Referee Assistant Pro 3.0
Tool for helping referees. It includes a timerand you can stop and restart it when it is neccesary, and itincludes too, the possibility of showing yellow and red cards. Youcan manage the local and visitor team players with yellow and redcards showed.Use it simply if you want to show a red or yellow card to somebody.The screen will be like a red or yellow card with the referee'swhistle sound.Pro version includes too:- "Del" button to avoid mistakes writting the player number.- Scoreboard- Dynamic timeline- No Ads (No internet connection needed)
The Wheel of Lingo 2.2
Do you consider yourself an expert guessingwords?You can now demonstrate it play The Wheel of Lingo.Guess 5-letters words as many as you can and complete the alphabetwheel.Try to be in the top 50 of the best people guessing words.The game is based in Mastermind with letters.Enjoy it!Note: Download Pro version and enjoy other levels with orwithout help-letter, against the time... As much difficult you'llget more score if the word is guessed.
Info Lluvia 7.7
Con esta app podremos ver:-La última imagen del radar de Aemet que indica los lugares en losque está lloviendo y con qué intensidad.-Una animación de las imágenes de las últimas 12 horas en la que sepuede observar la evolución y el desplazamiento de la lluvia.-Un opción de zoom , desde el que se obtendrá un listado porregiones para obtener mayor detalle sobre esa región (incluyeCanarias). Al seleccionar la región se obtendrá una imagen ampliadade la zona que a su vez podrá ser ampliada a gusto del usuario conel método multitouch (es decir con 2 dedos). Además se añade unainterpretación escrita del mapa.-Una opción combinando el zoom y la animación para ver con másdetalle la evolución de la lluvia en una zona determinada.Deslizando el dedo suavemente se desplaza la bola de lavelocidad.-Un resumen de los datos de precipitación, temperatura máxima,mínima y media, la velocidad del viento y las rachas máximas desdehoy hasta 7 días antes en toda España o por provincias.-Dispone de alarma de lluvia para programarla cuando sedesee-Por otro lado dispone de un widget que se instalará desde elescritorio del dispositivo con probabilidad de lluvia inminentepara las localidades con radar (tipo lo de la Formula 1) conactualizaciones periodicas(cuanta mayor probabilidad de lluvia,menor intervalo de tiempo con un rango entre 1 y 12 horas) conposibilidad de actualización manual.Aviso: las actualizacionesmanuales demasiado frecuentes pueden influir en la duración de labatería y en el consumo de datos. Para que el widget funcione en laaplicación hay que configurar la localidad de referencia.With this app we cansee:-The last Aemet radar image indicating the places where it'sraining and how hard.-An animation of the images of the last 12 hours in which we canobserve the evolution and movement of the rain.-A zoom option, from which you will obtain a list by region formore detail on that region (including Canary Islands). By selectingthe region will get an enlarged image of the area which in turn canbe expanded to suit the user with multitouch method (ie with 2fingers). In addition a written interpretation of the map.-An option combining zoom and animation to see in more detail theevolution of rainfall in a given area. Sliding your finger gentlymoves the ball speed.-A summary of the data of precipitation, maximum temperature,minimum and average wind speed and gusts from today until 7 daysbefore in Spain or provinces.Alarm-rain has to program when desired-On the other hand has a widget that will install from thedesktop of the device with a chance of rain imminent radarlocations (such as the Formula 1) with periodic updates (how muchgreater chance of rain, shorter time interval with range between 1and 12 hours) manual.Aviso upgrade possible: too frequent manualupdates can affect the battery life and data consumption. For thework in the application widget to be configured locality ofreference.
MDPS LINGO Donation 5.3
MPDS Lingo is like a letters Mastermind.Play against other one. Everyone has to guess the 5lettersword.You have to guess the written word by your opponent.You have 5 chances.If a letter and its position is guessed, it will look like thefirstone.f a letter is guessed but not in its right position, it willlooklike the first one but in red colorIf a letter is not guessed, it will look like a normal character.You only can write an inexistent word, the it will be appearapoison icon.If you finish before your opponent you will have to wait fortheanswer and the match will appears in the waiting list.If not you will see the result of the game.You can give up pressing the white flag.You can guess words in English and Spanish.
My Trip 2.3
With My Trip you can watch your trips withyourfriends in real time. Select a destination and invite to allthepeople who is going to do the same trip and watch theirposition inthe map. You can talk with them to say them all youconsiderimportant about the trip. Say when you have arrived. Watchwhenanocher traveller has started the trip, their speeds etc, andmanageall the trips you want.Some My Trip uses:- You are going to take a trip with your friends and everyonehasdifferent departure points.- You are going to your job and you want to know if somebodythanyou know is doing a similar route than you, is going fine orhasany problem to arrive to destination.- Tell anyone you want thay you have arrived toyourdestination.
Meeting Point 1.00
With Meeting Point you can watch yourmeetingswith your friends in real time. Select a meeting point andinviteto all the people who is going to meet with you and watchtheirposition in the map. You can talk with them to say them allyouconsider important. Say when you have arrived. Watch whenanocherone has started, their speeds etc, and manage all themeetingpoints you want.You cant test this version during 30 days.
Referee Assistant 3.0
Tool for helping referees. It includes atimerand you can stop and restart it when it is neccesary, anditincludes too, the possibility of showing yellow and red cards.Youcan manage the local and visitor team players with yellow andredcards showed.Use it simply if you want to show a red or yellow card tosomebody.The screen will be like a red or yellow card with thereferee'swhistle sound.
Info Values 1.7
Infovalues allows to know the current dataabuout dollar-euro currency, Brent, Dow Jones and Nikkei.This version includes detailed information about the last dataof dollar-euro currency and an animated graphic with the evolutionof the last daily valuesIt's also included a widget with these values. The widget isupdated every day.
My Accounts 2.1
My accounts is an app for managingyouraccounts and sharing with whoever you want, for exampleyourpartner. Use it every time you buy something, you get money,etcadding the movements that you consider important. Every timeyouregister a movemnent or update the credit, My accounts will sendanotification to the people devices whom you share everyaccount.Some examples:-Your partner withdraw money from ATM, then you know that youdon'thave to do it, because the app have sent to youanotification.-You want to buy something, but you don't remember the last timeyouwatched your credit and you don't know if you updateditrecently.-Your are waiting for some important acquittance, so you havetocontrol to have enough credit.This app has no connection with any bank. The objective issimplebut useful, control your accounts' state.For enjoying this app without ads, please download MyAccountsPro.In pro version will be added new functionality as somenewalarms.
The Wheel of Lingo Pro 2.2
Do you consider yourself an expertguessingwords?You can now demonstrate it play The Wheel of Lingo.Guess 5-letters words as many as you can and complete thealphabetwheel.Try to be in the top 50 of the best people guessing words.The game is based in Mastermind with letters.You can play in all the levels in this version (with orwithouthelp-letter, against the time). As much difficult you'll getmorescore if the word is guessed... and there's no ads.Enjoy it!
My Wine Donation 2.1
You can manage your favourite wines withMyWine.Save all the information you want about winery, grapes,aging,vintage, etc.Besides, you can make a photo of the wine and save it.In this version you can order the wines list by several criteriaandfilter only the wines you want to see.
My Wine 2.1
You can manage your favourite wines withMyWine.Save all the information you want about winery, grapes,aging,vintage, etc.Besides, you can make a photo of the wine and save it.
MPDS Lingo is like a letters Mastermind.Play against other one. Everyone has to guess the 5lettersword.You have to guess the written word by your opponent.You have 5 chances.If a letter and its position is guessed, it will look like thefirstone.f a letter is guessed but not in its right position, it willlooklike the first one but in red colorIf a letter is not guessed, it will look like a normal character.You only can write an inexistent word, the it will be appearapoison icon.If you finish before your opponent you will have to wait fortheanswer and the match will appears in the waiting list.If not you will see the result of the game.You can give up pressing the white flag.You can guess words in English and Spanish.
Info Polen 1.3
Información diaria de los niveles de polenentu ciudad.Infopolenes ayuda a la gente con problemas alérgicos a conocerlosvalores publicados de gramíneas, arizonicas, platanus y olivodeestaciones de medición de diferentes localidades. Además sepuedenconsultar los valores de las 2 últimas semanas para cada unodeellos en forma de gráfica para observar su evolución.