JavierMS Apps

Watercolor Clock 1.9
Plasmik.com, multimedia developer based inBarcelona, presents Watercolor Clock, a widget that looks likewatercolor painting.Also, I created the Live Wallpaper "Magic 3DBox". Is thebackground that you see in these screenshots.Thank you all!+ downloads: www.plasmik.comFacebook: http://www.plasmik.com/facebook.php
Magic 3DBox Lite 1.01
A Live Wallpaper where we can see insideapaper box, it's full of life. Plasmik.com, multimediadeveloper,presents Magic 3DBox Live Wallpaper.It's the lite version. Just turned on a single theme and tothesmallest detail. The snow falls only once, there is no fish,noriver, no light sun, etc ... It's just a lite version to seethedesign.(Full Version)Panel configuration with multiple options. Themes to choose(snow,forest, beach, night, halloween, city), color box, lightsun/moon,atmospheric effects, paper bird, river, fish, shake phone,touchevent...(Full Version)Hope you enjoy!Full Version: com.plasmik.magic3dboxVideo Demo: http://www.plasmik.com/magic3dbox.phpFacebook: http://www.plasmik.com/facebook.php
PetDroid Clock 1.6
Plasmik.com, multimedia developer,presentsPetDroid Clock, a clock widget with the design of a naughtypet. Ihope you enjoy it.Thank you all!+ downloads: www.plasmik.comFacebook: http://www.plasmik.com/facebook.php
Agenda Cultural CAT 1.1.5
Amb aquesta aplicació podreu visualitzarunrecull d'activitats culturals destacades. Més de 1.000activitatsculturals que es realitzen per tot Catalunya i per a cadauna deles comarques catalanes. Dades facilitades per la GeneralitatdeCatalunya.With this applicationyoucan view a collection of outstanding cultural activities.Over1,000 cultural activities that take place throughout CataloniaandCatalan regions each. Data provided by the GovernmentofCatalonia.
Magic 3DBox Live Wallpaper 1.32
A Live Wallpaper where we can see insideapaper box, it's full of life. Plasmik.com, multimediadeveloper,presents Magic 3DBox Live Wallpaper.Panel configuration with multiple options. Themes tochoose(snow, forest, beach, night, halloween, city), color box,paperbird, fish, atmospheric effects, shake phone, touchevent...Hope you enjoy!Lite Version: "Magic 3DBox Lite"Video Demo: http://www.plasmik.com/magic3dbox.php+ downloads: www.plasmik.comFacebook: http://www.plasmik.com/facebook.php