Lpka Apps

FAQ Android 0.7.8
You bought a new ANDROID phone. NowWHAT?This program helps you decide which programs to download,whattolook for, and guide you through your first steps inandroidcommunity.It answers a lot of beginner questions and what is hot and whatisnot.You can check brief ANDROID HISTORY, how the Android PHONEhadbecome what is today.
VFR Slovenia 3.2.
New update: -New address on Airports in Slovenia (in MAPS)-Upadtenew FREQ on some VFR airports -Added dimentions and type oflandingarea airports -Fixed the links -Updated weather data -MAPofAIRFIELDS ____________________________________________VFRinformation for flying in Slovenian Airspace. All the info youneedat the time of your flight. - Weather condition over Slovenia,-Notice to airman - (NOTAM), - Weather radar,GAFOR, SWC -Locationof aerodroms, - Specification of AD - Phonenumbers..._______________________________________ Letalstvo vSlovenijiVreme: - Napoved v sliki - Radarska slika padavinLetalstvo: -NOTAM A & B - DEPEŠE - GAFOR karta - SWC kartaLetališča &Vzletišča: - Specifikacije (smeri steze, dolžina inširina...) -Frekvence - Kontakt in naslov - Slike (kmalu)