
Household 2.0
Household is JourneyChurch’s new mobile churchexperience. Household will help us pray for each other more, servewhere there is a need, and connect with our church family 24/7.This app will help us live church, together.On Household you’ll find the following:The Prayer Wall - A place to raise your requests for prayer orshare praises with your JourneyChurch family.The Serve App - A place to ask for help from your churchcommunity and champion the needs of others. It’s also a place whereyou can lend things like power tools or give away stuff you aren’tusing anymore like those clothes that fit your kid for only twoweeks.Messages - Watch last week’s message and take notes.Discussion Board - Talk about what you heard from the pulpit oranything that's on your heart. This is the place to do it.Church Directory - Search through your church’s directory andstart putting names to faces. You can search by your interests tooand find like-minded JourneyChurch folks and even see a mapview!Groups - Stay in touch with your small group, interest group orany other group throughout the week with the Groups section.Mobile Giving - Bless JourneyChurch with your contributions toour ministry.Plus much more!