Mirasys Apps

Spotter Mobile 7.0 7.0.2
Compared to earlier versions of Spotter Mobile, Spotter Mobile 7.0adds quad screen view with four cameras simultaneously, alarmdisplay, and improved handling of the device list in the profile.Quad screen works best in large screen devices such as tablets.The quad screen can be swiped to display the next 4 cameras andindividual cameras can be tapped to make them fullscreen, andswiped to reveal the next camera.This version will just show the alarms, there is no alarm popupfunctionality that would alert the user if the alarm list is notvisible. We are working on that.Spotter Mobile 7.0 is only compatible with Mirasys DVMS 7.xsystems. It cannot be used with version 6.x or earlier Mirasys DVMSsystems. For 6.x and earlier systems, use the previous versions ofSpotter mobile.The license of the DVMS Master server must be updated for theapplication to work.For the license update, please send email to [email protected] with eitherMAC address or the serial number of the master server.Spotter seven.
Spotter Mobile 1.2.4
Spotter Mobile allows you to remotely monitoryour property via surveillance cameras. You can view live video,access recorded footage, send images via email and control I/Oswitches, such as locks or lights.Spotter Mobile comes with a built-in demo environment to try itout. When you want to connect your own cameras to it, all you needis Mirasys VMS software.