K5_Studio Apps

GoGo!!FireTruck for children! 2.5
----------- Simple design app for Children-----------"Easy to operate""volume smaller "Do not play a long time "immediately end App"---------------------------------------------------------------------It's fire fighting to find the fire scene!More and more erase the fire!There are a variety of tricks!Let's hit the building and trees!
ひらがなあそび 2
話す、聞くができるようになったら次のステップは字を読む事。画面タッチでピヨピヨを飛ばせてひらがなを(σ・∀・)σ GET!!君は何点取れるかな?Flappy Birdみたいなゲームだよ。
Adventure of airplane 1.1
Game app third installment for the children.************************************- Worry or not the game for a long time -Cleared in 3 minutes- The sound is not noisy? -Volume smaller- Mom! Operation do not know! -Easy operation!**************************************Now! Explore every corner of the island out totheadventure!Big mountain, the flame valley, the sky of the island, the secretofthe underpass ...Do you find all of the spot?