
Pakistan Jobs - 10.0
Pakistan Jobs (Paper Jobs) is part of where you canbrowse latest govt and private jobs from all major newspapers website for Jobs in Pakistan. You can browse jobs bynewspapers available, category or city. Get instant notificationsand job alerts in Pakistan with jobs of your choice. Main Featuresinclude: - Lightweight jobs app in Pakistan - Fastest updates -Zoom-in & zoom-out job images - Download & save job imagesto your mobile - Shortlist jobs (Using my bookmark/favoritefunction) - Notifications of your choice - Just choose the rightcategory and only get notifications from that category - OfflineJobs - Open a job and save it under my favorite. Read it offlinelater - Night mode for easy reading in dark setting How to UseNotifications & Daily Alerts: 1) Go to Settings > CheckReceive Notifications 2) Scroll down in Settings Menu > MySubscriptions > Select only categories you want to receive dailyalerts from 3) You will get instant job alerts whenever a new jobis published If you like our app, please share it with yourfriends/family. Also please rate our app using the Rate on the PlayStore feature in "About" section. For feedback, improvements andfeatures request, please contact us using the app or you can writeto us at [email protected] DISCLAIMER: Our app is notaffiliated with the Government agencies or any department. Govtnotifications are posted from trusted sources including departmentwebsites and newspaper. (Govt notifications are issued through NTS,PTS, OTS, Public Service Commission portals, while other sourcesand urls for concerned agency are usually mentioned innotifications or images contained in each post).