hayvanlar alemi 0.1
A great chance for kids and adults to explorethe animal planet for free by★ Learning pictures of animals★ Listening to the sound of animals★ Listening to the name of each animal in ★★ Turkish ★★★ Reading the name of each animal in ★★ Turkish ★★★ Learning how to pronounce each animal name in ★★ Turkish ★★Animal World is a family edutainment application that will takeyou and your little ones through a virtual journey in the animalkingdom. Animal sounds and real images to keep your kids busy. Itteaches you about the animal world and how to recognize animals& their Sounds. Browse through our gallery and tap on anyanimal to listen to its name in Turkish and hear its sound.Teach your kids how to swipe the screen to the left and rightand view around 50 animals for free.Our app is a funny way to play with amazing jungle creatures!Hear the sound of a lion, tiger, cat, zebra, cheetah, deer, sheep,wombat, elephant, horse, alligator, dolphin, whale, sea lion, bee,parrot, eagle and many other birds and animals that your kids willlove.This application is under continuous improvement so please feelfree to communicate any issues, suggestions or comments [email protected] please rate our app in the store in order to help us keepimproving.★★★★ Enjoy!! ★★★★
عالم الحيوانات 0.6
عالم الحيوانات هو برنامج مجاني تم تصميمه لمحبيالحيوانات من أطفال أو كبار. يحتوي البرنامج على العديد من صورالحيوانات بما يقارب 50 حيوان مجانا. يقوم برنامج عالم الحيوانات بعرضصور حقيقية منتقاة للحيوانات ويقوم أيضا بعرض أسماء الحيوانات وأصواتالحيوانات بشكل واضح وتعليمي للمستخدم. إذا بإمكانك تعليم أطفالكحفظهم الله الكثير من المعلومات من خلال هذا البرنامج المجاني. إذاأحببت التعرف على أو تعليم أبنائك المزيد عن عالم الحيوان يمكنك أيضاشراء النسخة الكاملة من خلال الضغط على كبسة النسخة الكاملةوالمتواجدة في الصفحة الأولى من هذا البرنامج.إذا واجهتك أية مشكلة أو لديك أية أفكار أو اقتراحات يمكنك التواصلمعنا مباشرة من خلال إرسال بريد إلكتروني إلى [email protected] وسنقوم بالردعليك بأقرب فرصة ممكنة.Animal World is a freeprogram designed for animal lovers of children or adults. Theprogram contains many pictures of animals including about 50 animalfree. The animal world software displays real pictures selected forthe animals and also displays the names of animals and the soundsof animals in a clear and user education. If you can teach yourchildren God save them a lot of information through this freeprogram. If you like to identify or teach your children more aboutthe animal world you can also purchase the full version by clickingon the push of the full version and within the first page of thisprogram.If any problem or have you encounter any ideas or suggestionsyou can contact us directly by sending a letter to [email protected] and we'llget back to you as soon as possible.
About Dog Breeds 0.3
Welcome to the "About Dog Breeds"With this application, you will learn much about dog breeds. Youwill get to see a variety of photos for each dog breed. You canalso learn about each breed's age, weight, height, training ,grooming, health, environment it lives.We have categorized dogs into the following 7 categories:- Sporting- Hound- Working- Herding- Non Sporting- Terrier- ToyThis application is also handy for you before you adopt a dog as itgives awareness about its different characteristics.Enjoy learning about a Labrador, a Golden Retriever. How aboutAfghan or Beagle breeds? Sounds interesting yeah? We will alsoteach you about Great Danes, and Rottweilers. Our categories gobeyond that, and talk about Border Collie, and German Shepard. Howmany of us love Bulldogs, and Jack Russel? We also cover some toyssuch as Havanese, Pomeranian, and Pug.Enjoy our app and we are always there to hear from you [email protected] and enjoy our app :)
Animals Pictures (in Spanish) 0.4
A great chance for kids and adults to explorethe animal planet in Spanish language for free by★ Learning pictures of animals★ Listening to the sound of most animals★ Listening to the name of each animal★ Reading the name of each animal★ Learning how to pronounce each animal nameAnimal World (Spanish) is a family edutainment application thatwill take you and your little ones through a virtual journey in theanimal kingdom. Animal sounds and real images to keep your kidsbusy. It teaches the user, in Spanish, about the animal world andhow to recognize animals & their Sounds. Browse through ourgallery and tap on any animal to listen to its name then hear itssound.Teach your kid how to swipe the screen towards the left andright to view around 50 animals for free.Our app is a funny way to play with amazing jungle creatures!Hear the sound of a lion, tiger, cat, cheetah, sheep, wombat,elephant, horse, alligator, dolphin, whale, bee, parrot, eagle andmany other birds and animals that your kids will love.This application is under continuous improvement so please feelfree to communicate any issues, suggestions or comments to [email protected] please rate our app in the store in order to help us keepimproving.★★★★ Enjoy!! ★★★★
Animal World Full 0.5
This is a family edutainment application thatwill take you and your little ones through a virtual journey in theanimal kingdom.Animal sounds and real images to keep your kid busy. Lots of funfor your baby.This is a fun package to teach your kids about the animal world andrecognize animals & their Sounds.When you hear the sounds you will feel as if you are in themiddle of a jungle.Bring the wildlife from all round the world for your kid.A great chance for kids to explore the animal planet by1) Learning pictures of animals2) Listening to the sound of most animals3) Listening to the name of each animal4) Reading the name of each animal5) Learning how to pronounce each animal nameBrowse through our gallery and tap on any animal to listen toits name then hear its sound.Teach your kid how to swipe the screen towards the left andright to view more than 80 animals.Our app is a funny way to play with amazing jungle creatures!Hear the sound of a lion, tiger, dog, cat, zebra, cheetah, goat,sheep, koala, wombat, kangaroo, elephant, horse, alligator,dolphin, whale, sea lion, mosquito, fly, bee, parrot, eagle andmany other mammals and birds that your kids will really love as perour experience.This is a nice-to-have ads-free app for you and yourchildren.*** More about animals ***Animals are all the creatures belonging to the kingdom Animalia,ranging in complexity from simple organisms like sponges to highlydeveloped human beings. (Some of the other kingdoms are Plantae,which encompasses things like grass, trees, and flowers, and Fungi,which are things like mold and mushrooms.) Animals make up at leastthree-quarters of all the species on Earth, and they aredistinguished from plants and other organisms by their ability tomove. Even tiny animals have muscles and therefore can getaround-to find food or a mate, or to get away from enemies.Animals have several characteristics that set them apart from otherliving things. Animals are eukaryotic and mostly multicellular,which separates them from bacteria and most protists. They areheterotrophic, generally digesting food in an internal chamber,which separates them from plants and algae. They are alsodistinguished from plants, algae, and fungi by lacking rigid cellwalls. All animals are motile, if only at certain life stages.This application is under continuous improvement so please feelfree to communicate any issues, suggestions or comments to [email protected] your tour in our zoo :)
About Dog Breeds (Free) 0.6
Welcome to "About Dog Breeds"With this application, you will learn much about dogs.You will get to see a variety of photos of each one ofourbreeds.You can also learn about each breed's age, weight, height,training, grooming, health, preferred environment.We have categorized our available breeds into following7categories:- Sporting- Hound- Working- Herding- Non Sporting- Terrier- ToyThis application is also handy for you before you adopt a dog asitgives you awareness about its different characteristics.This is a free version of the app and you can also upgrade tothefull version which has all the available breeds open for youand is100% ads-free.Enjoy learning about a Labrador, a Golden Retriever. AlsoaboutAfghan or Beagle.We will also teach you about Great Danes, and Rottweilers.We also help you know about Border Collie, German Shepard,Bulldogs,and Jack Russel.Luckily, we also did not forget about Pomeranian and Pug :)We hope you will enjoy our app and we are always there tohearfrom you on [email protected] "Dog Breeds" Team