Mediacomms Apps

Just Lashes 1.0
This application enables users toselectvarious different eye lashes and set them on the photo oftheir eye(virtually attach the lash) with the interactive touchtechnologyof iPhone and book their eye lash appointment. It allowusers to"try before they buy".Further, users can keep photos of the lashes forever with theminthis app on their personal device for later reference,sharing,etc.
Male Personality Test 1.0
A personality test for men, to find awoman.Through a series of questions men will be able to discovertheirpersonality type to use to find a compatible partner.
Zombie Detector 1.0
Please note that Zombie Detector isforentertainment purposes only.The detector analyses human voice frequency (VF) levels andreturnsfour levels of warning based on volume.The warnings range from "A zombie has been detected" to "Getthehell out of here!" before a piercing zombie screamisemitted.Maps show your "zombie sightings" as well as "sightings" fromaroundthe world. Share sightings via Facebook, Twitter, emailorSMS.Zombie Detector is your essential post-apocolypse survivaltool.Good luck.