Ling-Hsung Apps

~動手畫畫兒Painter~ 1.2
自己可以動手在手機畫畫哦~還可以保存及拍照哦~顏色多款自選!!You can draw your ownhands in the phone can also save and oh oh photographed a varietyof optional colors !!
給羅希小姐的禮物(免費電子書) 1.2
羅希父女相當恩愛,但是女兒病重,在一起的時間不多了。羅希爸爸會怎麼做呢?Rossi quiteaffectionatefather and daughter, but her daughter was seriouslyill, with timerunning out.Rossi Dad how would you do it?
終極密碼 1.3
1.在長方形方框中輸入你猜的數字2.按下確定紐3.觀看方框下的範圍變動重複以上1. Enter the numbersyouguess the rectangular box2. Press OK Zealand3. Watch the variation range of the box underRepeat