Tennis Live Trends FREE
Tennis Live Trends application developedforsports professionals, fans, and those who deal withsportsstatistics and probable prognosis. Based on SportsTrendsVisualization specification, Tennis Live Trends applicationexposeslive tennis competitions dynamics statistics in real timemode.That provides possibility to review a live match flow andsequenceof its events. Such data set as scores, times, estimatedbybookmakers players' chances to win are beingrepresenteddiagrammatically in chart. Thanks to that you can easilyanalyzenature of a competition.List of eventsThis is tennis matches list that shows latest scores andplayers'chances to win. It's being refreshed automatically each10seconds.ChartChart is a line chart that represents the following statisticsineach point of timeline:match score;time when the score registered;players' chances to win.It's being refreshed automatically each 2 seconds.Optionally,chart area can be marked up to show match sets.Axis XAxis X is a timeline that shows:Time of data registered, HH:MM:SS. Default time zoneisUTC;Score (optionally).Note: time is not equally distributed at the timelineandrepresents dynamics of a match.Axis YAxis Y is a competitor chance to win, %. Range 0% ~ 100%.Chart status barThis is area that placed below the chart.Score label of the chart status barThis label is current (last registered) score.Time label of the chart status barThis label is time of last data registered, HH:MM:SS.Defaulttime zone is UTC. Note: This value is not real currenttime.IMPORTANT:The application consumes up to 10 Mb a hour of internettrafficdepending on intensiveness of its using.IMPORTANT:The application uses third party resources, so developer isnotresponsible for any data it provides, time latency of itsexposing,and any other aspects related to data. If you need to getmostaccurate statistics you MUST double-check it at a fewdifferentofficial web resources.Please do not report any data inconsistency, missing ortimelatency.SHOULD YOU BASE, IN WHOLE OR PART, ANY ADVICE,SUGGESTION,OPINION OR DIAGNOSIS ON THE SOFTWARE, YOU AGREE TO WAIVEANY FUTURECLAIM AGAINST DEVELOPER THAT YOU REASONABLY ORDETRIMENTALLY RELIEDON INFORMATION PROVIDED BY THE SOFTWARE ORDEVELOPER. DEVELOPERSHALL NOT BE IN ANY WAY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANYINACCURACIES OROMISSIONS IN THE DESIGN OF OR OUTPUT FROM THESOFTWARE OR FOR ANYDIRECT OR INDIRECT DAMAGES OR PERSONAL INJURYARISING THEREFROM ANDTHE DEVELOPER SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANYDAMAGES OR PERSONALINJURY RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THE SOFTWAREWHETHER SUCH DAMAGERESULTS FROM NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE. DEVELOPERSHALL NOT BE LIABLEFOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL ORCONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ORLOSS (INCLUDING LOSS OF BUSINESS, LOSS OFPROFITS, BUSINESSINTERRUPTION, LOSS OF INFORMATION, ANY PECUNIARYLOSS OR THE LIKE),WHETHER BASED ON BREACH OF CONTRACT, TORT(INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE),PRODUCT LIABILITY OR OTHERWISE, EVEN IFDEVELOPER OR ITSREPRESENTATIVES HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THEPOSSIBILITY OF SUCHDAMAGES. IN ANY EVENT, DEVELOPER'S ENTIRELIABILITY UNDER ANYPROVISION OF THIS AGREEMENT SHALL BE LIMITED TOTHE AMOUNT ACTUALLYPAID BY YOU FOR THE SOFTWARE.Please refer END-USER SOFTWARE LICENCE AGREEMENT.
Tennis Live Trends
Tennis Live Trends application developedforsports professionals, fans, and those who deal withsportsstatistics and probable prognosis. Based on SportsTrendsVisualization specification, Tennis Live Trends applicationexposeslive tennis competitions dynamics statistics in real timemode.That provides possibility to review a live match flow andsequenceof its events. Such data set as scores, times, estimatedbybookmakers players' chances to win are beingrepresenteddiagrammatically in chart. Thanks to that you can easilyanalyzenature of a competition.List of eventsThis is tennis matches list that shows latest scores andplayers'chances to win. It's being refreshed automatically each10seconds.ChartChart is a line chart that represents the following statisticsineach point of timeline:match score;time when the score registered;players' chances to win.It's being refreshed automatically each 2 seconds.Optionally,chart area can be marked up to show match sets.Axis XAxis X is a timeline that shows:Time of data registered, HH:MM:SS. Default time zoneisUTC;Score (optionally).Note: time is not equally distributed at the timelineandrepresents dynamics of a match.Axis YAxis Y is a competitor chance to win, %. Range 0% ~ 100%.Chart status barThis is area that placed below the chart.Score label of the chart status barThis label is current (last registered) score.Time label of the chart status barThis label is time of last data registered, HH:MM:SS.Defaulttime zone is UTC. Note: This value is not real currenttime.IMPORTANT:The application consumes up to 10 Mb a hour of internettrafficdepending on intensiveness of its using.IMPORTANT:The application uses third party resources, so developer isnotresponsible for any data it provides, time latency of itsexposing,and any other aspects related to data. If you need to getmostaccurate statistics you MUST double-check it at a fewdifferentofficial web resources.Please do not report any data inconsistency, missing ortimelatency.SHOULD YOU BASE, IN WHOLE OR PART, ANY ADVICE,SUGGESTION,OPINION OR DIAGNOSIS ON THE SOFTWARE, YOU AGREE TO WAIVEANY FUTURECLAIM AGAINST DEVELOPER THAT YOU REASONABLY ORDETRIMENTALLY RELIEDON INFORMATION PROVIDED BY THE SOFTWARE ORDEVELOPER. DEVELOPERSHALL NOT BE IN ANY WAY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANYINACCURACIES OROMISSIONS IN THE DESIGN OF OR OUTPUT FROM THESOFTWARE OR FOR ANYDIRECT OR INDIRECT DAMAGES OR PERSONAL INJURYARISING THEREFROM ANDTHE DEVELOPER SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANYDAMAGES OR PERSONALINJURY RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THE SOFTWAREWHETHER SUCH DAMAGERESULTS FROM NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE. DEVELOPERSHALL NOT BE LIABLEFOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL ORCONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ORLOSS (INCLUDING LOSS OF BUSINESS, LOSS OFPROFITS, BUSINESSINTERRUPTION, LOSS OF INFORMATION, ANY PECUNIARYLOSS OR THE LIKE),WHETHER BASED ON BREACH OF CONTRACT, TORT(INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE),PRODUCT LIABILITY OR OTHERWISE, EVEN IFDEVELOPER OR ITSREPRESENTATIVES HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THEPOSSIBILITY OF SUCHDAMAGES. IN ANY EVENT, DEVELOPER'S ENTIRELIABILITY UNDER ANYPROVISION OF THIS AGREEMENT SHALL BE LIMITED TOTHE AMOUNT ACTUALLYPAID BY YOU FOR THE SOFTWARE.Please refer END-USER SOFTWARE LICENCE AGREEMENT.
Visual Translator limited 1.0.0
Show your text on your smartphone or tablet display. Translateyourtext and show translation. Your communication now is easierwiththe application . At office, bank or customer service whenyouprovide many details you will not miss them using theapplication.The application saves your time in a ticket office.Just typedetails of your trip, show it to booking-clerk, andafterwards,compare the text with tickets. When you travellingoutside yourcountry, translate your text and show it at station,shop, cafe,hotel, etc. The application might be useful for peoplewithcommunication difficulties.