Jamii.one Apps

Jamiipay Group 1.1.4
Jamiipay is an app for savings groups (VSLAs). jamiipay is adigitalversion of the paper ledgers in a savings group. Withjamiipay yourcan make registrating during meetings quickly,correct and the datasafely kept, available to all members at anytime AND your groupwill start building a creditworthiness.Creditworthiness increasesyour group's access to financialservices. Use the jamiipay app forregistering all activitiesduring savings and loans meetings in anintuitive, easy-to-useinterface that follows the flow of a groupmeeting as you know it.HOW TO USE JAMIIPAY 1. Download the app -and create an account toget started 2. Create a group - and addgroup members 3. Registergroup meeting activities - every time agroup has a meeting WHATDOES THE JAMIIPAY APP REGISTER - Attendance- Shares - Loanrepayments - New loans - Late fees - Box count WHYUSE THE JAMIIPAYAPP * Easy book keeping: The application is easy touse, accurateand reliable and makes book keeping easy for groupmember andvillage agents. * Your data is safe and accessible: Alldata isstored in a safe, digital platform. * Access to financialservices:By using the jamiipay app in all of your meeting yourgroup isbuilding a digital track record that will create a creditscore forall members and the group to see and show to financialservices.Available in English and Amharic on all Android and iPhonedevices.For questions or feedback, contact [email protected]
Jamii.one 2.0.7
A digital tool for savings groups