Kryptonite Apps

Kryptonite is your home for music & craftbeer lovers. Looking for something off the beaten path where art,culture and passion prevail? Kryptonite bar offers more than youwould ever expect. With our Elite 8 Craft Draft Handles offering"World-Class" ranked beers on Beer Advocate and up to date listingson for your reviews and to gather more insights intoour beers.Don't forget aside from original live music we offer the greatestKaraoke in the Stateline with Delta Disc Jockeys every Thursdaynight, along with BARGO. Bargo is our version of BINGO except withmore attitude and way more fun!Every night that we are open we offer something unique, fun,special and entertaining. If Kryptonite promises anything it is todeliver a memorable experience and to always entertain.