LearnWorlds Apps

Data Science Academy
An online training application in Data Science, Big Data andAnalytics.
CPDPhilippines 1.17
Online CPD Courses for Filipino Professionals
RealMVMT 1.37
Have you always felt like you have more to offer and are notlivinglife to its fullest potential? Learn and apply what nobodyevertaught you about how to use your body and mind to maximiseyourpotential. The Real MVMT app includes wellness, nutrition&mindset protocols together with training plans andmovementtutorials and coaching courses. This program is a directpath tothe best you that you’ve always wanted to uncover. AboutRealMVMTRealMVMT was born out of a decade of research into what ittakes toreach the highest levels of performance. The searchincluded 6years of travel to all parts of the world looking forsolutions thequestion of higher performance. How can the world livehigherperformance? It starts with you and I. How can we live toourhighest potential in all aspects of life? This is thequestionRealMVMT is dedicated to answering. We invite you toparticipate inthis project. Higher performance is contagious. Asyou attain newlevels of performance and success you change theworld around you.You become a coach for your family members,friends, team-mates andeveryone who sees the standards you’reliving too.
OFBV Startup Network 1.20
The entrepreneurship startup and social network.