File Manager PRO 1.2.8
Simple File manager.The most user-friendly filer in file management tools.This file manager was created originally in Japanese.In order to better application, Please cooperate with thetranslation by all means.http://translate.jumble.jp/3?hl=en&to=enJUMBLE File Manager has basic functions as a file manager (fileexplorer, filer).JUMBLE File Manager has also next distinctive features which is notimplemented almost in other Android file managers.* Trash box (recycle bin)On smartphone, because of small screen and touch operation, manyincorrect operation will be occurred more than PC operation.JUMBLE File Manager has trash ( recycle bin ) function, so if youdelete files by mistake, you can restore the files.( Loss of quality of image file do not occurred, because JUMBLEFile Manager do not change original file anything. )* Range selectionIf you organize pictures by date, you may need to select specificrange files.In this case, to select these files one by one is verycumbersome.JUMBLE File Manager has range select function, so you can selectthese files at once and do your operation speedy.* Dual screenDual screen is prepared in many other Android file manager, butJUMBLE File Manager can switch the mode more smoothly.You can change dual screen mode at any time, and you can back tosingle screen mode by just one tap when your work finished.* Grid/List view, File image sizeYou can change grid/list view, file image size by eachfolder.So you can set according to the properties of the folder, like"Grid view and Image size Big" for images folder, like "List viewand Image size small" for texts folder.* Rotation of imageYou can rotate a image whose vertical and horizontal iswrong.Rotate information is saved by a file, so next time adjusted imagethumbnail is shown.This information is related with inner image viewer, so if youchange this setting once, you can watch adjusted image in theviewer.( Loss of quality of image file not occurred because of no changefor original file. )* Share with reducing size imageIf you mail pictures, often original file is too big to send.You can start application reducing image size, save adjusted files,select files, and send by mail application, but these operations istoo hard.By using JUMBLE file manager, you can easily select multiple filesand share with reduced size files.Because of rotate information being used, image rotation will beadjusted automatically.* Zip / Unzip with no garbage charactersIf you zipped files on Windows including double-byte character andunzipped on Android terminal, in most cases garbage characters willbe occurred.This is due to difference of encode of Windows and Android.It is possible to specify the encoding when zip or unzip in JUMBLEfile manager, so you can zip or unzip with no garbagecharacters.* Adding new file typesIf you have a new file not edited, any application file can createby JUMBLE file manager.This operation is just only copy that new file and rename to newfile, but this allow you to create any type files ( like ExcelWord) in JUMBLE file manager.( Of Course to edit the file you have to install application thatcan edit it separately. )Of course the following basic file operations are possible,too.- File sort- File search- Favorite mark- Desktop shortcut- File share- Layout arrange- File attachment- Image viewer- Network (Local LAN)This file manager is paid ad-free version of JUMBLE filemanager.You can get free ad included version from the link below.https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jp.co.jumble.android.filemanagerfor more details..http://jumble.jp
JUMBLE Uploader 1.0.17
JUMBLE Uploader is a HTTP(mulpipart/form-data)File Uploader.Android default browser can not upload HTTP File Upload.JUMBLE Uploader enables HTTP file upload from theAndroidterminal.When upload target site corresponds to JUMBLE Uploader,JUMBLEUploader startup automatically and allows you to upload fileswithHTTP.However, when the site doesn't correspond to JUMBLE Uploader,youmust know about upload target URL.If you know upload target URL, you can upload files byspecifyingthe URL directly.for more detail check following pagehttp://jumble.jp/