MemmioLab Apps

15 Picture Puzzle 1.3.1
Scegli una foto dalla galleria oscattalaattraverso la fotocamera per creare un puzzle e divertitiaricomporla!È possibile creare puzzle di 4 dimensioni (3x3, 4x4, 5x5, 6x6,4x3)con le foto che hai fatto o utilizzare la fotocamera per creareunnuovo puzzle con la foto appena scattata!Lo scopo del gioco è quello di risolvere il puzzle nel minornumerodi mosse e nel più breve tempo possibili!Choose a photo fromyourgallery or scattala through the camera to create a puzzle andhavefun together again!You can create your own puzzles from 4 sizes (3x3, 4x4, 5x5,6x6,4x3) with the photos that you have made, or use the cameratocreate a new puzzle with the picture just taken!The aim of the game is to solve the puzzle in the least numberofmoves and in the shortest time possible!
N-Queens 3.0
The problem of the N-Queens is to have n queens on an n × nchessboard without which they threaten each other. The queens havethe same properties eponymous chess piece , that is, in a move canmove any number of squares vertically, horizontally and diagonally.The problem , therefore, is to place the queens of boxes "safe",that is not threatened by other queens.