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Guess the car 3.5.2dk
Guess the car by it's picture. Do you thinkyou know autos very well?This funny word quiz will help you to check your car expertknowledge!IN GAME:- Awesome pictures of different cars and vehicles, bikes- Many cars- Bikes!- Retro and modern models of machinesEnjoy this quiz game and become a truly car expert whilewalkthrough all 'guess the car levels'!I would be glad to add more levels, if you like my game!
Space photo quiz 3.6.2dk
Guess different stars, planets, moons,satellites, comets, Kuiper belt objects, galaxies and clusters.Have fun or educate yourself, while guessing space photo wordquiz!IN GAME:- Beautiful pictures of space and far away constellations- Different space objects- Planets: Earth, Mars, Venus, Mercury, and so on- Stars: Sun, etc.- Dwarf planets- Colourfull space pictures- Educative- Some higher levels are really tough to guessIf you like my game, please, contact me and I will add more levels.I really have fun doing this kind of creative work!Enjoy space in your hands and in your mind!
Guess game by screenshot quiz 3.6.2dk
You play a lot and know many games? So this isa challenge for you - guess a game by screenshot!On each level you see a screenshot of some game and you must guessthe name of this game.INSIDE:- Old and new games' screenshots- Games you love and know and remember- Highly addictive!- Your favourite game heroesLet's find out how many games you know!
Guess the shape 3.9.2dk
Guess the object by it's black and whiteshapes. It could be an animal, a geometrical figure, a fairy taleor a cartoon character and so on.IN GUESS OBJECT GAME:- Black and white pics- Different funny objects: stars, animals, cartoon characters,etc.- Many levels and plan to add much much more!- HintsGuess the object name by typing correct letters and solve the wordquiz.Some levels are really headscratching, do you think you could guessthem all? Let's see how far you can go!
What color is the dress? 3.5.2dk
Guess what color is the same for all fourdresses on the screen.Remember this incredible - What colour is the dress - virus meme?Well, we just developed a cool funny game for guessing the color ofthe dress. Each level you would see 4 different dresses on thescreen and must type the word that would answer the question ofwhat really color unite all these four dresses. Black? Yellow? ormaybe.. Sky?:)Is it a blue and black dress?;) OR Is it a white and bluedress?;)IN GAME:- 60 different colors of dresses (and you must guess themall)- 4 dresses on each level- Headscratching quizes on higher levels- Hints to help you walkthroughGame has 60 levels and each next one is harder than previous one.Check out how far you can go!P. S. If the game will become popular on Google Play, I will addmore levels: 100, 200, maybe 300 levels or even more! I reallyenjoy the process of creating new levels for such awesomegame.So, tell me, please, what colour is the dress?)
Политбюро 1982 - Угадай вождя 3.4.2dk
18 сентября 2082 года, вечерело, поЗамоскворечью плыл сиреневый туман. Усталый работник брёл свнеочередной смены с трубопрокатного завода, правая рука былакрепко вцеплена в бутылку простого пива. Он внезапно вспомнил, чтосегодня должен отдать свой гражданский долг.Сделав финальный глоток он решительно толкнул вперёд дверьизбирательного участка, но по каким-то неизвестным нам причинам онвдруг попал в ..заброшенное подземное хранилище. Он увидел надверях проржавевшие металлические таблички с фотографиями бывшихпартийных бонз. Время не пощадило их, имена на табличках былиизрядно покрыты коррозией. Отчаяние охватило работника:- Я должен их всех спасти, мы должны сохранить для потомков памятьо них, я должен вспомнить их имена!Пьяный и усталый мозг лихорадочно пытался вспомнить хотя быинициалы, но тщетно, пиво и тяжёлая работа иссушили его мозг, он немог вспомнить ни одной буквы ни в одной фамилии. И онвоззвал:- Господи, люди добрые, коммунисты, патриоты, спасите нас!Вспомните их великие имена!Товарищ, помоги работнику вспомнить имена членов Политбюро ЦК КПССобразца 1982 года!September 18, 2082, dusk,in Zamoskvorechye sailed lilac mist. Tired worker wandered with anextraordinary change with Pipe Plant, the right hand was tightlyvtseplena in a simple bottle of beer. He suddenly remembered thattoday must give their civic duty.Having made the final sip, he strongly pushed forward the door ofthe polling station, but for some unknown reasons, he suddenly hitthe ..zabroshennoe underground storage. He saw the door rusty metalplates with pictures of former party bosses. Time has not been kindto them, the names on the plates were badly corroded. Despairgripped the employee:- I have to save them all, we need to preserve for posterity thememory of them, I remember their names!Drunk and tired brain frantically trying to recall at least theinitials, but in vain, beer and hard work dried up his brain, hecould not think of a single letter in any family. And he criedout:- God, good people, the Communists, patriots, save us! Think of thegreat names!Comrade, help employee remember the names of the members of thePolitburo of the sample in 1982 year!
Звездопад 3.3.2dk
Брось вызов! Угадай звезду!Прикольные фото звёзд обработаны компьютерной программой, авыглядят как крутецкие рисунки выполненные профессиональнымхудожником с помощью карандаша, фломастера, мелков иликрасок.Challenge! Guess thestar!Funny photo of stars processed by a computer program, and look likeKrutetskaya drawings made by professional artist with a pencil,pen, crayons or paints.
Car guess car 3.4.2dk
INSIDE:- Awesome pictures of different cars and vehicles, bikes- Many awesome cars- Even bikes!- Retro, modern models of vehiclesGuess car by looking on the pic. Do you think you know autos verywell?This fun word quiz will help you to checkout your car expertiseknowledge!Enjoy the quiz game, become a truly cars expert while walkthru all'guess the car levels'!
Color of dress 3.4.2dk
Guess what color is the same for 4 dresses onthe screen.Is it a blue and black dress?;) OR Is it a white and bluedress?;)INSIDE:- 60 different colours of dresses- 4 dresses on the screen- Really hard quizes on high levels- Hints to help you walkthruRemember this virus meme - What color is the dress? We developed anew fun game for guess color of the dress. Each level you would see4 different dresses on the screen and must type the word that wouldanswer the question of what really color unite all these fourdresses. Black? Yellow? or maybe.. Sky?:)Game has 60 levels and each next one is harder than previous one.Check out how far you can go!Tell me what color is the dress?:)
Alcohol Quiz 3.4.2dk
VODKAVODKAVODKA..mmm, beer? cognac?D'ya think ya are a spirits expert? Well, try this alcoholwordquiz:- pics of alcohol- hard to beat all levels- lot of fun)BTW, what's your favourite drink?
Space Quiz Cosmos Quiz 3.4.2dk
Guess different stars, planets, moons,satellites, comets, Kuiper belt objects, galaxies and clusters.Have fun or educate yourself, while guessing space photo wordquiz!IN QUIZ:- Different space objects- Stars: Sun, etc.- Awesome pics of space and far away constellations- Planets: Mars, Venus, Earth, Mercury, and many others- Colourfull space pictures- Dwarf planets- Some higher levels are really tough to guessEnjoy space in your mind!
Guess cryptocoin 3.3.2dk
Bitcoin? Litecoin? Ripple? Dogecoin?- guess coin by picture
Угадай звезду, угадай певицу 3.4.2dk
Все знаменитости, звёзды, актёры, актрисы,певцы и певицы в словесной викторине - Угадай звезду, угадайпевицу!Много уровней, прикольные фото звёзд и певцов обработаныкомпьютерной нейросетью и выглядят как обалденные рисункивыполненные профессиональным художником с помощью карандаша,фломастера или красок.Брось вызов судьбе! Словесная игра - Угадай звезду!All the celebrities,stars, actors, actresses, singers verbal Quiz - Guess the star,singer guess!Many levels, funny pictures of stars and singers are processed bythe neural network and the computer look like awesome drawings madeby a professional artist with a pencil, pen or ink.Challenge your fate! Word game - Guess the star!
Угадай эту звезду 3.4.2dk
Твоё дело - угадать звезду или певицу! Всезвёзды, актёры и актрисы в веселой словесной викторине: Что запевица?Прикольные фото звёзд обработаны компьютерной программой, авыглядят как бомбические рисунки выполненные профессиональнымхудожником с помощью карандаша, фломика, мелков или масляныхкрасок.Your business - to guessthe star or singer! All stars, actors and actresses in a fun verbalquiz: What's the singer?Funny photo of stars processed by a computer program, and look likebombicheskie drawings made by professional artist with a pencil,flomika, crayons or oil paints.
Певица или актриса? 3.4.2dk
Много уровней, прикольные фото звёздобработаны компьютером, но выглядят как обалденные рисункисделанные настоящим художником с помощью фломастера, карандаша иликрасок.Твоё дело - угадать актрису, звезду или певицу!Певцы, звёзды, знаменитости, актёры, актрисы и певицы в этойвикторине - Певица или актриса?Many levels, funnypictures of stars processed by a computer, but look how awesomedrawings made by a true artist with the help of pen, pencil orink.Your business - to guess the actress, a star or a singer!The singers, stars, celebrities, actors, actresses and singers inthis quiz - singer or actress?
Угадай певицу или звезду 3.4.2dk
Все знаменитости, звёзды, актёры, актрисы ипевицы в словесной викторине - Угадай певицу или звезду!Много уровней, прикольные фото звёзд обработаны компьютером, новыглядят как обалденные рисунки сделанные настоящим художником спомощью фломастера, карандаша или красок.Твоё дело - угадать звезду или певицу!All the celebrities,stars, actors, actress and singer in a verbal quiz - Guess thesinger or star!Many levels, funny pictures of stars processed by a computer, butlook how awesome drawings made by a true artist with the help ofpen, pencil or ink.Your business - to guess the star or singer!
Звездный час 2.2.4e
Много уровней, прикольные фото звёздобработаныкомпьютером, но выглядят как обалденные рисункисделанные настоящимхудожником с помощью фломастера, карандаша иликрасок.Твоё дело - угадать звезду или певицу! Все звёзды, актёрыиактрисы в веселой словесной викторине: Что за певица?Many levels,funnypictures of stars processed by a computer, but look howawesomedrawings made by a true artist with the help of pen, pencilor ink.Your business - to guess the star or singer! All stars,actorsand actresses in a fun verbal quiz: What's the singer?
Госдеп - угадай врага 3.4.2dk
8 ноября 2016 года выборы 45-го президентаСША, оголодалый полудикий народ не может выбрать между безумнойстарушкой Хиллари Клинтон и хохмачом Дональдом Трампом.Обама вводит войска в Вашингтон дабы предотвратить русскую осень вСоединенных Штатах, но народ уже готов ворваться в Конгресс иизъявить своё настоящее волеизъявление, осталось толькоопределиться с выбором.Помоги народу США совершить правильный выбор! Угадай всехкандидатов в президенты, президентов, госсекретарей и прочих.November 8, 2016 electionof the 45th US President, ogolodaly half-civilized people can notchoose between a mad old lady joker Hillary Clinton and DonaldTrump.Obama introduces troops in Washington in order to prevent Russianautumn in the United States, but people are ready to break into theCongress and wish his real will, it remains only to choose.Help the American people to make the right choice! Guess all thepresidential candidates, presidents, secretaries of state, andothers.
Guess artist by album cover 3.9.2dk
You see album cover, try to guess the name ofthe artist. Game is getting harder and to walkthrough all levelsyou must know as rock music from 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s, also youmust know modern singers from 1990s, 2000s and 2010s as well.This awesome game is really a tough challenge, do you think youcould handle it?