MedioLimon Apps

Talk Like Yoda 1.2
Wanted to talk like Yoda before? Realizedthattoday is "Talk Like Yoda Day" and want to impress yourfriends?With this app your are gonna have a lot of fun translatingnormalsentences to Yodish english in seconds!Learn how to talk like Yoda. Type or paste in a bunch oftext,and find out just how Yoda may have said it, in his Yodishway.Try it with jokes, emails, song lyrics, cardmessages,whatever!-----------------------------------*TIPS:*•Please don't just try "Hello." Nothing will change. Yodawon'tanswer back, he'll just repeat. It's not the same thing asaconversation.•Yoda speaks short sentences for a reason. If the result istotalgarbage, that could be why!•Make sure you use proper english grammar and punctuation,ourlittle green friend can't read your mind. "Don't", insteadof"Dont", and so on.•The exception is this: You should use extra punctuation ifasentence contains more than one clause, often split with'and','or', etc. For example: "Put your hands up and step away fromtheturnip." should be "Put your hands up, and step away fromtheturnip." or "Put your hands up. Step away from the turnip."•If using commas and full stops in currencies or initialisms,donot use spaces.•The use of parenthesis is not yet recommended, though Iwillwork on them.•If there are issues and a sentence is not yoderising asyouthink it should, it could also be because I haven't yetincludedall the words I need to in the search formulas. Help meimprove itby using the button given!-----------------------------------Instructions and web service are from, wich makespossiblethe core functionality of this app.
Impresiona a tus amigos en los momentosmásoportunos con esta "frase célebre" de la televisión dominicana.Enla voz del Dr. Ernesto Fadul, tu celular gritará DROGAAAA enlosmomentos más oportunos, trayendo explosiones de risas en cadacoro.No nos hacemos responsables de daños y perjucios que puedacausarel lenguaje explícito en esta aplicación. Las imágenes ysonidos enesta aplicación pertenecen a sus respectivos dueños, conlos cualesesta aplicación no tiene afiliación alguna.Impress your friendsatthe most opportune moments with this "famous phrase"Dominicantelevision. In the voice of Dr. Ernesto Fadul DROGAAAAyour cellyell at the most opportune moments, bringing bursts oflaughter inevery chorus.We are not responsible for damages that may causeperjuciosexplicit language in this application. The images andsounds inthis app belong to their respective owners, with whichthisapplication has no affiliation whatsoever.
Dotty 1.0
Help the Masked Dotty acrossthisjourney!