MyMobileGear.Com Apps

GamePro - Android Trial 2.06.00
Bluetooth® GamePad manager. Process GamePadinput wirelessly using your compatible SPP GamePad. Now compatiblefor use with many NES Emulators.Supported GamePads: MSI BGP100 GamePad, Zeemote JS1 Controller,iControlPad.Try it first... Register at to purchase& unlock GamePro.
BlueTxT - Text Printer 1.02.00
Hard-copy Receipts & More!Bluetooth (*.txt) printing utility providing wireless printingon the go or in the office right at your fingertips! Compatiblewith most small format ESC/P portable Bluetooth thermalprinters.AD-FREE version! No recurring monthly service fee!BlueTxT prints TexT (*.txt) on most mobile/portable Bluetooththermal printers on the market today. Creating professionalbusiness related documents including Delivery, Invoice, SalesReceipts, and more using BlueTxT easy document formatting features.Copy, Paste, Open, and Save (txt) documents.Supports most Bluetooth SPP compatible ESC/P mobile thermalprinters. Works with many HP-PCL Compatible printer that supportsBluetooth SPP Profile.FEATURES:- Supports Android OS 2.1 and higher- Compatible with most ESC/P printers- Compatible with some HP-PCL printers- Notepad like text editor for creating (txt) documents- Multi-line Header & Footer- Body-Text separators- Body-Text justifications- Line item total- Home Office email notification (copy in body)- (csv) items Import & Export (Description & Price)- (txt) file Open & Save for saving document &receipts- Audible & Visual notifications.DETAILS:- [Header & Footer] adds your company information to the topand bottom of hard-copy documents. Header & Footers aremulti-line and can include blank lines between lines with text.- [Body Separators] create lines below header and above footerwith body-text in the middle. Recommended characters are (Asterisk,Dash, Equals, and period) but you can use any printable characterthat makes your receipts nice looking.- [Text justifications] format your document body-text. Tocreate a receipt with products on the Left and price on the Right,set [Body Text Alignment] to [Split using @ sign]. Then enter yourtext as [product@price] in BlueTxT editor.- [Line item total] when printing receipts and you need a total ateach line item (QTY * Price). Enter the quantity when prompted. Ifyou are not using pricing, leave the quantity empty whenprompted.- [Home Office Notification] notify your home office with emailconformation. A GMail account on the device is required when usingthis feature. Notification email will contain an exact copy of thehard-copy printout in the email-body.- [Import & Export] import items (Description,Price) orimport phrases (Phrase,) into BlueTxT database. Your CSV file mustbe in the format of [text-comma-text] for each line.- [Open & Save] documents created with BlueTxT editor. BlueTxTis compatible with (*.txt) files therefore will only open or savefiles when the name-extension is (txt).PRINTERS:- Compatible with ESC/P can be found from manufactures such as:*Epson, *Seiko, *Fujitsu, *Citizen, *Custom Engineering, *Sewoo,*Zebra, *O'Neil, *WooSim, *Blue Bamboo, and more.DEVELOPERS:- BlueTxT's built-in Action-Intent-Service can add printing to yourapplications with just a few lines of code. For details contact usat: www.mymobilegear.comNOTICE:- Bluetooth is a function of your phone and the Android OS. If yourphone does support the Bluetooth SPP profile, BlueTxT will not workcorrectly.TIPS:- ESC/P printers should use the [Default Port] Bluetoothport.- HP-PCL printers should use [Port 1] if default port does notwork.- Configure [Page Layout] before printing.- Set [Characters per line] to the maximum number of printablecharacters for your printer. For example [80] characters for fullsize HP-PCL printer.
MagicScripts - JavaScript Prin 1.0.1
JavaScript HTML Printing & More!Bluetooth JavaScript printing utility providing wireless dataprinter on the go or in the office right at your fingertips!Compatible with most portable Bluetooth (SPP) printers.AD-FREE version! No recurring monthly service fee!MagicScripts host your JavaScript embedded HTML webApps andbridge the gap between your webApp and compatible Bluetooth mobileprinters connected to your Android device.FEATURES:- Requires Android OS 2.1 and Higher- JavaScript compatible- Standard Text printing- Formatted Text printing- Graphics Printing- Magnetic Stripe Card reading- Bluetooth (SPP) compatible- Connection notificationsDEVELOPERS:- MagicScripts's built-in JavaScripts API can add Bluetooth dataprinting to your web applications with just a few lines of code.For details contact us at: www.mymobilegear.comNOTICE:- Bluetooth is a function of your phone and the Android OS. If yourphone does support the Bluetooth SPP profile, MagicScripts will notwork correctly.TIPS:- Most Bluetooth SPP device should use the [Default Port] Bluetoothport.- If problem connecting on default port, try to use [Port 1, Port5] if default port does not work.- Download MagicScripts SDK at:
MagicWedge - Data Capture 1.08
Keyboard Wedge & More!Bluetooth data receiver utility providing wireless datareception on the go or in the office right at your fingertips!Compatible with most portable Bluetooth (SPP) scanners andperipherals.AD-FREE version! No recurring monthly service fee!MagicWedge receives data from most mobile/portable Bluetooth(SPP) peripherals such as scanners, scales, GPS transmitters, etc.and post the received data into any foreground application runningon your Android device.FEATURES:- Requires Android OS 2.1 and Higher- Extra initialization commands.- Extra post commands.- Parse data option.- Append commands (LF, Enter, Tab, Tab+Enter)- Bluetooth data KeyboardWedge.- Bluetooth data posting service.- Connection notifications.DETAILS:- [Extra initialization] some device might need additional commandswhen first connected. You can set these commands using the format[xx xx xx] where (xx) is a hexadecimal command value.- [Extra post] some device might need additional commands whencommunicating with MagicWedge. You can set these commands using theformat [xx xx xx] where (xx) is a hexadecimal command value. Somedevice requires the ACK command [06] to be sent to acknowledge datareceived.- [Parse Data] when extra data is sent before and after the datayou need, you can use the parse feature to remove the extra data.For example: [ABC123456789ABC], the extra data [ABC] can be removedusing the command (L3R3). The returned data will be[123456789].DEVELOPERS:- MagicWedge's built-in Action-Intent-Service can add Bluetoothdata reception to your applications with just a few lines of code.For details contact us at: www.mymobilegear.comNOTICE:- Bluetooth is a function of your phone and the Android OS. If yourphone does support the Bluetooth SPP profile, MagicWedge will notwork correctly.TIPS:- Most Bluetooth SPP device should use the [Default Port] Bluetoothport.- If problem connecting on default port, try to use [Port 1, Port5] if default port does not work.- Configure [Parse Data] if receiving extra data.- Configure [Device configurable commands] if not receivingdata.
KeyPro - Android Trial 2.10.00
Bluetooth® keyboard manager. Process textinputwirelessly using your compatible QWERTY & QWERTZ SPPkeyboards.Supported keyboards: ThinkOutside Shasta, Freedom Pro,FreedomUniversal (I & II), BK600 SmartKeyboard, i.TechVirtualKeyboard.Try it first... Register at topurchase& unlock KeyPro.