LyteShot Apps

Assassin: The Game 3.1.4
Assassin brings video-game action into therealworld with LyteShot's "Assassin: The Game". Now you and yourfriendscan try to survive being eliminated by the Assasssin.Play with 2 players using your LyteShot hardware. Each playerhasa designated amount of time to clear the area, and will theneachplayer is notified if they are the Assassin or if they arebeingTarget! If a player manages to eliminate his/her targetbefore timeruns out, that player earns a point. If a playersurvives from beingeliminated after time runs out, then the Targetplayer earn a point.When a player is eliminated or time expires,the roles reverse withtime allotted for players to separate.Target players can activate their Shield by sliding theirthumbfrom left to right on their mobile device to provide theability toget away without being hit. However, the Shield takestime torecharge so use it wisely.The game continues for 4 rounds, and the highest scoringplayerwins!