Kilkiesoft Apps

Turing 1.12
KS4 and Advanced Level computer simulator thatoperates in binary and hexadecimal.Turing has a full 8 bit instruction set including stack, logicaloperations, data transfer, input/output, arithmetic and programflow.Turing has one accumulator, 2 general registers and 255 locationmemory.You can load and save programs written in Turing's machinecode.Try the included Turing Quest - coding challenge, 12 gradedproblems to create machine code programs solving problemsset.
Gates 1.1
Learn all about the most common 6 logic gatesAND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR and XOR.For each gate you can experiment with the inputs and see how thisaffects the output. The app then shows you how to complete a truthtable for each gate.The app covers all the facts you will need for exams including,what truth tables are all about, how gates are made, why gates areso important etc.Specially designed to meet the UK KS3 national curriculumrequirements for Computing and also for GCSE Computing andScience.