MDuckStudio Apps

天天背單詞 1.3.3
特別註意:軟件優先安裝在SD卡中,請不要安裝軟件後拔掉SD卡,否則是無法打開軟件的。請不要升級後再降級,因為這很可能會導致用戶數據丟失。[美式發音庫][英式發音庫]:[單詞圖片庫]一款基於艾賓浩斯記憶曲線的、完全離線的智能背單詞軟件。包括以下特色:一、海量課程:包括小學英語、初中英語、高中英語、大學英語、四六級考試、考研英語、出國留學、職稱考試、經典書籍和專業詞庫10大分類,303個課程;二、智能循環記憶系統:與傳統背單詞軟件不同,它能夠根據你回答的“記得”和“忘記”準確的捕捉到遺忘點,讓你及時得到鞏固,再也不會出現“當時背過一會就忘”的情況了;三、小巧的英漢字典:學習時能及時查閱不認識的單詞;四、貼心的學習管家:瀏覽先前背誦過的單詞,真正做到查缺補漏;五、方便易用的生詞本:及時收藏不熟悉的單詞,並提供了導入和導出到文本文件的功能;六、富有擴展性的課程制作功能:將生詞制作成課程再學習,更具針對性,防止重復背誦而浪費大量的時間;七、快捷的跨軟件剪切板取詞和屏幕取詞:高精度的取詞功能,真正做到哪裏不會點哪裏;八、獨有的邊聽邊背功能:在手機鎖屏後也能繼續背單詞,非常適合在乘坐公交車或地鐵戴上耳機邊聽邊背,起到解放雙眼,加深印象的作用;九、個性的自定義設置:大量的設置選項,滿足不同用戶需求,例如可以選擇單詞字體大小、基本詞義字體大小、夜間或白天模式等。Special Note:Software-first installation in the SD card, please do not installthe software after unplug the SD card, otherwise it is impossibleto open the software. Please do not upgrade then downgrade, becauseit is likely to lead to loss of user data.[American pronunciation Library][British pronunciation Library]:[Word Photo gallery] based on Ebbinghaus curve completely offline smart back wordsoftware. Includes the following features:First, the massive programs include: elementary English, juniorhigh school English, high school English, English, CET, PubMedEnglish, study abroad, title examination, classic books andprofessional thesaurus 10 major categories, 303 courses;Second, intelligence cycle memory system: with traditional backword software is different, it can be based on your answers,"remember" and "forget" to capture the exact point of oblivion, sothat you receive timely consolidation, will no longer appear, "thenback off a will forget "situation of;Third, the small English dictionary: timely access to learning doesnot know the word;Four, intimate learning butler: browse previously memorized words,truly Network access;Five, easy to use words of this: the timely collection ofunfamiliar words, and provides import and export to text filefunction;Six, full scalability courses making functions: the production ofnew words into the curriculum and study again, more targeted,prevent duplication and waste a lot of time to memorize;Seven, quick to take the word across the software and capturing theclipboard: accuracy check function word, truly where no pointwhere;Eight, the unique listened back function: After the phone lockscreen can continue to back the word, is very suitable to take thebus or subway wearing headphones listened back, play liberationeyes, deepen the role of impression;Nine, personalized custom settings: a lot of setup options to meetthe needs of different users, for example, you can choose the fontsize of words, the basic meaning font size, night or day mode.