JuicyMed Apps

MedXAU 3.2.5
MedX is a secure messaging system for AHPRA registered Australiandoctors, designed to allow rapid communication of confidentialmedical information between verified medical colleagues. MedXenables end-to-end encryption of text messages and images, allowingdoctors to communicate confidential medical information quickly tocolleagues without compromising patient confidentiality. MedXallows doctors to rapidly find colleagues by name, speciality orlocation and communicate quickly without having to give out theirmobile number. NOTE: This app is only available for use byverified, AHPRA registered Australian doctors. To receive aregistration invitation code, please contact [email protected] oranother doctor who is already registered with MedX. Why should youuse MedX? --------------------------------- * To search for doctorsby name, speciality and location - Find and communicate withspecialists nearest a patient’s home - Feed back findings/updatesto a patient’s GP - Rapidly communicate important radiology &lab results * To protect patient confidentiality - Encryption intransit: messages are encrypted by the sender using AES256 PGPstandard, and can only be decrypted by the recipient. - Encryptionat rest: all information on your phone is encrypted when MedX isnot in use, which means other apps cannot access this data -2-factor authentication * For medicolegal peace-of-mind - Messagesself-destruct after 30 days (MedX is not a medical record) - Audittrail preserved to document when a MedX exchange took place -Compatible with AHPRA & AMA guidances - HIPAA compliant * Toavoid missing important communications - MedX automatically sendsreminder notifications by normal SMS messaging, and then by faxwhen unread messages remain in a MedX inbox. * Because you don’twant to keep giving out your mobile number - Communicate withoutworrying about giving out your mobile number - Block unwantedcommunications