Monument Apps

Disneyland 1.0
Monuments are the pride of the country theybelong to. This Disneyland app will provide you all the detailsabout the famous monument. The Disneyland is situated in Anaheim,California and is an entertainment resort. The resort was developedby Walt Disney in the 1950s. During the expansion, the property wasnamed the Disneyland Resort to encompass the entire complex, whilethe original theme park was named Disneyland Park. Disneyland isthe best epitome of fun and frolic for both the young and theadult.The Disneyland app will provide you a vivid detailed storylinealong with highlighting the key features of the monument. TheDisneyland app also consists of maps that will help you locate themonument. It also comprises of a number of images of Disneylandtaken from various angles by some photographers. This mobile appwill act as a guide to you consisting videos explaining thecreativity and the essence of the place.The Disneyland app also provides information on the visitinghours and the entry fee that is charged from all tourists who comefrom all around the world to see one of the wonders of theworld.The features of the app include;1. The app will let you locate the monument easily.2. It contains videos explaining the monument.3. The app explains the history and the story behind theplace.4. One can also know the entry and exit times of the historicalplace along with the entry fee.Disclaimer:The app is designed to let you enjoy your visit to variousmonuments around the world while giving you all the informationthat you might need. If you have any issues with the app, or haveany suggestions drop me a mail at [email protected]
Shwedagon Pagoda 1.0
Monuments are the pride of the country theybelong to. This Shwedagon Pagoda app will provide you all thedetails about the famous monument. The Shwedagon Pagoda is situatedin Yangon, Burma and the pagoda lies to the west of Kandawgyi Lake,on Singuttara Hill, thus dominating the skyline of the city. It isthe most sacred Buddhist pagoda for the Burmese with relics of thepast four Buddhas enshrined within: the staff of Kakusandha, thewater filter of Koṇāgamana, a piece of the robe of Kassapa andeight strands of hair from Gautama, the historical BuddhaThe Shwedagon Pagoda app will provide you a vivid detailedstoryline along with highlighting the key features of the monument.The Shwedagon Pagoda app also consists of maps that will help youlocate the monument. It also comprises of a number of images ofShwedagon Pagoda taken from various angles by some photographers.This mobile app will act as a guide to you consisting videosexplaining the creativity and the essence of the place.The Shwedagon Pagoda app also provides information on thevisiting hours and the entry fee that is charged from all touristswho come from all around the world to see one of the wonders of theworld.The features of the app include;1. The app will let you locate the monument easily.2. It contains videos explaining the monument.3. The app explains the history and the story behind theplace.4. One can also know the entry and exit times of the historicalplace along with the entry fee.Disclaimer:The app is designed to let you enjoy your visit to variousmonuments around the world while giving you all the informationthat you might need. If you have any issues with the app, or haveany suggestions drop me a mail at [email protected]
Niagara Falls 1.0
Monuments are the pride of the country theybelong to. This Niagara Falls app will provide you all the detailsabout the famous monument. The Niagara Falls is situated inOntario, Canada and the Canadian side and the American side areseparated by Goat Island. Niagara Falls were formed when glaciersreceded at the end of the Wisconsin glaciation and water from thenewly formed Great Lakes carved a path through the NiagaraEscarpment en route to the Atlantic Ocean. They are a treat towatch and be around.The Niagara Falls app will provide you a vivid detailedstoryline along with highlighting the key features of the monument.The Niagara Falls app also consists of maps that will help youlocate the monument. It also comprises of a number of images ofNiagara Falls taken from various angles by some photographers. Thismobile app will act as a guide to you consisting videos explainingthe creativity and the essence of the place.The Niagara Falls app also provides information on the visitinghours and the entry fee that is charged from all tourists who comefrom all around the world to see one of the wonders of theworld.The features of the app include;1. The app will let you locate the monument easily.2. It contains videos explaining the monument.3. The app explains the history and the story behind theplace.4. One can also know the entry and exit times of the historicalplace along with the entry fee.Disclaimer:The app is designed to let you enjoy your visit to variousmonuments around the world while giving you all the informationthat you might need. If you have any issues with the app, or haveany suggestions drop me a mail at [email protected]
Hagia Sophia 1.0
Monuments are the pride of the countrytheybelong to. This Hagia Sophia app will provide you all thedetailsabout the famous monument. The Hagia Sophia is situatedinIstanbul, Turkey and contains a large collection of holy relicsandfeatured, among other things, a 15-metre (49 ft)silvericonostasis.The Hagia Sophia served as inspiration for manyotherOttoman mosques, such as the Blue Mosque. Hagia Sophia is thebestepitome of beauty that one can know.The Hagia Sophia app will provide you a vivid detailedstorylinealong with highlighting the key features of the monument.The HagiaSophia app also consists of maps that will help you locatethemonument. It also comprises of a number of images of HagiaSophiataken from various angles by some photographers. This mobileappwill act as a guide to you consisting videos explainingthecreativity and the essence of the place.The Hagia Sophia app also provides information on thevisitinghours and the entry fee that is charged from all touristswho comefrom all around the world to see one of the wonders oftheworld.The features of the app include;1. The app will let you locate the monument easily.2. It contains videos explaining the monument.3. The app explains the history and the story behindtheplace.4. One can also know the entry and exit times of thehistoricalplace along with the entry fee.Disclaimer:The app is designed to let you enjoy your visit to variousmonumentsaround the world while giving you all the informationthat you mightneed. If you have any issues with the app, or haveany suggestionsdrop me a mail at [email protected]
The Great Sphinx of Egypt 1.0
Monuments are the pride of the countrytheybelong to. This The Great Sphinx of Egypt app will provide youallthe details about the famous monument. The The Great SphinxofEgypt is situated in Giza, Egypt and is limestone statue ofareclining or couchant sphinx that stands on the Giza Plateau onthewest bank of the Nile. It is the largest monolith statue intheworld, standing 73.5 metres long, 19.3 metres wide, and 20.22mhigh. It is commonly believed to have been built byancientEgyptians of the Old Kingdom during the reign of thePharaohKhafra.The The Great Sphinx of Egypt app will provide you avividdetailed storyline along with highlighting the key features ofthemonument. The The Great Sphinx of Egypt app also consists ofmapsthat will help you locate the monument. It also comprises ofanumber of images of The Great Sphinx of Egypt taken fromvariousangles by some photographers. This mobile app will act as aguideto you consisting videos explaining the creativity and theessenceof the place.The The Great Sphinx of Egypt app also provides informationonthe visiting hours and the entry fee that is charged fromalltourists who come from all around the world to see one ofthewonders of the world.The features of the app include;1. The app will let you locate the monument easily.2. It contains videos explaining the monument.3. The app explains the history and the story behindtheplace.4. One can also know the entry and exit times of thehistoricalplace along with the entry fee.Disclaimer:The app is designed to let you enjoy your visit to variousmonumentsaround the world while giving you all the informationthat you mightneed. If you have any issues with the app, or haveany suggestionsdrop me a mail at [email protected]
Colosseum 1.0
Monuments are the pride of the countrytheybelong to. This Colosseum app will provide you all thedetailsabout the famous monument. The Colosseum is situated inRome, Italyand is is an elliptical amphitheatre in the centre ofthe city. Itis the largest amphitheatre in the world. The Colosseumcould hold,it is estimated, between 50,000 and 80,000 spectatorsand was usedfor gladiatorial contests and public spectacles.The Colosseum app will provide you a vivid detailedstorylinealong with highlighting the key features of the monument.TheColosseum app also consists of maps that will help you locatethemonument. It also comprises of a number of images ofColosseumtaken from various angles by some photographers. Thismobile appwill act as a guide to you consisting videos explainingthecreativity and the essence of the place.The Colosseum app also provides information on the visitinghoursand the entry fee that is charged from all tourists who comefromall around the world to see one of the wonders of theworld.The features of the app include;1. The app will let you locate the monument easily.2. It contains videos explaining the monument.3. The app explains the history and the story behindtheplace.4. One can also know the entry and exit times of thehistoricalplace along with the entry fee.Disclaimer:The app is designed to let you enjoy your visit to variousmonumentsaround the world while giving you all the informationthat you mightneed. If you have any issues with the app, or haveany suggestionsdrop me a mail at [email protected]
Petra 1.0
Monuments are the pride of the countrytheybelong to. This Petra app will provide you all the detailsaboutthe famous monument. The Petra is situated in Jordan and isahistorical and archaeological city in the southernJordaniangovernorate of Ma'an that is famous for its rock-cutarchitectureand water conduit system.. Another name for Petra isthe Rose Citydue to the color of the stone out of which it iscarved. Petra isthe best epitome of beautiful monuments in theworld.The Petra app will provide you a vivid detailed storylinealongwith highlighting the key features of the monument. The Petraappalso consists of maps that will help you locate the monument.Italso comprises of a number of images of Petra taken fromvariousangles by some photographers. This mobile app will act as aguideto you consisting videos explaining the creativity and theessenceof the place.The Petra app also provides information on the visiting hoursandthe entry fee that is charged from all tourists who come fromallaround the world to see one of the wonders of the world.The features of the app include;1. The app will let you locate the monument easily.2. It contains videos explaining the monument.3. The app explains the history and the story behindtheplace.4. One can also know the entry and exit times of thehistoricalplace along with the entry fee.Disclaimer:The app is designed to let you enjoy your visit to variousmonumentsaround the world while giving you all the informationthat you mightneed. If you have any issues with the app, or haveany suggestionsdrop me a mail at [email protected]
Sydney Opera House 1.0
Monuments are the pride of the countrytheybelong to. This Sydney Opera House app will provide you allthedetails about the famous monument. The Sydney Opera Houseissituated in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia and is Identifiedasone of the 20th century's most distinctive buildings and one ofthemost famous performing arts centres in the world. As one ofthemost popular visitor attractions in Australia, more thansevenmillion people visit the site each year, with 300,000peopleparticipating annually in a guided tour of the facility.The Sydney Opera House app will provide you a vividdetailedstoryline along with highlighting the key features of themonument.The Sydney Opera House app also consists of maps that willhelp youlocate the monument. It also comprises of a number ofimages ofSydney Opera House taken from various angles by somephotographers.This mobile app will act as a guide to you consistingvideosexplaining the creativity and the essence of the place.The Sydney Opera House app also provides information onthevisiting hours and the entry fee that is charged from alltouristswho come from all around the world to see one of thewonders of theworld.The features of the app include;1. The app will let you locate the monument easily.2. It contains videos explaining the monument.3. The app explains the history and the story behindtheplace.4. One can also know the entry and exit times of thehistoricalplace along with the entry fee.Disclaimer:The app is designed to let you enjoy your visit to variousmonumentsaround the world while giving you all the informationthat you mightneed. If you have any issues with the app, or haveany suggestionsdrop me a mail at [email protected]
Leaning Tower of Pisa 1.0
Monuments are the pride of the countrytheybelong to. This Leaning Tower of Pisa app will provide you allthedetails about the famous monument. The Leaning Tower of Pisaissituated in the Italian city of Pisa and is the campanile,orfreestanding bell tower, of the cathedral of the Italian cityofPisa, known worldwide for its unintended tilt to one side. Thetiltincreased in the decades before the structure was completed,andgradually increased until the structure was stabilized (andthetilt partially corrected) by efforts in the late 20th andearly21st centuries.The Leaning Tower of Pisa app will provide you a vividdetailedstoryline along with highlighting the key features of themonument.The Leaning Tower of Pisa app also consists of maps thatwill helpyou locate the monument. It also comprises of a number ofimages ofLeaning Tower of Pisa taken from various angles bysomephotographers. This mobile app will act as a guide toyouconsisting videos explaining the creativity and the essence oftheplace.The Leaning Tower of Pisa app also provides information onthevisiting hours and the entry fee that is charged from alltouristswho come from all around the world to see one of thewonders of theworld.The features of the app include;1. The app will let you locate the monument easily.2. It contains videos explaining the monument.3. The app explains the history and the story behindtheplace.4. One can also know the entry and exit times of thehistoricalplace along with the entry fee.Disclaimer:The app is designed to let you enjoy your visit to variousmonumentsaround the world while giving you all the informationthat you mightneed. If you have any issues with the app, or haveany suggestionsdrop me a mail at [email protected]
Saint Basil’s Cathedral 1.0
Monuments are the pride of the countrytheybelong to. This Saint Basil’s Cathedral app will provide youallthe details about the famous monument. The Saint Basil’sCathedralis situated in Moscow, Russia and is now a museum, isofficiallyknown as the Cathedral of the Intercession of the BlessedVirgin onthe Moat . The church is often mislabelled as the Kremlinowing toits location on Red Square in immediate proximity of theKremlin.The Saint Basil’s Cathedral app will provide you a vividdetailedstoryline along with highlighting the key features of themonument.The Saint Basil’s Cathedral app also consists of mapsthat will helpyou locate the monument. It also comprises of anumber of images ofSaint Basil’s Cathedral taken from variousangles by somephotographers. This mobile app will act as a guideto you consistingvideos explaining the creativity and the essenceof the place.The Saint Basil’s Cathedral app also provides information onthevisiting hours and the entry fee that is charged from alltouristswho come from all around the world to see one of thewonders of theworld.The features of the app include;1. The app will let you locate the monument easily.2. It contains videos explaining the monument.3. The app explains the history and the story behindtheplace.4. One can also know the entry and exit times of thehistoricalplace along with the entry fee.Disclaimer:The app is designed to let you enjoy your visit to variousmonumentsaround the world while giving you all the informationthat you mightneed. If you have any issues with the app, or haveany suggestionsdrop me a mail at [email protected]
Pyramids of Egypt 1.0
Monuments are the pride of the countrytheybelong to. This Pyramids of Egypt app will provide you allthedetails about the famous monument. The Pyramids of Egyptissituated in Egypt and are generally considered to be theworld'soldest monumental structures constructed of dressed masonry.Theestimate of the number of workers to build the pyramids rangefroma few thousand, twenty thousand, and up to 100,000. It is theonlyone of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World still inexistence.The Pyramids of Egypt app will provide you a vividdetailedstoryline along with highlighting the key features of themonument.The Pyramids of Egypt app also consists of maps that willhelp youlocate the monument. It also comprises of a number ofimages ofPyramids of Egypt taken from various angles by somephotographers.This mobile app will act as a guide to you consistingvideosexplaining the creativity and the essence of the place.The Pyramids of Egypt app also provides information onthevisiting hours and the entry fee that is charged from alltouristswho come from all around the world to see one of thewonders of theworld.The features of the app include;1. The app will let you locate the monument easily.2. It contains videos explaining the monument.3. The app explains the history and the story behindtheplace.4. One can also know the entry and exit times of thehistoricalplace along with the entry fee.Disclaimer:The app is designed to let you enjoy your visit to variousmonumentsaround the world while giving you all the informationthat you mightneed. If you have any issues with the app, or haveany suggestionsdrop me a mail at [email protected]
India Gate 1.0
Monuments are the pride of the countrytheybelong to. This India Gate app will provide you all thedetailsabout the famous monument. The India Gate is situated in NewDelhi,India. It was originally called the All India War Memorial,is awar memorial located astride the Rajpath, on the eastern edgeofthe ceremonial axis.The names of some 70,000 Indian soldierswhodied in World War I, between 1914–19, are inscribed on thememorialarch. In addition, the war memorial bears the names of some12,516Indian soldiers who died while serving in the NorthwestFrontierand in the Third Afghan War.The India Gate warmemorialarchitectural style is talked about a lot.The India Gate app will provide you a vivid detailedstorylinealong with highlighting the key features of the monument.The IndiaGate app also consists of maps that will help you locatethemonument. It also comprises of a number of images of IndiaGatetaken from various angles by some photographers. This mobileappwill act as a guide to you consisting videos explainingthecreativity and the essence of the place.The India Gate app also provides information on thevisitinghours and the entry fee that is charged from all touristswho comefrom all around the world to see India Gate.The features of the app include;1. The app will let you locate the monument easily.2. It contains videos explaining the monument.3. The app explains the history and the story behindtheplace.4. One can also know the entry and exit times of thehistoricalplace along with the entry fee.Disclaimer:The app is designed to let you enjoy your visit to variousmonumentsaround the world while giving you all the informationthat you mightneed. If you have any issues with the app, or haveany suggestionsdrop me a mail at [email protected]
Giza Necropolis 1.0
Monuments are the pride of the countrytheybelong to. This Giza Necropolis app will provide you allthedetails about the famous monument. The Giza Necropolis issituatedin Cairo, Egypt and is an archaeological site on the GizaPlateauThis complex of ancient monuments includes the threepyramidcomplexes known as the Great Pyramids, the massive sculptureknownas the Great Sphinx. Giza Necropolis is the best epitomeofancestral monuments.The Giza Necropolis app will provide you a vividdetailedstoryline along with highlighting the key features of themonument.The Giza Necropolis app also consists of maps that willhelp youlocate the monument. It also comprises of a number ofimages ofGiza Necropolis taken from various angles by somephotographers.This mobile app will act as a guide to you consistingvideosexplaining the creativity and the essence of the place.The Giza Necropolis app also provides information on thevisitinghours and the entry fee that is charged from all touristswho comefrom all around the world to see one of the wonders oftheworld.The features of the app include;1. The app will let you locate the monument easily.2. It contains videos explaining the monument.3. The app explains the history and the story behindtheplace.4. One can also know the entry and exit times of thehistoricalplace along with the entry fee.Disclaimer:The app is designed to let you enjoy your visit to variousmonumentsaround the world while giving you all the informationthat you mightneed. If you have any issues with the app, or haveany suggestionsdrop me a mail at [email protected]
Pantheon 1.0
Monuments are the pride of the countrytheybelong to. This Pantheon app will provide you all the detailsaboutthe famous monument. The Pantheon is situated in Rome, Italyandthe building is circular with a portico of large graniteCorinthiancolumns . It is one of the best-preserved of all AncientRomanbuildings. It has been in continuous use throughout itshistory,and since the 7th century. Pantheon is the best epitomeofexcellent architectural skills and crafts.The Pantheon app will provide you a vivid detailedstorylinealong with highlighting the key features of the monument.ThePantheon app also consists of maps that will help you locatethemonument. It also comprises of a number of images of Pantheontakenfrom various angles by some photographers. This mobile appwill actas a guide to you consisting videos explaining thecreativity andthe essence of the place.The Pantheon app also provides information on the visitinghoursand the entry fee that is charged from all tourists who comefromall around the world to see one of the wonders of theworld.The features of the app include;1. The app will let you locate the monument easily.2. It contains videos explaining the monument.3. The app explains the history and the story behindtheplace.4. One can also know the entry and exit times of thehistoricalplace along with the entry fee.Disclaimer:The app is designed to let you enjoy your visit to variousmonumentsaround the world while giving you all the informationthat you mightneed. If you have any issues with the app, or haveany suggestionsdrop me a mail at [email protected]
Cristo Redentor 1.0
Monuments are the pride of the countrytheybelong to. This Cristo Redentor app will provide you allthedetails about the famous monument. The Cristo Redentor issituatedin Poland and is arms spread wide as if to embrace thewhole cityof Rio de Janeiro sprawling below in spectacular disorder— theCristo Redentor statue could be seen from all over town. TheChristfigure on top rises another 100 feet, its arms extendingnearly 92feet from fingertip to fingertip, with a weight of some700 tons.The Cristo Redentor app will provide you a vividdetailedstoryline along with highlighting the key features of themonument.The Cristo Redentor app also consists of maps that willhelp youlocate the monument. It also comprises of a number ofimages ofCristo Redentor taken from various angles by somephotographers.This mobile app will act as a guide to you consistingvideosexplaining the creativity and the essence of the place.The Cristo Redentor app also provides information on thevisitinghours and the entry fee that is charged from all touristswho comefrom all around the world to see one of the wonders oftheworld.The features of the app include;1. The app will let you locate the monument easily.2. It contains videos explaining the monument.3. The app explains the history and the story behindtheplace.4. One can also know the entry and exit times of thehistoricalplace along with the entry fee.Disclaimer:The app is designed to let you enjoy your visit to variousmonumentsaround the world while giving you all the informationthat you mightneed. If you have any issues with the app, or haveany suggestionsdrop me a mail at [email protected]
Petronas Towers 1.0
Monuments are the pride of the country theybelong to. This Petronas Towers app will provide you all thedetails about the famous monument. The Petronas Towers is situatedin Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and is the tallest buildings in the worldfrom 1998 to 2004. The buildings are a landmark of Kuala Lumpur,along with nearby Kuala Lumpur Tower. Petronas Towers are alsoreferred as twin skyscrapers.The Petronas Towers app will provide you a vivid detailedstoryline along with highlighting the key features of the monument.The Petronas Towers app also consists of maps that will help youlocate the monument. It also comprises of a number of images ofPetronas Towers taken from various angles by some photographers.This mobile app will act as a guide to you consisting videosexplaining the creativity and the essence of the place.The Petronas Towers app also provides information on thevisiting hours and the entry fee that is charged from all touristswho come from all around the world to see one of the wonders of theworld.The features of the app include;1. The app will let you locate the monument easily.2. It contains videos explaining the monument.3. The app explains the history and the story behind theplace.4. One can also know the entry and exit times of the historicalplace along with the entry fee.Disclaimer:The app is designed to let you enjoy your visit to variousmonuments around the world while giving you all the informationthat you might need. If you have any issues with the app, or haveany suggestions drop me a mail at [email protected]
Great Wall of China 1.0
Monuments are the pride of the countrytheybelong to. This Great Wall of China app will provide you allthedetails about the famous monument. The Great Wall of Chinaissituated in China and is built made of stone, brick, tampedearth,wood, and other materials. the defensive characteristics oftheGreat Wall were enhanced by the construction of watch towers,troopbarracks, garrison stations, signaling capabilities throughthemeans of smoke or fire, and the fact that the path of theGreatWall also served as a transportation corridor.The Great Wall of China app will provide you a vividdetailedstoryline along with highlighting the key features of themonument.The Great Wall of China app also consists of maps thatwill helpyou locate the monument. It also comprises of a number ofimages ofGreat Wall of China taken from various angles bysomephotographers. This mobile app will act as a guide toyouconsisting videos explaining the creativity and the essence oftheplace.The Great Wall of China app also provides information onthevisiting hours and the entry fee that is charged from alltouristswho come from all around the world to see one of thewonders of theworld.The features of the app include;1. The app will let you locate the monument easily.2. It contains videos explaining the monument.3. The app explains the history and the story behindtheplace.4. One can also know the entry and exit times of thehistoricalplace along with the entry fee.Disclaimer:The app is designed to let you enjoy your visit to variousmonumentsaround the world while giving you all the informationthat you mightneed. If you have any issues with the app, or haveany suggestionsdrop me a mail at [email protected]
Great Wall at Mutianyu 1.0
Monuments are the pride of the countrytheybelong to. This Great Wall at Mutianyu app will provide you allthedetails about the famous monument. The Great Wall at Mutianyu.TheMutianyu section of the Great Wall is connected with Jiankou inthewest and Lianhuachi in the east. Besides, this section ofGreatWall is surrounded by woodland and streams. Theforest-coveragerate is over 90 percent. Great Wall at Mutianyu isthe best epitomeof the above stated facts.The Great Wall at Mutianyu app will provide you a vividdetailedstoryline along with highlighting the key features of themonument.The Great Wall at Mutianyu app also consists of maps thatwill helpyou locate the monument. It also comprises of a number ofimages ofGreat Wall at Mutianyu taken from various angles bysomephotographers. This mobile app will act as a guide toyouconsisting videos explaining the creativity and the essence oftheplace.The Great Wall at Mutianyu app also provides information onthevisiting hours and the entry fee that is charged from alltouristswho come from all around the world to see one of thewonders of theworld.The features of the app include;1. The app will let you locate the monument easily.2. It contains videos explaining the monument.3. The app explains the history and the story behindtheplace.4. One can also know the entry and exit times of thehistoricalplace along with the entry fee.Disclaimer:The app is designed to let you enjoy your visit to variousmonumentsaround the world while giving you all the informationthat you mightneed. If you have any issues with the app, or haveany suggestionsdrop me a mail at [email protected]
Golden Gate Bridge 1.0
Monuments are the pride of the countrytheybelong to. This Golden Gate Bridge app will provide you allthedetails about the famous monument. The Golden Gate Bridgeissituated between San Francisco Bay and the Pacific Ocean and isasuspension bridge spanning the Golden Gate strait, themile-wide,three-mile-long channel. The Frommers travel guideconsiders theGolden Gate Bridge "possibly the most beautiful,certainly the mostphotographed, bridge in the world".The Golden Gate Bridge app will provide you a vividdetailedstoryline along with highlighting the key features of themonument.The Golden Gate Bridge app also consists of maps that willhelp youlocate the monument. It also comprises of a number ofimages ofGolden Gate Bridge taken from various angles by somephotographers.This mobile app will act as a guide to you consistingvideosexplaining the creativity and the essence of the place.The Golden Gate Bridge app also provides information onthevisiting hours and the entry fee that is charged from alltouristswho come from all around the world to see one of thewonders of theworld.The features of the app include;1. The app will let you locate the monument easily.2. It contains videos explaining the monument.3. The app explains the history and the story behindtheplace.4. One can also know the entry and exit times of thehistoricalplace along with the entry fee.Disclaimer:The app is designed to let you enjoy your visit to variousmonumentsaround the world while giving you all the informationthat you mightneed. If you have any issues with the app, or haveany suggestionsdrop me a mail at [email protected]
White House 1.0
Monuments are the pride of the countrytheybelong to. This The White House app will provide you allthedetails about the famous monument. The The White House issituatedin Washington, D.C. and is the official residence andprincipalworkplace of the President of the United States. It hasbeendivided into a number of wings owing to the overcrowding attimes.The White House is the best epitome of US administration.The The White House app will provide you a vividdetailedstoryline along with highlighting the key features of themonument.The The White House app also consists of maps that willhelp youlocate the monument. It also comprises of a number ofimages of TheWhite House taken from various angles by somephotographers. Thismobile app will act as a guide to you consistingvideos explainingthe creativity and the essence of the place.The The White House app also provides information on thevisitinghours and the entry fee that is charged from all touristswho comefrom all around the world to see one of the wonders oftheworld.The features of the app include;1. The app will let you locate the monument easily.2. It contains videos explaining the monument.3. The app explains the history and the story behindtheplace.4. One can also know the entry and exit times of thehistoricalplace along with the entry fee.Disclaimer:The app is designed to let you enjoy your visit to variousmonumentsaround the world while giving you all the informationthat you mightneed. If you have any issues with the app, or haveany suggestionsdrop me a mail at [email protected]
Statue of Zeus at Olympia 1.0
Monuments are the pride of the countrytheybelong to. This Statue of Zeus at Olympia app will provide youallthe details about the famous monument. The Statue of ZeusatOlympia is situated in Olympia, Greece A sculpture of ivoryplatesand gold panels over a wooden framework, it represented thegodZeus sitting on an elaborate cedarwood throne ornamentedwithebony, ivory, gold, and precious stones. Statue of Zeus atOlympiais the best epitome of the above stated facts.The Statue of Zeus at Olympia app will provide you avividdetailed storyline along with highlighting the key features ofthemonument. The Statue of Zeus at Olympia app also consists ofmapsthat will help you locate the monument. It also comprises ofanumber of images of Statue of Zeus at Olympia taken fromvariousangles by some photographers. This mobile app will act as aguideto you consisting videos explaining the creativity and theessenceof the place.The Statue of Zeus at Olympia app also provides informationonthe visiting hours and the entry fee that is charged fromalltourists who come from all around the world to see one ofthewonders of the world.The features of the app include;1. The app will let you locate the monument easily.2. It contains videos explaining the monument.3. The app explains the history and the story behindtheplace.4. One can also know the entry and exit times of thehistoricalplace along with the entry fee.Disclaimer:The app is designed to let you enjoy your visit to variousmonumentsaround the world while giving you all the informationthat you mightneed. If you have any issues with the app, or haveany suggestionsdrop me a mail at [email protected]
The Statue of Liberty 1.0
Monuments are the pride of the countrytheybelong to. This The Statue of Liberty app will provide you allthedetails about the famous monument. The The Statue of Libertyissituated in Manhattan, New York City and is colossalneoclassicalsculpture on Liberty Island. The statue is of a robedfemale figurerepresenting Libertas, the Roman goddess of freedom,who bears atorch. The Statue of Liberty is the best epitome Of theUSA.The The Statue of Liberty app will provide you a vividdetailedstoryline along with highlighting the key features of themonument.The The Statue of Liberty app also consists of maps thatwill helpyou locate the monument. It also comprises of a number ofimages ofThe Statue of Liberty taken from various angles bysomephotographers. This mobile app will act as a guide toyouconsisting videos explaining the creativity and the essence oftheplace.The The Statue of Liberty app also provides information onthevisiting hours and the entry fee that is charged from alltouristswho come from all around the world to see one of thewonders of theworld.The features of the app include;1. The app will let you locate the monument easily.2. It contains videos explaining the monument.3. The app explains the history and the story behindtheplace.4. One can also know the entry and exit times of thehistoricalplace along with the entry fee.Disclaimer:The app is designed to let you enjoy your visit to variousmonumentsaround the world while giving you all the informationthat you mightneed. If you have any issues with the app, or haveany suggestionsdrop me a mail at [email protected]
Hanging Gardens of Babylon 1.0
Monuments are the pride of the countrytheybelong to. This Hanging Gardens of Babylon app will provide youallthe details about the famous monument. The Hanging GardensofBabylon is situated in Iraq and one of the Seven Wonders oftheAncient World, and the only one whose location has notbeendefinitely established. Because of the lack of evidence it hasbeensuggested that the Hanging Gardens are purely legendary.HangingGardens of Babylon is the best epitome of beauty is like.The Hanging Gardens of Babylon app will provide you avividdetailed storyline along with highlighting the key features ofthemonument. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon app also consists ofmapsthat will help you locate the monument. It also comprises ofanumber of images of Hanging Gardens of Babylon taken fromvariousangles by some photographers. This mobile app will act as aguideto you consisting videos explaining the creativity and theessenceof the place.The Hanging Gardens of Babylon app also provides informationonthe visiting hours and the entry fee that is charged fromalltourists who come from all around the world to see one ofthewonders of the world.The features of the app include;1. The app will let you locate the monument easily.2. It contains videos explaining the monument.3. The app explains the history and the story behindtheplace.4. One can also know the entry and exit times of thehistoricalplace along with the entry fee.Disclaimer:The app is designed to let you enjoy your visit to variousmonumentsaround the world while giving you all the informationthat you mightneed. If you have any issues with the app, or haveany suggestionsdrop me a mail at [email protected]
Empire State Building 1.0
Monuments are the pride of the countrytheybelong to. This Empire State Building app will provide you allthedetails about the famous monument. The Empire State Buildingissituated in Manhattan, New York City and is a 103-storyskyscraper. It stood as the world's tallest building for nearly 40years,from its completion in early 1931 until the topping out oftheoriginal World Trade Center's North Tower in late 1970. TheEmpireState Building is generally thought of as an Americancultural iconand is a must visit.The Empire State Building app will provide you a vividdetailedstoryline along with highlighting the key features of themonument.The Empire State Building app also consists of maps thatwill helpyou locate the monument. It also comprises of a number ofimages ofEmpire State Building taken from various angles bysomephotographers. This mobile app will act as a guide toyouconsisting videos explaining the creativity and the essence oftheplace.The Empire State Building app also provides information onthevisiting hours and the entry fee that is charged from alltouristswho come from all around the world to see one of thewonders of theworld.The features of the app include;1. The app will let you locate the monument easily.2. It contains videos explaining the monument.3. The app explains the history and the story behindtheplace.4. One can also know the entry and exit times of thehistoricalplace along with the entry fee.Disclaimer:The app is designed to let you enjoy your visit to variousmonumentsaround the world while giving you all the informationthat you mightneed. If you have any issues with the app, or haveany suggestionsdrop me a mail at [email protected]
USS Arizona Memorial 1.0
Monuments are the pride of the countrytheybelong to. This USS Arizona Memorial app will provide you allthedetails about the famous monument. The USS Arizona Memorialissituated on the Pearl Harbour and the memorial, built in 1962,isvisited by more than one million people annually. Thesunkenremains of the battleship were declared a NationalHistoricLandmark on 5 May 1989. USS Arizona Memorial is the bestepitome ofgreatness.The USS Arizona Memorial app will provide you a vividdetailedstoryline along with highlighting the key features of themonument.The USS Arizona Memorial app also consists of maps thatwill helpyou locate the monument. It also comprises of a number ofimages ofUSS Arizona Memorial taken from various angles bysomephotographers. This mobile app will act as a guide toyouconsisting videos explaining the creativity and the essence oftheplace.The USS Arizona Memorial app also provides information onthevisiting hours and the entry fee that is charged from alltouristswho come from all around the world to see one of thewonders of theworld.The features of the app include;1. The app will let you locate the monument easily.2. It contains videos explaining the monument.3. The app explains the history and the story behindtheplace.4. One can also know the entry and exit times of thehistoricalplace along with the entry fee.Disclaimer:The app is designed to let you enjoy your visit to variousmonumentsaround the world while giving you all the informationthat you mightneed. If you have any issues with the app, or haveany suggestionsdrop me a mail at [email protected]
Christ the Redeemer 1.0
Monuments are the pride of the countrytheybelong to. This Christ the Redeemer app will provide you allthedetails about the famous monument. The Christ the Redeemerissituated in Rio de Janeiro and is a statue of Jesus Christ. Itis30 metres tall, not including its 8 metres pedestal, and itsarmsstretch 28 metres wide. A symbol of Brazilian Christianity,thestatue has become an icon for Rio de Janeiro and Brazil.The Christ the Redeemer app will provide you a vividdetailedstoryline along with highlighting the key features of themonument.The Christ the Redeemer app also consists of maps thatwill helpyou locate the monument. It also comprises of a number ofimages ofChrist the Redeemer taken from various angles bysomephotographers. This mobile app will act as a guide toyouconsisting videos explaining the creativity and the essence oftheplace.The Christ the Redeemer app also provides information onthevisiting hours and the entry fee that is charged from alltouristswho come from all around the world to see one of thewonders of theworld.The features of the app include;1. The app will let you locate the monument easily.2. It contains videos explaining the monument.3. The app explains the history and the story behindtheplace.4. One can also know the entry and exit times of thehistoricalplace along with the entry fee.Disclaimer:The app is designed to let you enjoy your visit to variousmonumentsaround the world while giving you all the informationthat you mightneed. If you have any issues with the app, or haveany suggestionsdrop me a mail at [email protected]
Sistine Chapel 1.0
Monuments are the pride of the countrytheybelong to. This Sistine Chapel app will provide you all thedetailsabout the famous monument. The Sistine Chapel is situatedinVatican City and is a large and renowned chapel of theApostolicPalace, the official residence of the Pope. Today it isalso thesite of the Papal conclave, the process by which a new Popeisselected.. The fame of Michelangelo's paintings hasdrawnmultitudes of visitors to the chapel and if you get a chanceyoushould also go admire the beauty of the place.The Sistine Chapel app will provide you a vividdetailedstoryline along with highlighting the key features of themonument.The Sistine Chapel app also consists of maps that willhelp youlocate the monument. It also comprises of a number ofimages ofSistine Chapel taken from various angles by somephotographers.This mobile app will act as a guide to you consistingvideosexplaining the creativity and the essence of the place.The Sistine Chapel app also provides information on thevisitinghours and the entry fee that is charged from all touristswho comefrom all around the world to see one of the wonders oftheworld.The features of the app include;1. The app will let you locate the monument easily.2. It contains videos explaining the monument.3. The app explains the history and the story behindtheplace.4. One can also know the entry and exit times of thehistoricalplace along with the entry fee.Disclaimer:The app is designed to let you enjoy your visit to variousmonumentsaround the world while giving you all the informationthat you mightneed. If you have any issues with the app, or haveany suggestionsdrop me a mail at [email protected]
Elephanta Caves 1.0
Monuments are the pride of the countrytheybelong to. This Elephanta caves app will provide you allthedetails about the famous monument. The Elephanta caves issituatedin Mumbai, India and is a network of sculpted caves locatedonElephanta Island, or Gharapuri. It consists of two groupsofcaves—the first is a large group of five Hindu caves, the second,asmaller group of two Buddhist caves. The rock cut architectureofthe caves has been dated to between the 5th and 8thcenturies,although the identity of the original builders is still asubjectof debate. It is a treat to watch these caves.The Elephanta caves app will provide you a vividdetailedstoryline along with highlighting the key features of themonument.The Elephanta caves app also consists of maps that willhelp youlocate the monument. It also comprises of a number ofimages ofElephanta caves taken from various angles by somephotographers.This mobile app will act as a guide to you consistingvideosexplaining the creativity and the essence of the place.The Elephanta caves app also provides information on thevisitinghours and the entry fee that is charged from all touristswho comefrom all around the world to see Elephanta caves.The features of the app include;1. The app will let you locate the monument easily.2. It contains videos explaining the monument.3. The app explains the history and the story behindtheplace.4. One can also know the entry and exit times of thehistoricalplace along with the entry fee.Disclaimer:The app is designed to let you enjoy your visit to variousmonumentsaround the world while giving you all the informationthat you mightneed. If you have any issues with the app, or haveany suggestionsdrop me a mail at [email protected]
The Grand Canyon 1.0
Monuments are the pride of the countrytheybelong to. This The Grand Canyon app will provide you allthedetails about the famous monument. The The Grand Canyon issituatedin United States in the state of Arizona and is asteep-sidedcanyon carved by the Colorado River. It is containedwithin andmanaged by Grand Canyon National Park, the HualapaiTribal Nation,and the Havasupai Tribe. President Theodore Rooseveltwas a majorproponent of preservation of the Grand Canyon area, andvisited iton numerous occasions to hunt and enjoy the scenery.The The Grand Canyon app will provide you a vividdetailedstoryline along with highlighting the key features of themonument.The The Grand Canyon app also consists of maps that willhelp youlocate the monument. It also comprises of a number ofimages of TheGrand Canyon taken from various angles by somephotographers. Thismobile app will act as a guide to you consistingvideos explainingthe creativity and the essence of the place.The The Grand Canyon app also provides information onthevisiting hours and the entry fee that is charged from alltouristswho come from all around the world to see one of thewonders of theworld.The features of the app include;1. The app will let you locate the monument easily.2. It contains videos explaining the monument.3. The app explains the history and the story behindtheplace.4. One can also know the entry and exit times of thehistoricalplace along with the entry fee.Disclaimer:The app is designed to let you enjoy your visit to variousmonumentsaround the world while giving you all the informationthat you mightneed. If you have any issues with the app, or haveany suggestionsdrop me a mail at [email protected]
St Peter's Basilica 1.0
Monuments are the pride of the countrytheybelong to. This St. Peter's Basilica app will provide you allthedetails about the famous monument. The St. Peter's Basilicaissituated in Vatican City and the basilica is the burial site ofitsnamesake Saint Peter, one of the twelve apostles of Jesus and,alsoaccording to tradition, the first Pope and Bishop of Rome.Therehas been a church on this site since the time of the RomanEmperorConstantine the Great. St. Peter's Basilica is the bestepitome ofbeauty.The St. Peter's Basilica app will provide you a vividdetailedstoryline along with highlighting the key features of themonument.The St. Peter's Basilica app also consists of maps thatwill helpyou locate the monument. It also comprises of a number ofimages ofSt. Peter's Basilica taken from various angles bysomephotographers. This mobile app will act as a guide toyouconsisting videos explaining the creativity and the essence oftheplace.The St. Peter's Basilica app also provides information onthevisiting hours and the entry fee that is charged from alltouristswho come from all around the world to see one of thewonders of theworld.The features of the app include;1. The app will let you locate the monument easily.2. It contains videos explaining the monument.3. The app explains the history and the story behindtheplace.4. One can also know the entry and exit times of thehistoricalplace along with the entry fee.Disclaimer:The app is designed to let you enjoy your visit to variousmonumentsaround the world while giving you all the informationthat you mightneed. If you have any issues with the app, or haveany suggestionsdrop me a mail at [email protected]
De Young Museum 1.0
Monuments are the pride of the countrytheybelong to. This De Young Museum app will provide you allthedetails about the famous monument. The De Young Museum issituatedin San Francisco and is is one of the Fine Arts Museums ofSanFrancisco along with the Legion of Honor. The de Young is namedforits founder, early San Francisco newspaperman M. H. de Young. Asof2014, its director is Colin Bailey.The De Young Museum app will provide you a vividdetailedstoryline along with highlighting the key features of themonument.The De Young Museum app also consists of maps that willhelp youlocate the monument. It also comprises of a number ofimages of DeYoung Museum taken from various angles by somephotographers. Thismobile app will act as a guide to you consistingvideos explainingthe creativity and the essence of the place.The De Young Museum app also provides information on thevisitinghours and the entry fee that is charged from all touristswho comefrom all around the world to see one of the wonders oftheworld.The features of the app include;1. The app will let you locate the monument easily.2. It contains videos explaining the monument.3. The app explains the history and the story behindtheplace.4. One can also know the entry and exit times of thehistoricalplace along with the entry fee.Disclaimer:The app is designed to let you enjoy your visit to variousmonumentsaround the world while giving you all the informationthat you mightneed. If you have any issues with the app, or haveany suggestionsdrop me a mail at [email protected]
Chichen Itza 1.0
Monuments are the pride of the countrytheybelong to. This Chichen Itza app will provide you all thedetailsabout the famous monument. The Chichen Itza is situated inTinum,in the Mexican state of Yucatán. The site exhibits amultitude ofarchitectural styles, reminiscent of styles seen incentral Mexicoand of the Puuc and Chenes styles of the northernMaya lowlands. Itwas one of the largest Maya cities and it waslikely to have beenone of the mythical great cities. The ruins ofChichen Itza arefederal property, and the site’s stewardship ismaintained byMexico’s National Institute of Anthropology andHistory.The Chichen Itza app will provide you a vivid detailedstorylinealong with highlighting the key features of the monument.TheChichen Itza app also consists of maps that will help youlocatethe monument. It also comprises of a number of images ofChichenItza taken from various angles by some photographers. Thismobileapp will act as a guide to you consisting videos explainingthecreativity and the essence of the place.The Chichen Itza app also provides information on thevisitinghours and the entry fee that is charged from all touristswho comefrom all around the world to see one of the wonders oftheworld.The features of the app include;1. The app will let you locate the monument easily.2. It contains videos explaining the monument.3. The app explains the history and the story behindtheplace.4. One can also know the entry and exit times of thehistoricalplace along with the entry fee.Disclaimer:The app is designed to let you enjoy your visit to variousmonumentsaround the world while giving you all the informationthat you mightneed. If you have any issues with the app, or haveany suggestionsdrop me a mail at [email protected]
The Great Barrier Reef 1.0
Monuments are the pride of the countrytheybelong to. This The Great Barrier Reef app will provide you allthedetails about the famous monument. The The Great Barrier Reefissituated in Australia and is the world's largest coral reefsystem.The reef is located in the Coral Sea, off the coast and canbe seenfrom outer space and is the world's biggest single structuremadeby living organisms. It is an important part of localgroups'cultures and spirituality and is a must visit.The The Great Barrier Reef app will provide you a vividdetailedstoryline along with highlighting the key features of themonument.The The Great Barrier Reef app also consists of maps thatwill helpyou locate the monument. It also comprises of a number ofimages ofThe Great Barrier Reef taken from various angles bysomephotographers. This mobile app will act as a guide toyouconsisting videos explaining the creativity and the essence oftheplace.The The Great Barrier Reef app also provides information onthevisiting hours and the entry fee that is charged from alltouristswho come from all around the world to see one of thewonders of theworld.The features of the app include;1. The app will let you locate the monument easily.2. It contains videos explaining the monument.3. The app explains the history and the story behindtheplace.4. One can also know the entry and exit times of thehistoricalplace along with the entry fee.Disclaimer:The app is designed to let you enjoy your visit to variousmonumentsaround the world while giving you all the informationthat you mightneed. If you have any issues with the app, or haveany suggestionsdrop me a mail at [email protected]
Burj Khalifa 1.0
Monuments are the pride of the countrytheybelong to. This Burj Khalifa app will provide you all thedetailsabout the famous monument. The Burj Khalifa is situated inDubai,United Arab Emirates and was known as Burj Dubai prior toitsinauguration.It is the tallest man-made structure in the world,at829.8 m. Burj Khalifa is the best epitome of massive manmadestructures in the world.The Burj Khalifa app will provide you a vivid detailedstorylinealong with highlighting the key features of the monument.The BurjKhalifa app also consists of maps that will help you locatethemonument. It also comprises of a number of images of BurjKhalifataken from various angles by some photographers. This mobileappwill act as a guide to you consisting videos explainingthecreativity and the essence of the place.The Burj Khalifa app also provides information on thevisitinghours and the entry fee that is charged from all touristswho comefrom all around the world to see one of the wonders oftheworld.The features of the app include;1. The app will let you locate the monument easily.2. It contains videos explaining the monument.3. The app explains the history and the story behindtheplace.4. One can also know the entry and exit times of thehistoricalplace along with the entry fee.Disclaimer:The app is designed to let you enjoy your visit to variousmonumentsaround the world while giving you all the informationthat you mightneed. If you have any issues with the app, or haveany suggestionsdrop me a mail at [email protected]
Machu Picchu 1.0
Monuments are the pride of the countrytheybelong to. This Machu Picchu app will provide you all thedetailsabout the famous monument. The Machu Picchu is situatedinMachupicchu District in Peru and is a 15th-century Incasitelocated 2,430 metres above sea level. It is situated on amountainridge above the Sacred Valley which is 80 kilometresnorthwest ofCusco and through which the Urubamba River flows. MachuPicchu wasdeclared a Peruvian Historical Sanctuary in 1981 and aUNESCO WorldHeritage Site in 1983The Machu Picchu app will provide you a vivid detailedstorylinealong with highlighting the key features of the monument.The MachuPicchu app also consists of maps that will help you locatethemonument. It also comprises of a number of images of MachuPicchutaken from various angles by some photographers. This mobileappwill act as a guide to you consisting videos explainingthecreativity and the essence of the place.The Machu Picchu app also provides information on thevisitinghours and the entry fee that is charged from all touristswho comefrom all around the world to see Machu Picchu.The features of the app include;1. The app will let you locate the monument easily.2. It contains videos explaining the monument.3. The app explains the history and the story behindtheplace.4. One can also know the entry and exit times of thehistoricalplace along with the entry fee.Disclaimer:The app is designed to let you enjoy your visit to variousmonumentsaround the world while giving you all the informationthat you mightneed. If you have any issues with the app, or haveany suggestionsdrop me a mail at [email protected]
Acropolis Of Athens 1.0
Monuments are the pride of the countrytheybelong to. This Acropolis Of Athens app will provide you allthedetails about the famous monument. The Acropolis Of Athensissituated in Athens and it contains the remains of severalancientbuildings of great architectural and historic significance,themost famous being the Parthenon. The Acropolis wasformallyproclaimed as the preeminent monument on the EuropeanCulturalHeritage list of monuments on 26 March 2007.The Acropolis Of Athens app will provide you a vividdetailedstoryline along with highlighting the key features of themonument.The Acropolis Of Athens app also consists of maps thatwill helpyou locate the monument. It also comprises of a number ofimages ofAcropolis Of Athens taken from various angles bysomephotographers. This mobile app will act as a guide toyouconsisting videos explaining the creativity and the essence oftheplace.The Acropolis Of Athens app also provides information onthevisiting hours and the entry fee that is charged from alltouristswho come from all around the world to see one of thewonders of theworld.The features of the app include;1. The app will let you locate the monument easily.2. It contains videos explaining the monument.3. The app explains the history and the story behindtheplace.4. One can also know the entry and exit times of thehistoricalplace along with the entry fee.Disclaimer:The app is designed to let you enjoy your visit to variousmonumentsaround the world while giving you all the informationthat you mightneed. If you have any issues with the app, or haveany suggestionsdrop me a mail at [email protected]
Grand Canyon Skywalk 1.0
Monuments are the pride of the countrytheybelong to. This Grand Canyon Skywalk app will provide you allthedetails about the famous monument. The Grand Canyon Skywalkissituated in Arizona near the Colorado River and is is atransparenthorseshoe-shaped cantilever bridge and a major touristattraction.The Skywalk is east of Meadview and north of PeachSprings withKingman being the closest city of some size.The Grand Canyon Skywalk app will provide you a vividdetailedstoryline along with highlighting the key features of themonument.The Grand Canyon Skywalk app also consists of maps thatwill helpyou locate the monument. It also comprises of a number ofimages ofGrand Canyon Skywalk taken from various angles bysomephotographers. This mobile app will act as a guide toyouconsisting videos explaining the creativity and the essence oftheplace.The Grand Canyon Skywalk app also provides information onthevisiting hours and the entry fee that is charged from alltouristswho come from all around the world to see one of thewonders of theworld.The features of the app include;1. The app will let you locate the monument easily.2. It contains videos explaining the monument.3. The app explains the history and the story behindtheplace.4. One can also know the entry and exit times of thehistoricalplace along with the entry fee.Disclaimer:The app is designed to let you enjoy your visit to variousmonumentsaround the world while giving you all the informationthat you mightneed. If you have any issues with the app, or haveany suggestionsdrop me a mail at [email protected]
Space Needle 1.0
Monuments are the pride of the countrytheybelong to. This Space Needle app will provide you all thedetailsabout the famous monument. The Space Needle is situated inSeattleand is an observation tower. It is built to withstand windsof upto 200 miles per hour and earthquakes of up to 9.1 magnitude.Ithas an observation deck at 520 ft and a gift shop with therotatingSkyCity restaurant at 500 ft. The view from the top issplendid.The v app will provide you a vivid detailed storyline alongwithhighlighting the key features of the monument. The v appalsoconsists of maps that will help you locate the monument. Italsocomprises of a number of images of Space Needle taken fromvariousangles by some photographers. This mobile app will act as aguideto you consisting videos explaining the creativity and theessenceof the place.The Space Needle app also provides information on thevisitinghours and the entry fee that is charged from all touristswho comefrom all around the world to see one of the wonders oftheworld.The features of the app include;1. The app will let you locate the monument easily.2. It contains videos explaining the monument.3. The app explains the history and the story behindtheplace.4. One can also know the entry and exit times of thehistoricalplace along with the entry fee.Disclaimer:The app is designed to let you enjoy your visit to variousmonumentsaround the world while giving you all the informationthat you mightneed. If you have any issues with the app, or haveany suggestionsdrop me a mail at [email protected]
Big Ben 1.0
Monuments are the pride of the countrytheybelong to. This Big Ben app will provide you all the detailsaboutthe famous monument. The Big Ben is situated in PalaceofWestminster in London and is officially known as theElizabethTower. The tower holds the largest four-faced chimingclock in theworld and is the third-tallest free-standing clocktower.The Big Ben app will provide you a vivid detailed storylinealongwith highlighting the key features of the monument. The BigBen appalso consists of maps that will help you locate themonument. Italso comprises of a number of images of Big Ben takenfrom variousangles by some photographers. This mobile app will actas a guide toyou consisting videos explaining the creativity andthe essence ofthe place.The Big Ben app also provides information on the visitinghoursand the entry fee that is charged from all tourists who comefromall around the world to see one of the wonders of theworld.The features of the app include;1. The app will let you locate the monument easily.2. It contains videos explaining the monument.3. The app explains the history and the story behindtheplace.4. One can also know the entry and exit times of thehistoricalplace along with the entry fee.Disclaimer:The app is designed to let you enjoy your visit to variousmonumentsaround the world while giving you all the informationthat you mightneed. If you have any issues with the app, or haveany suggestionsdrop me a mail at [email protected]
Taj Mahal 1.0
Monuments are the pride of the countrytheybelong to. This Taj Mahal app will provide you all thedetailsabout the famous monument. The Taj Mahal is situated inAgra, Indiaand is built in the fond memory of Mumtaz Mahal by herlovinghusband Shah Jahan during the Mughal dynasty. TheMughalarchitecture is known for its rich stone carvings andbeautifullybuilt dome shaped structures. Taj Mahal is the bestepitome of theabove stated facts.The Taj Mahal app will provide you a vivid detailedstorylinealong with highlighting the key features of the monument.The TajMahal app also consists of maps that will help you locatethemonument. It also comprises of a number of images of TajMahaltaken from various angles by some photographers. This mobileappwill act as a guide to you consisting videos explainingthecreativity and the essence of the place.The Taj Mahal app also provides information on the visitinghoursand the entry fee that is charged from all tourists who comefromall around the world to see one of the wonders of theworld.The features of the app include;1. The app will let you locate the monument easily.2. It contains videos explaining the monument.3. The app explains the history and the story behindtheplace.4. One can also know the entry and exit times of thehistoricalplace along with the entry fee.Disclaimer:The app is designed to let you enjoy your visit to variousmonumentsaround the world while giving you all the informationthat you mightneed. If you have any issues with the app, or haveany suggestionsdrop me a mail at [email protected]
Borobudur 1.0
Monuments are the pride of the countrytheybelong to. This Borobudur app will provide you all thedetailsabout the famous monument. The Borobudur is situated inMagelang,Central Java, Indonesia and is a main dome, located at thecenterof the top platform, is surrounded by 72 Buddha statuesseatedinside a perforated stupa. It is the world’s largestBuddhisttemple as well as one of the greatest Buddhist monuments intheworld. Borobudur is the best epitome of the beauty signified byaBuddhist temple.The Borobudur app will provide you a vivid detailedstorylinealong with highlighting the key features of the monument.TheBorobudur app also consists of maps that will help you locatethemonument. It also comprises of a number of images ofBorobudurtaken from various angles by some photographers. Thismobile appwill act as a guide to you consisting videos explainingthecreativity and the essence of the place.The Borobudur app also provides information on the visitinghoursand the entry fee that is charged from all tourists who comefromall around the world to see one of the wonders of theworld.The features of the app include;1. The app will let you locate the monument easily.2. It contains videos explaining the monument.3. The app explains the history and the story behindtheplace.4. One can also know the entry and exit times of thehistoricalplace along with the entry fee.Disclaimer:The app is designed to let you enjoy your visit to variousmonumentsaround the world while giving you all the informationthat you mightneed. If you have any issues with the app, or haveany suggestionsdrop me a mail at [email protected]
Stonehenge 1.0
Monuments are the pride of the countrytheybelong to. This Stonehenge app will provide you all thedetailsabout the famous monument. The Stonehenge is situated inWiltshire,England and is one of the famous sites in the world,Stonehenge isthe remains of a ring of standing stones set withinearthworks. Thesite and its surroundings were added to the UNESCO'slist of WorldHeritage Sites in 1986. The site is a place ofreligioussignificance and pilgrimage in Neo-Druidry.The Stonehenge app will provide you a vivid detailedstorylinealong with highlighting the key features of the monument.TheStonehenge app also consists of maps that will help you locatethemonument. It also comprises of a number of images ofStonehengetaken from various angles by some photographers. Thismobile appwill act as a guide to you consisting videos explainingthecreativity and the essence of the place.The Stonehenge app also provides information on thevisitinghours and the entry fee that is charged from all touristswho comefrom all around the world to see one of the wonders oftheworld.The features of the app include;1. The app will let you locate the monument easily.2. It contains videos explaining the monument.3. The app explains the history and the story behindtheplace.4. One can also know the entry and exit times of thehistoricalplace along with the entry fee.Disclaimer:The app is designed to let you enjoy your visit to variousmonumentsaround the world while giving you all the informationthat you mightneed. If you have any issues with the app, or haveany suggestionsdrop me a mail at [email protected]
Angkor Wat 1.0
Monuments are the pride of the countrytheybelong to. This Angkor Wat app will provide you all thedetailsabout the famous monument. The Angkor Wat is situated inCambodiaand was first a Hindu, then subsequently a Buddhist,templecomplex. It is the largest religious monument in the world.Thetemple is at the top of the high classical style ofKhmerarchitecture which got major influence from Kalingaarchitecturalstyle and is one of those heritage sites that isvisited a lot bytourists all round the year.The Angkor Wat app will provide you a vivid detailedstorylinealong with highlighting the key features of the monument.TheAngkor Wat app also consists of maps that will help you locatethemonument. It also comprises of a number of images of AngkorWattaken from various angles by some photographers. This mobileappwill act as a guide to you consisting videos explainingthecreativity and the essence of the place.The Angkor Wat app also provides information on thevisitinghours and the entry fee that is charged from all touristswho comefrom all around the world to see one of the wonders oftheworld.The features of the app include;1. The app will let you locate the monument easily.2. It contains videos explaining the monument.3. The app explains the history and the story behindtheplace.4. One can also know the entry and exit times of thehistoricalplace along with the entry fee.Disclaimer:The app is designed to let you enjoy your visit to variousmonumentsaround the world while giving you all the informationthat you mightneed. If you have any issues with the app, or haveany suggestionsdrop me a mail at [email protected]