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Beladiri Pagar Nusa 1.0
Dilingkungan Pesantren NU,terdapat banyak aliran silat baik aliransilat jawa timur,jawa barat,jawa tengah,Banten,silat betawi,silekminang,silat Mandar,Silat Mataram,dan lain lain,oleh karena itulahuntuk menyatukan semua aliran silat tersebut di bentuklah pagarnusa.sebagai wadah perkumpulan pencak silat yang masih dalamnaungan NU.Wadah ini tetap membuka keragaman dan memberi keluasaanpada tiap-tiap perguruan untuk mengembangkan diri.artinya walaupunada perbedaan namun tetap satu saudara. SEMOGA BERMANFAAT.
Collection Of Korean Recipes 1.0
This book contains a collection ofrecipesinteresting and delicious than Korean food . This book isvery easyto understand and can be done by everyone .Thank youMay be usefulThis book containsacollection of recipes interesting and delicious than Koreanfood.This book is very easy to understand and can be done byeveryone.Thank youMay be useful
Panduan Ilmu Telepati 1.0
Buku ini berisikan buka panduan tentangilmutelepati serta teknik dalam mempelajarinya, ilmu inisendirimerupakan suatu ilmu yang ada pada diri manusia sendiri yangtelahada sejak lahir.SEMOGA BERMANFAAT DAN INGAT SEMUA ILMU KEBAIKAN DATANGNYADARIALLAH SEMATA.This bookcontainsguidance on the open telepathy science and engineering forthestudy, science itself is a science that is the man himself whohasbeen there since birth.MAY USEFUL AND REMEMBER ALL THE GOODNESS OF SCIENCE COME FROMGODONLY.
Kumpulan Kisah-kisah Abu Nawas 1.0
Buku ini berisikan kumpulan kisah lucusangpujangga arab Abu Nawas yang merupakan seorang tokohyangterkenalakan akan kecerdikannya serta kepintarannya, AbuNawassendiri adalah seorang guru yang baik unruk di tiru danmenjaditauladan bagi murid-muridnya.SEMOGA BERMANFAAT.This book containsacollection of funny stories Arab poet Abu Nawas, who is afigurethat will terkenalakan ingenuity and intelligence, Abu Nawasitselfis a good teacher unruk in duplicate and a role model forhisstudents.MAY BE USEFUL.
Alfiyah Ibnu Malik Praktis 1.0
Kitab Alfiyah Ibnu Malik merupakan sebuahkitabyang menerangkan tentang ilmu nahwu dalam bahasa arab,kitabtersebut disajikan dalam bentuk nadzom yang terdiri darikuranglebih 1000 nadzom atau bait.SEMOGA BERMANFAATBook Alfiya is a bookthatexplains the science nahwu in Arabic, the book is presented intheform nadzom consisting of approximately 1,000 nadzom or temple.MAY BE USEFUL
Psikotes Tips & Contoh Soal 1.0
Buku ini berisi panduan tips-tips caralulusdalam psikotes dengan mudah dan mudah dimengerti sertadibekalicontoh-contoh yang biasa ada pada psikotes.SEMOGA BERMANFAAT.This book contains aguidetips how to pass the psychological test simple and easytounderstand and equipped with the usual examples exist inthepsychological test.MAY BE USEFUL.
Al Barzanji Lengkap 1.0
Al Barzanji merupakan sebuah kitabyangdidalamnya terdapat cerita atau kisah dari Nabi MuhammadSAW,kisah-kisah tersebuat biasa dibacakan dengan lantunan ataunadatertentu seperti sebuah syair.Dalam buku ini menyediaan hal-hal yang berkaitan dengankitabtersebut disertai terjemah dalam bahasa indonesia.SEMOGA BERMANFAAT.Al Barzanji is a bookinwhich there are stories or stories of the Prophet, storiesofordinary tersebuat recited with a rebound or a certain tone likeapoem.In this book menyediaan matters relating to the book accompaniedbya translation in Indonesian.MAY BE USEFUL.
Sholawat Nabi Habib Syech New 1.0
Buku ini berisi kumpulan sholawat nabi yangsering dilantunkan oleh habib syech bin abdul qodir assegaf untuknabi Muhammad SAW, dan sangat populer dikalangannya.SEMOGA BERMANFAATThis book contains acollection of sholawat prophet who often chanted by Habib bin AbdulQadir Assegaf syech to the prophet Muhammad, and is very populardikalangannya.MAY BE USEFUL
Kumpulan Khutbah & Kultum 1.0
buku ini memuat konten berupa berbagai macam judul tentang khutbahmeliputi 1. khutbah jum'at 2. khutbah 'idul fitri 3. khutbah 'iduladha serta judul-judul yang dapat dijadikan kultum dalam acaramajlis. semoga bermanfaat.
Kajian Ulumul Qur'an 1.0
buku ini memberikan ulasan tentangkajianulumul qur'an atau ilmu-ilmu Alqur'an yang dijelaskansecaralengkap dan mudah dimengerti.SEMOGA BERMANFAAT.This book providesreviewsof studies Ulumul Qur'an or sciences of the Qur'an fullydescribedand easy to understand.MAY BE USEFUL.
Kajian Fiqih Wanita Sholehah 1.0
Buku ini memuat konten berisikanmateri-materiatu kajian ilmu fiqih untuk wanita baik itu tentangdarah maupuntata cara beribadah serta larangan-larangan yang tidakbolehdilakukan seorang wanita muslim yang sholehah menurut mashabimamsyafi'i.SEMOGA BERMANFAAT.This book containscontentcontains material or in the study of the science ofjurisprudencefor women both on blood and ordinances of worship andprohibitionsthat should not be done by Muslim women mashabsholehah according toImam Shafi'i.MAY BE USEFUL.
Dzikrul Ghofilin Lengkap 1.0
Kitab Dzikrul Ghofilin adalah rangkaianwiridyang intinya membaca surat Al-Fatihah seratus kali, tawassulbilauliya wash sholihin, Ayatul Kursiy,Asmaul Husna,istighfar,sholawat, dan tahlil, yang disusun oleh tiga serangkai:Gus Miek,KH. Hamid Pasuruan, dan KH. Ahmad Shiddiq Jember. Seluruhwiridyang terangkai dalam Dzikrul Ghofilin, komposisi dancarapengamalannya berlandaskan dalil-dalil yang resmi dan shohihdariAl-Quran, sunnah dan ajaran-ajaran para masyayikh yangbersambungsanadnya sampai Rosulullah saw.SEMOGA BERMANFAATBook Dzikrul Ghofilin isacircuit that essentially wird Al-Fatiha read a hundredtimes,tawassul bil wash Sholihin Auliya, Ayatul Kursiy, AsmaulHusna,seek forgiveness, sholawat, and tahlil, compiled by thetriad: GusMiek, KH. Hamid Pasuruan, and KH. Ahmad Siddiq Jember.The wholewirid strung in Dzikrul Ghofilin, composition and how itspracticebased on the arguments and shohih official of Al-Quran,Sunnah andteachings of the masyayikh which continued until MuhammadPBUHsanadnya.MAY BE USEFUL
Ilmu Fiqih & Adab Suami Istri 1.0
Buku ini berisi konten tentang adabsertatatacara dalam membangun rumah tangga menurut syariat islamyangbaik dan benar menurut ajaran sunnah.SEMOGA BERMANFAAT.This book containscontentabout etiquette and procedure in establishing a householdaccordingto Islamic law is good and right according to theteachings of theSunnah.MAY BE USEFUL.
Kajian Akhlak Washoya 1.0
buku ini berisikan konten tentangtentangkajian ilmu akhlak yang bersumberkan dari salah satu kitabakhlakyaitu Washoya.SEMOGA BERMANFAAT.This book containscontentabout about morals bersumberkan science study of one bookof moralsis Washoya.MAY BE USEFUL.
Kajian Ilmu Akhlak Islam 1.0
Menengok serta memperhatikan parapelajar(santri), sebenarnya mereka telah bersungguh-sungguh dalammencariilmu, tapi banyak dari mereka tidak mendapat manfaat dariilmunya,yakni berupa pengalaman dari ilmu tersebut danmenyebarkannya. Halitu terjadi karena cara mereka menuntut ilmusalah, dansyarat-syaratnya mereka tinggalkan. karena, barangsiapasalahjalan, tentu tersesat tidak dapat mencapai tujuan. Oleh karenaitusaya ingin menjelaskan kepada santri cara mencari ilmu,menurutkitab-kitab yang saya baca dan menurut nasihat para gurusaya yangahli ilmu dan hikmah. Dengan harapan semoga orang-orangyang tulusikhlas mendo’akan saya sehingga saya mendapatkankeuntungan dankeselamatan di akherat. Begitu do’a saya dalamistikharah ketikaakan menulis kitab ini.Buku ini memberikan wawasan serta kajian cara menuntut limuyangbenar atau budi pekerti yang baik.SEMOGA BERMANFAATLooking backandconsidering the students (students), in fact they have beenworkingvery hard in search of knowledge, but many of them do notbenefitfrom his knowledge, in the form of the knowledge andexperience ofthe pass. It happens because of the way they arestudying wrong,and the terms they left behind. because, whoever thewrong way,certainly lost can not achieve the goal. Therefore I wanttoexplain to students how to seek knowledge, according to the booksIread and the advice of my teachers expert knowledge andwisdom.With the hope that people who are sincere pray for me sothat Ibenefit and salvation in the hereafter. So my prayer inistikharahwhen going to write this book.This book provides insights and assessments by demanding limuisright or good manners.MAY BE USEFUL
New Black Desert Mobile Tricks 1.0
Black Desert Mobile Beginner’s Guide: Tips, Cheats &Strategiesto Level Up and Increase Your Combat Power Fast PearlAbyss is aKorean game development company that was established in2010. Fromthen on, they began working on the very well receivedMMORPG BlackDesert Online. Launched on PC in December 2014, thegame’spopularity has then since paved a way for it to be brought togameconsoles and mobile platforms. Pearl Abyss has only been activeinthe mobile gaming industry since 2018 and while the first fewgamesthey released where not published outside of Korea, thecompany hasmanaged to amass over 4 million downloads from all ofits apps.With Black Desert Mobile being the first of its mobilegames to bereleased worldwide, it’s a huge accomplishment for thegame to makeit past earning a million downloads from the GooglePlay Storealone just days after its official launch. Black DesertMobiletakes you to a fantasy world where mythical black stoneshavebecome the land’s source of power yet caused the downfallofprevious civilizations. Accompanied by a mysterious blackspirit,you journey into Valencia, the Black Desert, to discoverthemysteries and secrets that lie within and around it. Thejourneywill be long and full of challenges, riddled with battlesnearlyevery step of the way. There will be treasures to discoverand earnon top of the experiences you gain to make you stronger.Theadventure you set on will not be traversed entirely on your own,asyou will earn allies and pets to accompany you along the way.It’snot all about fighting and getting stronger in Black DesertMobileas you own and grow your own camp as well as engage in avariety oflike fishing and farming to earn you some of theresources you willneed. If you are looking for an MMORPG on mobilewith depth andenormous content on top of visually stunninggraphics, then rallyup your gaming friends and step into the worldof Black DesertMobile. Black Desert Mobile may seem overwhelming atfirst glancegiven the amount of content it has in tandem with theoverallquality of its package. For the most part, though, you areguidedevery step of the way by tutorials as well as instructionsthatcome with every new feature you unlock. Auto pathing and popupnotifications likewise makes the game much simpler, especiallyforplayers totally new to mobile MMORPGs. The idea is to take thetimeto go through each tutorial and never skip any of it. In anycase,there are “?” icons at the upper right side of most windows soifyou missed some details about how to go about things you canalwaysfind information there. This is a game that is easy to learnandalthough there is definitely a lot to learn, diving into ittakingthings one at a time is the way to go. If you found yourselfstuckin a particular quest or simply looking for more efficientways tolevel up your character and increase your combat power (CP),thencheck out our Black Desert Mobile beginner’s guide. Ourdetailedlist of Black Desert Mobile tips, cheats and strategieswillcertainly help you to jumpstart your adventure!