JogglingDroid Apps

ToyRecognizer with OpenCV 1.3
Are you parents, overwhelmed by toys whosename is very difficult to remember? Your little kid likes to inventnames for their favourite little friends? Your kids like to drawand name the characters in the drawing? You have a hard timekeeping up with the imagination of your offspring??? Yourbabysitter does not know how to name the 8 dwarfs, 6 gnomes and 4wizards of your kids collection? There are 20 princesses in 4different castles that need to saved by 20 princes and relatedhorses???Then ToyRecognizer is the tool for you!ToyRecognizer is an OpenCV application that can recognize toysor drawings by meansof computer vision algorithms. The application will match a phototaken by the user with the5 closest descriptions available in the internal database of theapplication, in which the user has previously placedthe toys and their description.When the user selects one of the descriptions, an image will beproduced, visualizing the result description. The user can thennavigate the obtained results.The application allows to store images of toys taken by theuser, indifferently from whether the model is a drawing or anaction figure. The application asks the user to provide adescription associated to the new inserted model in theToyRecognizer database.The application depends slightly on the illumination and on thebackground used for the photos, as it may take keypoints for thematching anywhere in the figure. Pay attention to make sure thatthe background is not more complex than the main subject in thephoto, or probably the results obtained will not be very accurate.Our advice is to position the toy on a monochromatic background(possibly a white/grey/black sheet).The application does not store user data, it is for free, but itruns advertisements, so it requires the permission to use theinternet connection.
QR-CAKE: for recipes+QR-Codes. 1.1
QR-CAKE is an application based ontheZXING QR CODE scanner to scan QR codesassociated to food, take pictures of the cakes and thenaggregateeverything withinone single screenshot to be shared in the preferred social network.In addition the application allows to:-Read the text with a voice synthetizer.-Save images in the gallery.-Visualize images in the gallery.The added value with respect to a simple QR code scanneristhe possibility to aggregate thepictures and the QR-Codes in one single image. In addition itcanalso read the text in theQR code, so it can be entertaining if used with hiddenmessagesassociated to the cake orpastry.By putting "voice:" directly in the QR message, the messageisread directly by the vocal synthesiser.
Yet another Air BLOwer: YABLO. 1.4
NOTICE: In some phones the application may not work, depending onthe speakers that your mobile phone has. NOTICE: the applicationwas tested on an LG Phone and on an ASUS Tablet.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------New: THANKS FORE THE INTEREST IN THE APP,Many of you had questions concerning frequencies, this is what wediscovered so far: Discovered Frequencies: most of the tablets orlarge phones will work ok around 700Hz or 800Hz. Specifically, wediscovered that: Samsung Galaxy s3(mole) works with 1400Hz or 800HzSamsung Galaxy s3 mini works with 850Hz Samsung Galaxy tablets workwith 800Hz HTC works with 800Hz (to 1000Hz), but there is variationbetwen the models Nexus 5 works at 800Hz, 1000Hz, 1400Hz and ingeneral has quite powerful speakers so the effect is clear LG Belloworks at 1400Hz (Like in the video). In general we have seen LGmobile phones to work with 1400Hz. Asus tables: they work with700Hz/800Hz. If you do not have these models and you find adifferent frequencies, do not hesitate to send me an email with thefrequency you found so that other users can reproduce theexperiment.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------YABLO is an air blower application to show how sound works. Inparticular the application produces a sound wave with a frequencythat can be selected by the user. At a given frequency, dependingon the mobile phone, the soundwave can blow air to turn off a nearcandlelight or move little pieces of paper. Remember: safety first.Every kind of experiment should always be done under thesupervision of an adult. Since it is about doing experiments withthe phone, you should pay attention: keep your phone distant fromthe candle when you try it on a candle. In order to help the userin finding the right frequency, the application also provides asmall explanation about the frequencies to be used to observe thedesired effect on the candlelight. The application does not storeany sort of data. It requires network permissions to showadvertisements. The application allows to set the frequency(between 0 and 2000Hz) of the soundwave and its amplitude (between-16Db and 0Db). In order to work, the user has to keep the activatebutton pressed. See the video or contact us for further informationabout the application.