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Climb The Gravity 1.2.3
Are you tired for the RPGgameexperiment?Are you tired for the fertilizing for you monster?Or spending many time but still can not pass the puzzle game?Try This! Amazing Climbing Game!!₩₩₩₩₩₩₩₩₩₩₩₩₩₩₩There are many many towers in this world, animals decideconquestall tower!!Overcome the gravity, and climb the gravity!You can have a fingers sport in this game.Compete the score of tower stage with friends!₩₩₩₩₩₩₩₩₩₩₩₩₩₩₩If finished all the tower in the Story Mode,You will have a challenge of climbing the Rank ModeEarn money in the stage and buy the appearance item todressyourself,Therefore, you can climb with the awesome appearance!!And the most important thing,Exceed the score of your friend!₩₩₩₩₩₩₩₩₩₩₩₩₩₩₩A friendly, fun-with-family, amazing climbing game!
洛凡賽斯 1.3
首次遊玩送五星戰鬥員!最好玩的冒險角色扮演遊戲!趕快來跟第七部隊一起守護世界!『故事大綱』從前,這是一個由地球(人類)、馬圖本(獸人)、瓦迪斯(元素人)、貝倫(機械人)、雅各(神族)以及衛錫(魔族)共同生活的宇宙空間 - 洛吉斯銀河系(RosGys)。其中,雅各的神族以及衛錫的魔族皆擁有毀滅性的能力。神族運用其力量守護宇宙,而魔族則是運用其力量破壞與侵佔。各自星球沒有直接相連的空間。西元1500年,雅各星上的神族凱文與維多利亞,創造出了一個新的星球 - 洛凡賽斯(RosPhantasy),並且在除了衛錫與雅各之外的星球上,設置了可傳送至洛凡賽斯的空間門,因此星球間有了連結。各星球為了捍衛自己的星球,以及為了佔領新的星球新的大陸,紛紛都派兵力前往洛凡賽斯,起初,各星球間雖有許多紛爭與戰爭,但並未有大勢力壟斷,各星球間實力不相上下。西元1600年,雅各星上的神族戴維斯與艾莉紗,認為星球上的互動過於無趣,而建立了衛錫星上的空間門。衛錫星上的魔族實力過於強大,其他四族完全無法單獨反抗。魔族甚至要入侵各自種族自己的星球。因此在洛凡賽斯星球上的人類、獸人、元素人以及機械人為了保護自己的星球以及洛凡賽斯,成立了同盟,共同反抗魔族。而神族艾莉紗為了要彌補犯下的過錯,加入了同盟軍,最後成功將魔族之門封印了90%。故事是發生在距離星球創造後的600年,西元2100年,預言家預言魔族將在10年內將魔族之門封印完全打開,準備佔領目前處於和平狀態的洛凡賽斯,並且入侵其他星球。而你的任務,就是協助同盟軍RosGys&RosPhantasy(R&R)防衛隊,阻止這個預言的發生。拖曳攻擊方塊,攻擊魔族以及反叛軍!打倒敵人賺取金幣以及寶石,強化你喜愛的戰鬥員!獲得更強大的戰鬥員!First five-star playtosend combatants!The most fun adventure role-playing game!Come along with seventh troops guard the world!"Synopsis"In the past, this is a madeEarth (humans),Horses present (Orc),Wadi Si (human element),Belem (Robot),Jacob (Protoss) andWei tin (inferno)Living together space - Logis Milky Way (RosGys).among them,Jacob and David Protoss tin inferno all havedestructivecapabilities.Protoss use its power guard universe,The inferno is to use its power of destruction andoccupation.There is no space directly connected to each planet.AD 1500,Kevin James star on the Protoss and Victoria,Created a new planet - Los Versace (RosPhantasy),And in addition to tin and David Jacob planet,Set can be transferred to Los Versace room door,Thus the link between the planet has.Each planet in order to defend their own planet,In order to conquer new planets and new continent,Have all sent troops to the Los Versace,Initially, despite the many disputes between the planetofwar,But did not have a big power monopoly,Comparable strength between the planets.AD 1600,Jacob Davis and star on the Protoss Allie yarn,That the interaction of the planet is too boring, andtheestablishment of a space satellite tin star on the door.Inferno strength Wei Tin Star on too strong, the other fourfamilycompletely unable to resist alone.Inferno invasion even their own planet race.Therefore, in Los Versace planet humans, orcs, human andmechanicalelements of manIn order to protect their planet and Los Versace,Set up an alliance to jointly resist the inferno.The Protoss Allie yarn in order to make up formistakescommitted,Joined the Allies,Finally, success will seal the door inferno 90%.The story takes place 600 years after the creation oftheplanet's distance,AD 2100,Prophet predicted in 10 years inferno inferno seal thedoorcompletely open,Prepare currently occupied at peace Los Versace,And invade other planets.And your task,Is to help allies RosGys & RosPhantasy (R & R) Guard,Prevent the occurrence of this prophecy.Drag block attacks, and the rebels attack the inferno!Down with the enemy to earn gold and precious stones,Strengthen your favorite combatants!Get more powerful combatants!