Loeffa Apps

Hello Vector
Hello Vector se baseia na interaçãomatemáticaentre o vetor inercial e o vetor de atuação do jogador,provocandoo desafio de manter o vetor resultante na pista durantetoda acorrida.Hello Vector is basedonmathematical interaction between the inertial vector andtheplayer's performance vector, causing the challenge ofmaintainingthe resultant vector on the track throughout therace.
SED Health Care - Family health manager 2.3.1
SED Health Care allows you to easily manage your personal andfamily health, registering and tracking health care routines. In asimple form you can register exams, consultations and medications.Notifications for medicines allow the addition of an image, whichwill be displayed when the alarm sounds, allowing easyidentification of the drug to be administered. SED Health Care alsolets you add user data, such as weight, height, blood pressure,glucose rates, among other measures, and displays the informationon charts. This way you can track your health over time. Symptoms,such as headaches, can be added easily and you can track theevolution of these.