Mannyapps Apps

La Prueba del Tonto Pro 1.0
Divertidos e impresionantes niveles quepondrán a prueba tu inteligencia y tu ingenio, este juego contienenovedosos diseños y 40 niveles en los cuales tendrás que usar tudestreza para resolverlos.Y te permitirá competir con tus amigos para demostrar quien tienela mejor puntuación.Características:- Completamente gratis.- 40 niveles originales.- Gráficos casuales.- Música y efectos de sonido.- Sin anuncios.Fun and impressive levelsthat will test your intelligence and wit, this game contains 40levels and innovative designs in which you have to use your skillsto solve them.And lets you compete with your friends to show who has the bestscore.Features:- Completely free.- 40 original levels.- Casual graphics.- Music and sound effects.- No ads.
La Prueba del Tonto 2 Pro 1.0
Segunda entrega con divertidos eimpresionantes niveles que pondrán a prueba tu inteligencia y tuingenio, este juego contiene novedosos diseños y 40 niveles en loscuales tendrás que usar tu destreza para resolverlos.Y te permitirá competir con tus amigos para demostrar quien tienela mejor puntuación.Características:- Completamente gratis.- 40 niveles originales.- Gráficos casuales.- Música y efectos de sonido.- Libre de anunciosSequel to fun andimpressive levels that will test your intelligence and wit, thisgame contains 40 levels and innovative designs in which you have touse your skills to solve them.And lets you compete with your friends to show who has the bestscore.Features:- Completely free.- 40 original levels.- Casual graphics.- Music and sound effects.- Free ads
Can You Escape: Room Creepy 1.0
In this totally new puzzle type game, you arelocked in a room where you have to use multiple objects to solve aseries of puzzles, find clues and escape the room.Features;- Realistic 3d graphics.- Five exciting levels.- Fun and exciting story.- Amazing music and sound effects.
Only Fools Die 1.0
Funny and amazing levels that will test yourintelligence and wit, this game contains 8 levels and innovativedesigns in which you have to use your skills to solve them.And will allow you to compete with your friends to show who has thebest score.Features:- Completely free.- 8 original levels.- Casual graphics.- Music and sound effects.
USA Warriors 1.01
This is a fun action game where you can choose your preferredcandidate to become president of America. You can play against theCPU or against your friends.   - 5 candidates   -Caricatures   - Sound effects   - Free
Play Ball 1.1
A game of pure action to the rhythm of techno music. Enjoy breakingyour own records. Good graphics and original designed. Play to thebeat of the music.
La Prova di Stupido 1.01
Livelli divertenti e sorprendenti chemetteranno alla prova la vostra intelligenza e arguzia, questogioco contiene 40 livelli e design innovativi in cui si devonoutilizzare le vostre abilità per risolverli.E vi permetterà di competere con gli amici per vedere chi ha ilmiglior punteggio.Caratteristiche:- Completamente gratuito.- 40 livelli originali.- Grafica Casual.- Musica ed effetti sonori.Funny and amazing levelsthat will test your intelligence and wit, this game contains 40levels and innovative designs in which you must use your skills tosolve them.It will allow you to compete with your friends to see who has thebest score.Features:- Completely free.- 40 original levels.- Graphics Casual.- Music and sound effects.
Jump Cube 1.01
It is a game where you will have to jeopardize your ability to passthe levels designed in a space environment with lots of action.Enjoy music and playing.
Train Escape 1.0
In this totally new puzzle type game, you are locked in a roomwhere you have to use multiple objects to solve a series ofpuzzles, find clues and escape the room. Features; - Realistic 3dgraphics. - Five exciting levels. - Fun and exciting story. -Amazing music and sound effects.
Space Clicker 1.02
The massive hit game comes to mobile with new features! SpaceHunter Clicker is the best idle game, Embark on your quest andbegin a simple, yet incredibly fun adventure. Tap to attackmonsters, hire and level up heroes to unlock their uniqueabilities. Slay monsters for gold, find treasure, and explore newworlds. * Progress through 1000+ zones by defeating epic bosses andmonsters! * Upgrade your ouw weaponds. * Acquire diamonds forpowerful boosts! * Ascend your main hero to grow even stronger! *Graphics HD * Restart your World to get Diamonds.
Test Bodoh 1.0
Sebuah être titik quelpensez-vouscerdas?Naviguez à travers 40 niveaux étonnants et amusants, les reponsesneseront pas aussi évidentes que vous le pensez. Défiez-vouspourcomprendre et tester votre intelijen.Rivalisez avec vos amis dans ce jeu au desain innovant etpleind'énigmes!Caractéristiques:- 40 niveaux originaux et amusants.- De superbes graphismes- Bonne musique et effets sonores- Du plaisir pour tous les usiaA quel point êtrevouspensez-savvy?Naviguez à travers étonnants 40 niveaux et amusants, ne serontpasles reponses aussi que vous le pensez évidentes. Défiez-vouspourcomprendre et tester votre intelligence.Rivalisez avec vos amis dans ce jeu au design innovant etpleind'énigmes!Caractéristiques:- 40 niveaux et amusants originaux.- De superbes graphismes- Bonne musique et effets sonores- Du plaisir pour tous les ages
Se Como Jose Test 1.0
Sé como José, es un juego de preguntas absolutamente novedoso ydivertido. Te proponemos una serie de situaciones comprometedorasdonde cualquier decisión que tomes será crucial y a la vezdivertida. Sé inteligente, sé como José. Nuevos Niveles.....!!!Nuevos Diseños....!!! Super Divertido.....!!!
Cuanto Sabes 1.02
Pon a prueba tus conocimientos básicos y disfruta las diferentescategorias que te proponemos. Lleva la puntuación personal de tuspartidas y supérate a ti mismo. Exelentes Graficos. BuenaJugabilidad. Super divertido. Novedoso. Trivia. Pronto másNiveles!!
La Prueba del Tonto 2 1.03
Segunda entrega con divertidos eimpresionantesniveles que pondrán a prueba tu inteligencia y tuingenio, estejuego contiene novedosos diseños y 40 niveles en loscuales tendrásque usar tu destreza para resolverlos.Y te permitirá competir con tus amigos para demostrar quien tienelamejor puntuación.Características:- Completamente gratis.- 40 niveles originales.- Gráficos casuales.- Música y efectos de sonido.Sequel to funandimpressive levels that will test your intelligence and wit,thisgame contains 40 levels and innovative designs in which youhave touse your skills to solve them.And lets you compete with your friends to show who has thebestscore.Features:- Completely free.- 40 original levels.- Casual graphics.- Music and sound effects.
God Level Test 1.0
Niveaux drôles et étonnants qui permettra de tester votreintelligence et de l'esprit, ce jeu contient 40 niveaux et desmodèles innovateurs dans lequel vous devez utiliser vos compétencespour les résoudre. Et vous permettra de rivaliser avec vos amispour montrer qui a le meilleur score. Caractéristiques: -Entièrement gratuit. - 40 niveaux originaux. - Graphiques Casual. -Musique et effets sonores.
La Prueba del Tonto Pack 1.03
Esta aplicación pondrá a prueba tuinteligenciaen una diversidad de niveles creados.Disfruta y comparte con tus amigos tus resutados.Caracteristicas:-Nuevos gráficos y sonidos.-62 nuevos niveles divertidos-Juegos gratisThis application willtestyour intelligence in a variety of levels created.Enjoy and share with your friends your result set.Characteristics:   -New Graphics and sounds.   -62 New fun levels   -Free games
O Teste estúpido 1.01
Sequela de diversão e níveisimpressionantesque irão testar sua inteligência e sagacidade, estejogo contém 40níveis e projetos inovadores em que você tem que usarsuashabilidades para resolvê-los.E permite-lhe competir com seus amigos para mostrar quem temamelhor pontuação.características:- Completamente livre.- 40 níveis originais.- Gráficos casual.- Música e efeitos sonoros.Fun sequel andstunninglevels that will test your intelligence and wit, this gamecontains40 levels and innovative projects in which you have to useyourskills to solve them.And it allows you to compete with your friends to show who hasthebest score.characteristics:- Completely free.- 40 original levels.- Casual graphics.- Music and sound effects.
The Idiot Test Pack 1.01
This application will test your intelligenceina variety of levels created.Enjoy and share with your friends your result set.Characteristics:    -New Graphics and sounds.    -62 New fun levels    -Free games
Can You Escape: Pirate 1.01
Can You Escape!Welcome to the Age of Piracy. Solve the puzzles and break the codesto escape from your cell and beyond! Experience a pirate-themedprison break, exciting plot and the best puzzles you canfind!Features;- Realistic 3d graphics.- Five exciting levels.- Fun and exciting story.- Amazing music and sound effects
La Prueba del Tonto 1.06
Test your intelligence with 40 new and entertaining levels.
Der Test Dumme 1.0
Lustige und erstaunliche Ebenen, die Ihre Intelligenz und Witzzutesten wird, enthält das Spiel 40 Levels und innovativenDesigns,in dem Sie Ihre Fähigkeiten nutzen, um sie zu lösen. Undermöglichtes Ihnen, mit Ihren Freunden zu konkurrieren, um zuzeigen, die dasbeste Ergebnis hat. Eigenschaften: - Völligkostenlos. - 40ursprünglichen Niveaus. - Casual Grafiken. - MusikundSound-Effekte.