JoWi81 Apps

Prop-Editor [ROOT] 2019-04-27
Description Using this app you can edit, add or delete propertiessuch as the LCD screen density (ro.sf.lcd_density) in yourbuild.prop file. This file is important for your Android OS and isstored on the system partition (/system/build.prop). FeaturesProperty: ★ Add ★ Insert ★ Edit ★ Delete Properties: ★ Filter ★Save ★ Create and load backup Android OS: ★ Reboot Settings: ★ Apptheme ★ Backup location ★ Save with backup creation Languages: ★English ★ German ★ Russian Conditions Root privileges! Thanks Thisapp is based on about 60% of the source code (Version 3.0.3) fromthe developer Ciubex, so a big thank goes accordingly to him too!Disclamer I am not responsible for any damage or loss of data thatmay (however unlikely this is) be caused by this app to yourdevice.