Landice Apps

动漫花园浏览器 1.0
Clever Alarm 3.1.30
Clever Alarm provides some advancedfeaturesyet the common alarm clock functionalities.In addition to the common alarm clock functionality, CleverAlarmsupports following cool features:* (main feature) It can detect your location and then decide toringor not-- The locations are defined by whether a certain WiFi hotspotcanbe found at your current location-- For example, you can setup an alarm which only rings at 8:30andonly when you are still at home seeing the WiFi hotspotsignalwhich can only be detected at your home. It won't bother youtodismiss it when you are already on your road to the office-- On the hand, you can also setup an alarm which only ringswhenyou are not at your office and wakes you up at the last minutewitha special ringtone so that your boss won't be mad-- Capable of detecting your current location, you can easilysetupan alarm which reminds you to go home from work at 5 pm onlyif youare still at the office-- No more repeat on switching on-and-off manually and youdeservean easier life like this-- You can save multiple locations-- Of course you can disable or use different location settingforeach alarm* Alarms can be labeled to remind you about what is thisalarmfor on the UI* Low volume gentle pre-alarm which starts some time beforethemain alarm. When you are in good sleep phase to wake up, youwillhear the low volume alarm and wake up most refreshed. 30minutes(configurable) is most of the time enough to catch the fastsleepphase. This is one of the functions which qualify for a smartalarmclock.* Recurring alarms (weekdays, weekends, etc)* Vibration* Configurable for ringtones* Configurable for snooze duration* Configurable for alarm volume* Configurable for longclick/click to dismiss* Longclick on snooze button for adjustable snooze time withaconvenient time pickerAdditional feature requests are appreciated!Send bug report or advise to the developer from the "About"buttonin the main menu :)