JoeMorris Apps

Quizz'n Spanish - Free/Ad Free 1.0
Quizzn Spanish is a free, ad-free, open sourceflashcard/quiz application to learn Spanish language vocabulary.Choose from word categories, and then choose whether you want thequiz word in English or in Spanish. Four options of other words arepresented, only one of which is the right answer. The applicationshows your progress in each category (for recognizing the quizwords in English, and for recognizing it in Spanish). If you answerthe correct word, you are not quizzed on it again. If you miss aword, it stays in the deck of cards that you are quizzed on untilyou’ve identified it correctly two times.This free version of the application contains vocabulary listsin the following categories: Anatomy, Emotions, Food, KitchenItems, Medical, Money, and Occupations.This app contains no ads, and does not need access to yourlocation, nor any privacy settings. Please report any bugs orsuggestions to [email protected]. If you have a "force close," itis helpful to know when exactly it happened. Source code is at: Thanks for trying QuizznSpanish! -- JoeQuizzn Spanish es un aplicación cuestionario gratis, sin anuncios,para aprender vocabulario Inglés. Elija entre categorías depalabras, y elija si desea que la palabra cuestionario en Inglés oen Español. Cuatro opciones de palabras se presentan, pero sólo unaes la respuesta correcta. La aplicación muestra su progreso en cadacategoría del concurso (para el reconocimiento de las palabrascuestionario en Inglés, y tambien por reconocerque en español). Sisu respuesta es la palabra correcta, no se interrogó sobre ellaotra vez. Si se olvida de la palabra, se queda en el mazo de cartasque son interrogados, hasta que usted lo ha identificadocorrectamente dos veces.Esta versión gratuita de la aplicación contiene listas devocabulario en las siguientes categorías: Anatomía, Emociones,Alimentos, Artículos de Cocina, Medicina, Finanzas, yOcupaciones.Esta aplicación no contiene anuncios, y no necesitan teneracceso a su ubicación, ni ninguna configuración de privacidad. Porfavor, informe de cualquier error o sugerencias [email protected]. Si usted tiene un “force close”, es útil saberel momento exacto en que sucedió. Gracias por intentar Quizznespañol! - Joe
Open German 1.0
An open source vocabulary quiz for the top 3000 most frequent wordsin German.
Learn World History (Full) 1.0
Learn world history from the beginnings of civilization until 1900!
Quizz'n World Capitals (Free) 1.0
This is a free, open source, andad-freeapplication that requires no special permissions. QuizznWorldCapitals is a fast-paced quiz/flashcards application to teachyouthe names of world capitals in English. Choose to be quizzedeitheron the name of the capital, with four countries to choosefrom; orthe opposite, being quizzed on a country, with fourcapitals tochoose from. The application keeps track of yourprogress, andtailors the quiz to ask you what you don’t alreadyknow. So if youanswer correctly on the first try, then you won’t bequizzed onthat particular capital again. If you miss it on thefirst try, thecapital stays in the “deck” until you’ve answered itcorrectlytwice. Capitals are separated into categories bycontinent/region.Countries that are part of a larger kingdom (e.g.,Scotland,Wales) are included. States where the name of the capitalis thesame as the country itself are not (sorry, Luxembourg). Ifyou canmake it all the way through to 100% in the “Islands”category, I’mimpressed!Source code:
Learn World History (Free) 1.0
Learn world history from the dawn of civilization to 1900!