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Cálculos REBT MTD 1.7
Aplicación para realizar los cálculos queexige el Reglamento de Baja Tensión en la Memoria Técnica de Diseño(MTD) que debe acompañar al Certificado de instalación eléctricaofical para instalaciones eléctricas en viviendas. Se calcula unaprevisión de potencia para edificios o viviendas unifamiliares.Posteriormente se calculan las lineas generales, derivacionesindividuales e instalaciones interiores. También se puede calcularuna instalación eléctrica interior general.Se calculan secciones, calibre de fusibles e interruptoresautomáticos, caídas de tensión y máximas potencias admisibles en lainstalación.Se aplican los criterios térmico, caída de tensión, sobrecargasy cortocircuitos para los cálculos de la instalación.Se emplean las instrucciones técnicas complementarias ITC-BT 12,ITC-BT 14, ITC-BT 15, ITC-BT 19, ITC-BT 24 y ITC-BT 25 del REBT yla norma UNE-EN 20460-5-523:2004 (HD 384.5.523S2, IEC 60364-5-52)para el cálculo de secciones.El autor no se hace responsable del uso que se haga de loscálculos que proporciona la aplicación.Application to performthe calculations required by the Low Voltage Regulation inTechnical Design Report (MTD) to accompany the Certificate ofofical wiring for electrical installations in dwellings.Forecasting power for buildings or detached houses is calculated.Subsequently the broad outlines, individual referrals and outdoorfacilities are calculated. You can also calculate a general indoorwiring.Sections caliber of fuses and circuit breakers, voltage dropsand maximum permissible power at the facility are calculated.The thermal criteria, power failure, overload and short circuitcalculations for the installation apply.The complementary technical instructions ITC-BT 12 ITC-BT 14,ITC-BT 15, ITC-BT 19, BT-24 and ITC ITC-BT 25 of REBT are used andthe UNE-EN 20460-5-523: 2004 (HD 384.5.523S2, IEC 60364-5-52) forcalculating sections.The author is not responsible for the use made of thecalculations provided by the application.
Low voltage calculations(II) 1.22
Application to perform thecalculationsrequired by the low voltage regulations for conductorandprotective device sizing.The IEC 60364-5-52 is the international reference standardrulingthe installation and calculation of the current carryingcapacity ofcables in residential and industrial buildings and itis used forcalculating sections.Sections, fuses, circuit breakers, voltage drop andmaximumpermissible powers in general installation arecalculated.The thermal criteria, voltage drop, overload and shortcircuitare used to calculate the section cable.System of code designation for power cables based onharmonisedapproach of CENELEC(HD 361 and DIN VDE 0292)The author is not responsible for the use made ofthecalculations provided by the application.