psychic Gia gives andtheintriguing possibilities the cards reveal!
The Original Love Psychic 1.0
My psychic love reading will tell you ifyourlover is true and if the person you love is your soulmate.Mostimportantly, the psychic love reading will guide you to thebestway to win and keep his/her love permanantly and if he/she istheone for you.As a Love Psychic, I will reveal to you your lover’sobjectiveand provide you with vital information and directionregarding`your unique relationship. A Psychic Relationship Readingwillidentify and expose the Truth including Times, Dates, NamesandLocations
Psychic Dream Interpretation 1.0
The Basis of a Fruitful Dream Interpretationis First and Foremost a Record of your Dreams. If you areinterested in Exploring the Meanings of your Dreams.Sometimes you may even awaken from a vivid dream in the middleof the night at which point you should try to turn on the light andquickly write it down, before it fades away.Once you have a record of dreams that you are interested inanalyzing, As a Certified Master Psychic I will look at thesymbols, connections and patterns to uncover hidden dream meanings.A Psychic Dream interpretation Reading will also connect patternsin your dreams to events, emotions and issues in your wakinglife.
Rune Stone Reading 1.0
Rune stones, (sometimes cards), are usedastools of divination – a way to predict one’s future. RuneStonescome in a set of 24 ancient alphabetic symbols, each with auniquename, meaning and sound. Each stone, has both a letteridentity andspiritual designation.I have honed my skills and Abilities in Rune Stone ReadingandUse them as a Useful Tool to Give Genuine Psychic DirectionandAccurate In-Depth Details To your Issues.These symbolic stones, Runes, are Ideally cast on anEast-Westaxis or facing the sun. A white cloth is laid down andused todetermine the direction of the casting. From here the focusshouldlie with the pressing question.
Your Pocket Psychic 1.0
I’m a Natural Born Psychic… my Abilitiesbecameapparent early in childhood. I developed my gifts and becameaMaster Certified Psychic Clairvoyant and Medium. Since then,I’vedone Thousands of Psychic Readings during my 20+ yearsofProfessional Experience.A Comprehensive Study recently revealed that my PsychicReadingshave a 98.5 percent Accuracy rating. I’m telling you allthis soyou will feel Comfortable and Confident when you call me foryourLive Psychic Reading.An Accurate Psychic Reading will give you the Answersyou’relooking for… Whether your Concern is Love, Career, Money,Family,or your Health. My Predictions for your Future are BasedonVibration Energies that I pick up from your Voice. I alsouseClairvoyance, Empathy, Tarot, and Channeling.
$10 Psychic Reading 1.0
The $10 Psychic Reading is for firsttimecallers only. It allows you to see first hand the abilities ofaCertified Master Psychic. This $10 Psychic ReadingAccuratelyanswers three questions and provides detailed insightthat coversall facets of life, Including love, money, marriage,career, andsoul mates.I will give you in-depth information, which will give youadefinite understanding of things to come in the future. My workisspecifically designed to assist one move toward theirhigherpotential in all areas of their life with Clarity and Balancein aSafe and Grounded way.
Ask a Psychic 2.0
I will give you in-depth information,whichwill give you a definite understanding of things to come inthefuture. My work is specifically designed to assist one movetowardtheir higher potential in all areas of their life withClarity andBalance in a Safe and Grounded way.I accomplish this in the Psychic Reading by speaking toyourSpirit, Validating and Connecting with where you areEnergeticallyand Assist you to align your reality with yourInnermost Truth andSelf Expression.After receiving the $10 Psychic Reading, You will be Amazedatthe Accuracy of a True Master Psychic that works with you, andonlyyou to Reveal Hidden Issues and Guide you to the PathofEnlightenment.Call now to Experience the $10 Psychic Reading, I unveilIssuesand Burdens, and Guide with the Truth.
Psychic Angel Reading 1.0
Have you ever wondered what it would be liketotalk to your own Guardian Angel? A Session with your AngeloftenProvides a Strong Sense of Comfort, Support or Understandingintimes of Distress, Apprehension, or Confusion. And I willRevealDeeper Insights into what is currently happening for you orforothers.People Love to Ask Specific Questions about whatever is ontheirminds, such as Romantic Relationships, Career,SpiritualDevelopment, Life Purpose or Life Theme, Health, PastLives,well-being of Friends and Family, Loss of Loved Ones. You canfindout what is happening for a Deceased Loved One.