Mobiem Apps

My Pregnancy 2.2
My Pregnancy is the best application dedicatedto future Moms! With its help you can easily find out how many daysare left to your due date and how big is your baby right now.Moreover, let's not forget about one of the most importantaspects of pregnancy - monitoring the state of baby as well as thestate of yours.With the functionality of our application not only will you beable to count your baby's movements, but also time yourcontractions and save all the records into history.Application also provides you with the access to other usefulfunctionality, such as:- calendar which enables you to add reminders for differentimportant events,- weight controller for keeping the track of the optimumweight,- recommended exercises to stay in shape and prepare for labour andadditional list of activities to avoid,- a full check-list of stuff to put in your hospital bag,- movie generation - take pictures and generate a film with thecollected images to check how your baby is growing,...and much more other useful things to discover with ourapplication!Tags: pregnancy, pregnancy app, motherhood, mother, labour, babydelivery, baby, calendar
Transportoid Kalendarz
Add-on to Transportoid app - enables recurrentreminder for buying ticket.Attention! This app doesn't show in application list, it will beused exlusively by Transportoid.
Transportoid Dzwonek 3.0
Add-on to Transportoid app - makes buyingtickes (via mPay merchant) easier by automatic submitting USSDcode. Clicking green call key is no longer required.Attention! This app doesn't show in application list, it will beused exlusively by Transportoid.
QR-code scanner 2.4.5
With this application, QR-code scanning at a very fast and accurateway using a camera phone you can scan the codes one and twodimensional. The application scans and detects the informationcontained in bar codes. How to use: The application recognizes thecodes with auto-focus camera located in the mobile phone. Hold thephone about 10 cm above the surface of the code appearing after thediagnosis will be redirected to the link contained therein.
Program TV - 1.0.6
Aplikacja mobilna twó to przewodnikpo aktualnych programach na blisko 300 stacjach telewizyjnych.Dzięki niej w bardzo łatwy sposób sprawdzisz aktualny programtelewizyjny.Funkcje oferowane przez aplikację:- wyświetlanie aktualnego programu TV na wybranychstacjach- możliwość pozycjonowania alfabetycznego, tematycznego, własnegobądź wybranych wcześniej stacji- wyszukiwarka- dodawanie ulubionych stacji- możliwość dzielenia się informacją przez facebook, twitter,e-mail, sms- hity czyli najciekawsze programy w ciągu najbliższegotygodnia- przypomnienia o zbliżających się audycjach- szczegółowy opis, oceny oraz informacje o powtórkachMobile twó isa guide to current programs on nearly 300 television stations.Thanks to it in a very easy way to check the current TV program.Features offered by the application:- View the current TV program on selected stations- The possibility of positioning alphabetical thematic own orpreviously selected station- Search- Add favorite stations- The ability to share information via facebook, twitter, email,sms- Hits or the most interesting programs over the next week- Reminders of upcoming auditions- A detailed description, evaluation and information aboutreruns
Do you want to you check with at what speed actually you strut?
Qr Barcode Scanner
QR code reader on your phone!
Odetchnij Spokojnie 1.2.1
Aplikacja Odetchnij Spokojnie to partner wwalce z astmą i alergią oraz kompendium wiedzy związanej zwstrząsem anafilaktycznym.Co warto wiedzieć o aplikacji Odetchnij Spokojnie:- Komunikaty – codzienne przydatne informacje o astmie ialergii.- Dziennik objawów – notuj objawy i wpisuj komentarze.- Mapa pyleń – to specjalnie opracowana mapa, dzięki którejmożna sprawdzić stężenie alergenów, w wybranych regionach Polski.Aby sprawdzić stężenie alergenów wystarczy kliknąć na mapie wwybrany rejon kraju.- Baza placówek – lokalizator placówek medycznych w najbliższejokolicy z funkcją połączenia telefonicznego z wybranym punktem.- Wstrząs anafilaktyczny – najważniejsze informacje oraz poradydotyczące wstrząsu anafilaktycznego.- Pierwsza pomoc - poradnik jak prawidłowo udzielić pierwszejpomocy przedmedycznej osobie poszkodowanej- Powiadom bliskich – funkcja „powiadom bliskich” umożliwia wrazie wstrząsu natychmiastowe skontaktowanie się z lekarzem bądź zwcześniej wybraną osobą.- Zaloguj - stwórz zestawienie objawów zebranych zaplikacji.Application Breathe Easyis a partner in the fight against asthma and allergies, and acompendium of knowledge associated with anaphylactic shock.What you need to know about the application Breathe Easy:- Messages - daily useful information about asthma andallergies.- Official signs - note the symptoms and typing comments.- Map pyleń - a specially designed map, which allows you tocheck the concentration of allergens in selected Polish regions. Tocheck the concentration of allergens, simply click on the map inthe selected area in the country.- Base units - locator medical facilities in the immediate areaof ​​the function a call to the selected point.- Anaphylactic shock - the most important information and adviceabout anaphylactic shock.- First Aid - A tutorial on how to properly give first aid tothe injured person- Tell loved ones - the "close notify" allows the event of ashock immediately contact a physician or the previously selectedperson.- Login - Create list of symptoms collected from theapplication.
Metal detector 1.5.0
You can use your android phone as a simple metal detector!
news PL 1.4
Aplikacja news PL to doskonały sposób naprzegląd najświeższych informacji polskiej prasy internetowej,który pozwoli zaoszczędzić Twój czas i transfer dzięki możliwościczytania artykułów w trybie offline po wcześniejszej aktualizacji.Program przedstawia wiadomości z najbardziej popularnychpolskich serwisów internetowych. Polska, Świat, Gospodarka,Technika, Sport oraz rozrywka to główne treści jakie można znaleźćw aplikacji newsy PL. Prostota oraz intuicyjność poruszania się poniej sprawia, że czytanie wiadomości daje mnóstwo radości orazpozwala zaoszczędzić czas użytkownika.Dzięki podziałowi na sześć głównych działów z łatwościąznajdziesz najbardziej interesujące informacje.Ściągnij aplikacje i przekonaj się jak wygodnie i komfortowomożna przeglądać serwisy informacyjne!Aplikacja w skrócie:- Podział na sześć głównych tematów: Polska, Świat, Gospodarka,Technika, Sport, Rozrywka- Informacje prasowe z najbardziej popularnych polskich serwisówinternetowych- Przeglądanie wiadomości w trybie offline- Łatwy sposób odświeżania informacji (należy wyciągnąć zakładkę'news PL' znajdującą się w dolnej części ekranu i wybrać'Aktualizuj')- bezpłatny dostępregulamin: http://regulamin.mobiem.plApplication News UK is agreat way to review the latest information in the Polish presswebsite that will save you time and transfer thanks to readingarticles in offline mode after the previous update.  The program presents the news of the most popularPolish websites. Poland, World, Economy, Technology, Sports andentertainment are the main contents of which can be found in theapp News UK. The simplicity and intuitive navigation within thesite makes reading messages give you lots of joy and saves youtime.  Thanks divided into six main sections easy to findthe most interesting information.  Download the application and see how relaxed andcomfortable you can browse the news!Application at a glance:- The division into six main themes: Poland, World, Economy,Technology, Sports, Entertainment- Press releases of the most popular Polish websites- Viewing messages offline- An easy way to refresh the information (pull the tab 'news UK' atthe bottom of the screen and select 'Update')- Free accessRules:
Weather US 16 days forecast 2.5.7
Don’t be surprised! Weather Forecast 16 days. Best weather for USA⛅
Niusy 1.4
Aplikacja Niusy to doskonały sposób naprzegląd najświeższych informacji polskiej prasy internetowej,który pozwoli zaoszczędzić Twój czas i transfer dzięki możliwościczytania artykułów w trybie offline po wcześniejszej aktualizacji.Program przedstawia wiadomości z najbardziej popularnychpolskich serwisów internetowych. Polska, Świat, Gospodarka,Technika, Sport oraz rozrywka to główne treści jakie można znaleźćw aplikacji NIUSY. Prostota oraz intuicyjność poruszania się poniej sprawia, że czytanie wiadomości daje mnóstwo radości orazpozwala zaoszczędzić czas użytkownika.Dzięki podziałowi na sześć głównych działów z łatwościąznajdziesz najbardziej interesujące informacje.Ściągnij aplikacje i przekonaj się jak wygodnie i komfortowomożna przeglądać serwisy informacyjne!Aplikacja w skrócie:- Podział na sześć głównych tematów: Polska, Świat, Gospodarka,Technika, Sport, Rozrywka- Informacje prasowe z najbardziej popularnych polskich serwisówinternetowych- Przeglądanie wiadomości w trybie offline- Łatwy sposób odświeżania informacji (należy wyciągnąć zakładkę'niusy' znajdującą się w dolnej części ekranu i wybrać'Aktualizuj')- bezpłatny dostępregulamin: http://regulamin.mobiem.plNews app is a great wayto review the latest information in the Polish press website thatwill save you time and transfer thanks to reading articles inoffline mode after the previous update.  The program presents the news of the most popularPolish websites. Poland, World, Economy, Technology, Sports andentertainment are the main contents of which can be found in theNews application. The simplicity and intuitive navigation withinthe site makes reading messages give you lots of joy and saves youtime.  Thanks divided into six main sections easy to findthe most interesting information.  Download the application and see how relaxed andcomfortable you can browse the news!Application at a glance:- The division into six main themes: Poland, World, Economy,Technology, Sports, Entertainment- Press releases of the most popular Polish websites- Viewing messages offline- An easy way to refresh the information (to be drawn on the 'News'at the bottom of the screen and select 'Update')- Free accessRules:
Dieta Mobile 1.0
Problem ze zgagą? Masz już dość bolesnegopieczenia w przełyku ? Dzięki tej aplikacji dowiesz się jak wszybki sposób pozbyć się uciążliwych objawów zgagi i mieć nad niąpełną kontrolę.Odpowiednio zbilansowana dieta to istotny czynnik wspomagającyleczenie farmakologiczne, prowadzi do korzystnych zmian dotyczącychnawyków żywieniowych i trybu życia. Aplikacja została przygotowanaspecjalnie z myślą o Twoim zdrowiu.Dowiesz się jakich produktów należy unikać oraz jakie są wskazanedla prawidłowej pracy Twojego żołądka. To zbilansowana dieta nakażdy dzień tygodnia z podziałem na posiłki. Asystent przypomni oodpowiednich godzinach jedzenia, a lista zakupów ułatwi prawidłowydobór produktów spożywczych, które powinny znaleźć się w Twoimkoszyku.Zadbaj o swój żołądek i dowiedz się więcej na temat zgagiinstalując aplikację na telefon.The problem withheartburn? Tired of painful burning in the esophagus? With thisapplication you will learn how to quickly get rid of thetroublesome symptoms of heartburn and have full control.    Properly balanced diet is an important factor thatcontributes to pharmacological treatment leads to favorable changesin the eating habits and lifestyle. The application was developedspecifically for your health.    You'll learn which products you should avoid and whatare desirable for the proper operation of your stomach. It is abalanced diet for every day of the week with a breakdown for meals.Assistant remind you of the appropriate hours of eating andshopping list will facilitate the proper selection of foods thatshould be in your shopping cart.  Take care of your stomach and learn more about heartburn installingthe application on your phone.
The lightning 1.1
The lightning on your phone! Move yourAndroidPhone up and down or side to side to make yourlightning!Enjoy!
JoeBrowser 1.2.6
Unofficial site popularapplication, with application, we can view the latest content onthe site.
Lecz paznokcie 2.0
Głównym zadaniem aplikacji „Leczpaznokcie”jest przypomnienie użytkownikowi o systematycznymprzyjmowaniuterapii przeciwgrzybicznej niezbędnej do zlikwidowaniachoroby.Co zyskasz z aplikacją Lecz paznokcie:- informacje jak szybko i skutecznie uporać się z grzybicą- możliwość ustawienia przypomnienia o terapii- mapę z funkcją geolokalizacji lekarzy znajdujących sięwpobliżu miejsca, w którym aktualnie przebywaszPobierz aplikację i ciesz się zdrowym wyglądemswoichpaznokci.The main task oftheapplication "But nails" is to guide the user to thesystematicadoption of antifungal therapy needed to eradicate thedisease.What will you gain from the application but nails:- Information on how to quickly and effectively dealwithmycosis- The ability to set reminders for therapy- A map with geolocation function doctors nearby places,arecurrently in   Download the application and enjoy the healthy look ofyournails.
Make some loud!
My Baby 2.2.0
My Baby - infant, mother, feeding, care, child's diet, vaccination!
Bubble level 2.6.5
Fast bubble level app for Android - easy to use tool for DIY.
Whoopee cushion prank sounds 1.11.10
Make jokes and smile! Funny sounds
Indeks Glikemiczny 1.2.7
Glycemic index - always at hand! Check it out!
Calorie counter 1.4.1
Stay fit now! Calculate calories and macronutrients of meals! 🥗
Księga Imion i Znaczeń 1.4.2
Best Book of Names and Meanings in your mobile!
First aid 1.3.0
Experts of the Institute of Industrial Design recognized First Aidapp as very well designed. On top of that the app was among thefinalists of the competition for best designed products availablein the Polish market in competition Good Design 2016. The GoodDesign Competition is a nationwide design competition held annuallyfrom 1993 by the Institute of Industrial Design. The Competitionawards products of different purpose, which are innovative,well-designed and matching consumers’ needs. Statistics arealarming: People are incapable and scared of giving pre-medicalfirst aid. Under stress and pressure, lacking basic knowledge andexperience, it’s quite hard for us to attempt any resuscitationtreatments. Willing to challenge this, in fact really seriousproblem we created a mobile application, which leading thought wasto cause right reactions in people facing an emergency. We designedsimple and easy-to-comprehend illustrated instructions, in order toshorten the time an average app user needs to understand a methodof interaction with a victim . Additional advantage of our solutionis a lector, reading instructions out loud, to improve performingfirst aid on a victim. Suggestions depend on the victim’s age –before attempting to help, a user chooses weather help is beinggiven to an adult, a child, or a new-born. The software is free andcan be accesses and fully operational off-line. Moreover, itsdesign makes navigating through it really seamless and intuitional.First Aid is a must-have at all time app. It allows quick,effective and safe advice on how to act in unpredictablesituations, threatening someone’s health or life. Functions:Instructions about methods of providing first aid to a new-born,child or an adult. Allows for an effective spare-of-a-momentdecision making and acting, thanks to its lector feature. Presentsa workflow with its vivid illustrations. Localizes nearesthospitals on a map and shows directions to a chosen facility.Allows for a quick call for help, with its alarm-call feature.Optimizes smartphone settings, by setting maximum screenbrightness, locking the screensaver and forcing maximum volume forbetter app-user interaction.
Did you love to break glass things in your childhood ? 💥 If you saythat yes, than this app is for you. Broken Screen app is for FREE!! Make prank with this app. How to use? 1. Press the 'Start'button. 2. Tap your screen. 3. Oops your screen is cracked. 4.Shake your phone for repair. You can make jokes for your friendsand family. Install this app and use this fake broken screeneffects! Have fun! 🤣
Calculator Plus 1.0
Calculator is a simple 4 functioncalculator,with a panel that has more advanced functions when youneed them.It includes history, real time graphing, base conversion,and more.It also comes with a lockscreen widget, a floatingcalculator, anda wear app so you can use whichever is mostconvenient.The goal is a simple and uncluttered calculator.
Sennik - co oznacza Twój sen 1.5.0
Learn the meaning of dreams. Keep a dream journal. Check themeaning of your dreams!
Pogoda PL 1.6.4
Aplikacja Pogoda PL została stworzonaspecjalnie z myślą o osobach ceniących sobie połączenieużyteczności i prostoty z oszczędnością miejsca na dysku. Darmowaaplikacja dostarcza dane pogodowe z blisko 70 000 polskichmiejscowości. Dodatkowo wyposażyliśmy ją w widżet dzięki czemuwszelkie informacje o aktualnym stanie aury można śledzić bezkonieczności uruchamiania aplikacji. Udogodnieniem jest możliwośćwyboru czasu po jakim aplikacja ma dokonać aktualizacji danych.Użytkownik sam ustala te informacje wedle własnych przyzwyczajeń iupodobań.Aplikacja w skrócie:- prognoza pogody dla blisko 70 000 polskich miejscowości- prosty interfejs- możliwość dodania widżetu- wybór czasu automatycznej aktualizacji- szczegółowa 24 godzinna prognoza pogody- długoterminowa (siedmiodniowa) prognoza pogodyregulamin: http://regulamin.mobiem.plUK Weather applicationhas been created for people who appreciate the combination ofusability and simplicity, saving disk space. Free applicationprovides weather data from nearly 70 000 Polish village. Inaddition, equipped it with a widget so that all information aboutthe current state of the aura you can follow without having tolaunch the application. Advantage is the ability to choose the timeat which the application is to update the data. The user sets theinformation according to their own habits and preferences.Application at a glance:- Weather forecast for close to 70 000 Polish towns- A simple interface- The ability to add a widget- Selection of the automatic updates- A detailed 24 hour forecast- Long-term (seven-day) weather forecastRules:
Showtimes Movies Poland 2020 - trailers & ranking 1.5.3
Do you want to go to the cinema in Poland? 😀 You do not know whatand where they play? 😐 Download Showtime Movies app! 👌 See what'splaying in Polish cinema!🎦 Cinema is an application for moviegoerswho want to know the latest movie releases from the repertoire ofcinemas is .: Blade Runner 2049, Botoks, Geostorm, TheSnowman, Thor: Ragnarok, Jigsaw, B. And also for those who theywant to find out what will soon be shown in the cinema and meetrelease dates, such as: 1. Star Wars, Fifty Shades of Grey,Avengers. With this application you can:😍 - View the currentrepertoire of nearly 400 cinemas across Poland, - To know thecinema, which are closest to you, - In one place to have arepertoire of large multiplexes (including Multikino, Cinema City,Helios), cinemas network and studio cinemas, - Select your favoritemovies and keep up with his film offers, - Search for informationon the cinemas or films, depending on what is needed at the time, -Quickly and easily change the dates sessions. - Learn more aboutspecific films, reading their extensive descriptions, - To know thenumber of stars awarded by the service IMDb productions and IMDB -See trailers of films and issued new film - To meet upcoming andhighly anticipated movie releases, - With your friends and otherkinomanami discuss at the Forum, - Check the rankings of the mostpopular movies in theaters by Filmwebu and IMDB, - Direct contactwith the selected cinema or with built-in navigation to drive.Schedule visit in Polish cinema 🇵🇱 Meet cinema, among other things,such as Cinema City, Multikino, Helios, Atlantic, Muranow Iluzjon,Wisla, Kinoteka, Culture, IMAX, NoveKino Sphinx, KinokawiarniaKika, Space, Światowid, Rialto, Muse and many other theatersthroughout Polish. Evaluation of the application films come fromservices and IMDB IMDb. ___________________________ Graphicmaterials and images used in the application provided by thesupplier withwhom we have signed a contract for delivery of Content. RepertoireKin uses data and images to the IMDb licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0: -
Magic sounds 1.3.1
Fun and learning - check the sounds are hidden under the pictures!
Metal Detector app 1.5.0
You can use your android phone as a simple metal detector!
Fitness - Fit Woman 2020 lose weight 😍 1.5.4
Dreaming of athletic figure? Wondering how to start exercising?Missing motivation for trainings? Explore the application Fit Woman2020 - Fitness Gym Workout – personal mobile training for women 👩.Be fit! Fit Woman 2020 - Fitness Gym Workout is a free applicationwith strength training, using not only light weights 🏋️♀ but alsothe weight of your own body 🤸♀, which was prepared specifically foractive women 👧. Each exercise is precisely described and wellillustrated. With this application, you will have your own personalmobile assistant at your fingertips that will provide you with setsof exercises prepared in cooperation with experienced personneltrainers. The application can be used at the gym, at home and inthe park. Some exercises require only basic equipment 👌. The bestexercise for fat burning and body shaping. Thanks to Fit Woman2019- Fitness Gym Workout you can have full body experience andwork out at abs, butt and legs. Fit Woman’s - Fitness Gym Workoutfeatures: – mobile assistant for women including strength trainingusing not only light weights but also the weight of your own body,– you do not need any experience, you can start at the beginnerlevel and continue through the next levels of training, – you setyour individual calendar of exercises tailored to your lifestyle, –the application conducts your personal workout from start to finishand adjusts the length of breaks (except warm-up before exercisesand stretching after their completion), – exact descriptions of theexercises and their animated illustrations facilitate their properperformance, - the application automatically prepares all necessarystatistics, e.g. number of sit-ups or push-ups, and systematicallysummarizes your progress, - Fit Woman - Fitness Gym Workout ismotivating and encourages you to exercise regularly – if you misstwo training sessions, you will start from the beginning of yourcurrent level, - you regularly receive an automatic reminder aboutthe upcoming workout, so that you can improve your figure, – you dothe exercises to your favourite music from your own playlist, –clear layout is self-explanatory and intuitive. The application isavailable in English and Polish. Exercise with Fit Woman 2020 -Fitness Gym Workout – your personal mobile training! Download andsee for yourself! It's so easy to be fit and have well-trainedmuscles, slender legs and butts and flat belly. All rights reserved© Terms and Conditions:
PDF Reader 1.7.15
Do You want to read pdf ebook on your phone or tablet? Fast andminimal app!
File Manager PRO 1.3.1
File Manager PRO is a simple tool for manage your files.
Maxmodels – photos of models 1.3.1
MaxModels is a professional network website for talented modelsandphotographers. It is a place where you can create a profile,uploadyour photos and connect with other professionals. Intuitiveandeasy to use To enlarge the selected photo in app, just touch it.Bydragging the image from left or right, you will see other photosinthe same category. If you are interested in photos onlyfromspecific category like Fashion, Glamour or Portrait, touch themenuin the upper right corner and narrow down the list of photos.Getinspired by your favorite photos. Touch the bookmark icon intheupper right corner of the screen and the photo will be savedandwill appear in your Saved list. Follow your favorite usersTouchthe follow icon and the user will appear in the Following listandhis or her photos will be added to the Following category. Youcanfind it by touching the follow icon in the lower menu. Shareyourfavorite photos with others You can easily send it via email,SMS,Facebook or other social networking sites. MaxModels MessengerTowrite a message select user and touch the envelope icon. Inthelower menu bar you will find list of yourconversations.Communicator is only available to logged-in users.Your showcase Inthe app you have access to your profile and all ofyour publishedphotos. Notifications Turn on the notifications andyou will nevermiss new messages and the subscribed portfolios oftalented models,photographers, hair stylists, make-up artists,clothing designers.MaxModels community Do you want to become aphotographer or amodel? Looking for new contact? Join ourcommunity. You will beable to share your photos, comment and ratethe work of others andadd advertisements and write messages. Justtap button ”Go toMaxModels”.
Diet 2.1.17
Do you want to be fit! Lose weight and take the DIET challenge!
Speedometer PRO 2.2.7
Excellent speedometer gps to display HUD
Workout - A6W Weider six pack 1.1.6
Abs home workout - Weider Six Pack. Start today and have flat absin 42 days
Skaner nastrojów 1.4.5
Check to what mood you are!
Speedometer 1.5.0
Turn your phone into a speedometer!
Training for men - Fit Man workout 2020 💪 1.5.11
Lack of motivation? Don't know how to start exercising? EnterFitMan - workout at home - your mobile personal trainingapplication Fit Man - workout home is a free application with themost popularstrength and bodybuilding training prepared for men.You can maketraining at home! Exercises is illustrated with animateimage anddescribed in detail. With Fit Man - gym workout, you'vegot amobile set of exercises developed in cooperation withexperiencedpersonal trainers - right at your fingertips. With theapplicationyou can practice the whole body through squats, lunges,pumps,planks, crunches, isometric exercises, dead stump and manyothermore. You can use the application at the gym, at home, or inthepark, with only minimal equipment necessary. The mostimportantinformation: - No experience necessary. You can start fromthebasics and work your way up through further stages of training.-You can tailor your training regime to your daily schedule. -Theapplication guides you from the beginning to the end ofyourpersonal training, including rest times (does notincludepre-exercise warmup or post-exercise stretching). -Animatedillustrations and detailed descriptions facilitatecorrectperformance or exercises. - Built-in forum enables exchangeofinformation and Q & A. - The forum also allows you toconsultthe experts and get answers to questions on physicalactivity. -Fit Man – gym workout automatically compiles yourstatistics, many squats or push-ups you've done, how muchweight you'velifted, etc. - The application systematicallysummarizes yourprogress. - Fit Man – gym workout mobilizes andcompels regularity.If you miss two training sessions, you go backto the beginning ofyour current stage. - You automatically receivereminders ofupcoming training sessions. - You can work out to yourfavoritemusic (from your playlist). - Easy layout facilitatesintuitiveuse. Total body exercises: squats, lunges, pumps, planks,crunches,isometric exercises, dead stump and many other more.Theapplication is available in Polish, English, Russian,Ukrainian,French, German, Czech, Portuguese, and Spanish. Work outwith FitMan - gym workout! Download it and see for yourself! Allrightsreserved© Regulations:
Transportoid, public transport 6.6.21
Public transport routes and schedules for Warszawa, Kraków andpolish cities
Current Exchange - NBP 2.4.0
A free application which allows a very quick and easy way tocheckcurrent exchange rates of the National Bank of Polish. Exploreadetailed listing of interesting you, currencies: the dollar,euro,Swiss franc, pound, yen. With the widget, you can set yourphone onyour desktop selected course and the calculator function toquicklyhelp in their conversion. With this application you can alsocheckthe charts selected currencies last month. application at aglance:-kursy average, buying, selling five currencies: dollar,euro,franc, pound, yen, and many others -wykresy selectedcurrencieslast month -calculator -widget allows tracking ofselected coursesRegulations:
QR Barcode Scanner 2.4.5
QR code reader on your phone!
Easy Period Calendar ovulation 1.5.4
Easy Period Calendar, application for tracking your menstrual cycle
INT Poczta 2.8.68
INT Mail is a free application for e-mail.
Kurs walut 2.2.1
Darmowa aplikacja pozwala na ciągłe śledzenie aktualnychkursówwalut. Kursy Walut dzięki swoim stosunkowo małym rozmiaromzajmująniewiele miejsca w pamięci bądź karcie telefonu. Dziękiwidgetowimożemy śledzić wybrany kurs na pulpicie telefonu. Zaletyaplikacji:-widget -kurs kupna, sprzedaży oraz średni: euro, dolar,frank,funt, jen -aktualne średnie wykresy wszystkich wyżejwymienionychwalut -kalkulator przy pomocy którego w łatwy sposóbmożnaprzeliczyć poszczególne waluty -przeliczanie walut wgaktualnegokursu -wykresy regulamin:
Kurs walut online 1.4.3
Kursy walut online to aplikacja umożliwiająca śledzenieaktualnychkursów walut. Poznaj szczegółowe notowania interesującychCięwalut: dolara, euro, franka, funta, jena. Wykresyodzwierciedlajądynamikę zmian wartości średnich kursówposzczególnych walut.Dodatkową zaletą aplikacji jest możliwośćśledzenia najważniejszychnotowań giełdowych. Korzystając zkalkulatora przeliczysz podanakwotę po aktualnych cenach.regulamin:
Sweat Dreams - Baby lullabies 1.2.1
App for calm baby sleep. Check ASMR sounds and lullabies.
Smog – jakość powietrza Polska 1.3.5
Air pollution will never have secrets from you.