Artist today tend to have a lack ofgoodnetwork and branding skills needed in order to have therightamount of exposure to their fanbase. NOC providespromotionalservices and gives underground creative artist theplatform toshowcase their work, talent, and skills through ourinformativewebsite. We will bring awareness to the audience of theartist byshowcasing events like fashion shows, gallery openings,concerts,plays and many more. The Northeastern area has majorsurroundingcities which will be able to introduce more upcomingtalent andexposure. What separates us is that we pride ourselveswith livinga healthy lifestyle. Whether health is your lifestyle ornot we canguide you through it. NOC brings awareness for upcomingathletesand we hold training events to be taught by top of thelinetrainers. In partnership with companies likeWeprep(www.weprepmeals.com) our main goal is to help you reach yourfullpotential through a creative and healthy lifestyle.