IFS Apps

IFS Nonconformance Reporter 2.4.1
IFS Nonconformance Reporter™ lets you create and submitnonconformance reports to IFS Applications™ with a few clicks onyour smartphone. Describe the problem and send the nonconformancereport to IFS Applications™. Non-conformance reports can also bedocumented with text, photographs, and the classifications selectedby your company. IFS Nonconformance Reporter™ includes thepossibility to follow your submitted NCRs to see the status and ifany actions are taken, as well as the ability to search and trackother nonconformance reports. IFS Nonconformance Reporter™ can beused in Try Me mode with demo data without requiring a log on ornetwork connection. Use of IFS Nonconformance Reporter™ connectedto your company’s IFS Applications™ installation(s) requires thatyour company has a valid IFS Touch Apps™ subscription.
IFS Time Tracker 1.4.2
IFS Time Tracker lets you report and confirm worked time, as wellas viewing the current time reporting status. Current status isshown at a glance in the monthly overview, and shortcuts makes thedaily time reporting a quick and easy. In its current version IFSTime Tracker handles reporting of worked time on projects as wellas deviance's such as overtime and absence. IFS Time Tracker can beused in Try Me mode with demo data without requiring a log on ornetwork connection. Use of IFS Time Tracker connected to yourcompany’s IFS Applications installation(s) requires that yourcompany has a valid IFS Touch Apps subscription.
IFS Support Companion 1.0.3
IFS Support Companion makes it easy to track your open supportcases in internet support center. You can view the cases either bycategory or by importance. You can also write to the case journaland in such case change the case focus. IFS Support Companion canbe used in Try Me mode with demo data without requiring a log on ornetwork connection. Use of IFS Support Companion connected to IFS’sInternet Support Center is free for IFS customers with a validmaintenance and support agreement.
IFS Trip Tracker 1.3.27
IFS Trip Tracker makes it easy to track expenses, mileage, anddeductions during your travels. The completed travel report is thensent to IFS Applications as an expense sheet for further processingand reimbursement. IFS Trip Tracker is centered around anitinerary, making it easy to do your reporting as you aretravelling and having the “paperwork” all done by the time youreturn. In its current version IFS Trip Tracker handles expenses,mileage, allowances and deductions for domestic as well asinternational travel. Organizations can choose whether to allowreporting against multiple companies or against the users defaultcompany only. IFS Trip Tracker also support both “one report pertrip” as well as “periodic expense reporting” styles oftrip/expense claims. IFS Trip Tracker can be used in Try Me modewith demo data without requiring a log on or network connection.Use of IFS Trip Tracker connected to your company’s IFSApplications installation(s) requires that your company has a validIFS Touch Apps subscription.
IFS CRM Companion 9 2.0.14
IFS CRM Companion is designed to support both sales personnel intheir day-to-day work in the field and their managers. It is fullyintegrated with IFS' Embedded CRM Solution, allowing users to keeptrack of: • Customers • Customer Contacts • Business Leads •Business Lead Contacts • Business Activities • BusinessOpportunities while also supporting Custom Fields; mapping, emailand phone functionality; and integration of Business Activitieswith the device's calendar. The app is fully functional whileoffline, so losing network connectivity will never get in the wayof your work. Use of IFS CRM Companion connected to your company’sIFS Applications installation(s) requires that your company has avalid IFS Touch Apps subscription and is for Apps 9 Update 1customers only. In order for the app to work, component 9001015(IFS Mobile Framework) must be installed on the customer’senvironment together with any required patches. Currently patch125648 is required. In addition, for IFS Cloud installations, arelease greater than 4.13.3 of the Uplink must be installed at yourlocation
IFS Notify Me 9 2.2.8
"IFS Notify Me" is intended for customers running IFS Applications8 or higher. Customers running IFS Applications 7.5 should use theapp called "IFS Notify Me 7.5". IFS Notify Me tells you when thereare new business events requiring your attention and action. Thenotifications are shown in a single unified list where you can viewdetails and take action such as Approving or Authorizingimmediately. Additional features include possibility to Follow Upat a later time up by creating a reminder task in IFS Applications,and calling or e-mailing the relevant contact person directly fromwithin IFS Notify Me. In its current version IFS Notify Me willnotify you about new purchase requisitions, purchase orders,supplier invoices, and travel expenses waiting for yourauthorization. IFS Notify Me can be used in Try Me mode with demodata without requiring a log on or network connection. Use of IFSNotify Me connected to your company’s IFS Applicationsinstallation(s) requires that your company has a valid IFS TouchApps subscription.
IFS Quick Reports 3.2.7
IFS Quick Reports lets you run and view quick reports from IFSApplications. In its current version IFS Quick Reports can run SQLreports. IFS Quick Reports can be used in Try Me mode with demodata without requiring a log on or network connection. Use of IFSQuick Reports connected to your company’s IFS Applicationsinstallation(s) requires that your company has a valid IFS TouchApps subscription.
IFS Streams 2.0.0
Note: IFS Streams is released under a limited support clause anddoes not consume usage days from the IFS Touch Apps Subscription.This means bugs can be reported, but will be attended to at thediscretion of IFS. IFS Streams presents notifications from businessobject subscriptions, workflow tasks, IFS Talk conversations andbusiness events in IFS Applications in a consolidated, easy-to-useinformation stream. In short—one place to check, to stay updatedwhen things happen that are important to you. IFS Streams can beused in Try Me mode with demo data without having to login and withno internet connectivity. In order to use IFS Streams with yourcompany’s IFS Applications 9 installation(s) you will require avalid IFS Touch Apps Subscription, but IFS Streams does not consumeusage days from the IFS Touch Apps Subscription. IFS Streamsrequires IFS Applications 9.
IFS Incident Reporter 1.0.4
This release of IFS Incident Reporter™ allows you to quickly createand submit Health and Safety incident reports right from theincident’s scene. You can classify incidents in accordance withyour company’s standards, along with necessary information, such asseverity level, location, personnel injury and illness information,and immediate actions taken. It is possible to add pictures takenwith your smartphone in order to better illustrate what happened.Use of IFS Incident Reporter™ requires a connection to an IFSApplication installation(s) and a valid IFS Touch Appssubscription. However, you can try out IFS Incident Reporter™ inTry Me mode with demo data without the need to a log on or networkconnection.
IFS Admin Companion 9 1.1.1
IFS Admin Companion™ lets IFS Applications administrators keep tabson how things are running, and perform urgent tasks such asunlocking user accounts. In its current version IFS AdminCompanion™ includes the full monitoring console including warnings.It is also possible to enable, disable, and unlock user accounts.IFS Admin Companion™ can be used in Try Me mode with demo datawithout requiring a log on or network connection. Use of IFS AdminCompanion™ connected to your company’s IFS Applications™installation(s) requires that your company has a valid IFS TouchApps™ subscription.
IFS Sales Companion 2.1.2
IFS Sales Companion is the ideal tool for you as a salesrepresentative or manager to manage your accounts, activities,contacts and opportunities in the Sales & Marketing componentof IFS Applications. Key features include: • View/edit/createaccounts, contacts, activities and opportunities • Integration ofactivities into your phones onboard calendar (Requires Android 4.0or higher) • Direct dialing/e-mailing of contacts from within IFSSales Companion • Integration with your phones onboard mapapplication to view account and contact locations • Works offlinewith automatic synchronization with Sales & Marketing in thebackground • Each record in accounts, contacts, activities andopportunities tables can accommodate up to 10 additional fieldsbased on user requirements • Card layout for important items ofaccounts, activities, opportunities • View documents attached fromSales & Marketing IFS Sales Companion can be used in Try Memode with demo data without requiring a logon or networkconnection. Use of IFS Sales Companion connected to your company’sIFS Applications installation(s) requires that your company has avalid IFS Touch Apps subscription.
IFS Beacon Radar 1.0.1
Bluetooth Beacons have been placed aroundtheIFS World Conference floor.IFS Beacon Radar will notify you about your proximity tothosebeacons.If you get close enough, Beacon Radar will allow you toviewinformation about the object or place that is tagged bythebeacon.Find all the beacons to enter our competition and winexcitingprizes.
IFS Time Tracker 9
Manage your daily time reporting quick and easy with IFSTimeTracker 9 for IFS Applications 9. IFS Time Tracker 9 letsyouregister and confirm the time reporting on hours worked,projectsand work orders. Use wage codes to report deviance’s suchasovertime and absence. Current status is shown at a glance inthemonthly calendar overview and makes it easy to keep trackofunreported time and other information. Features: •Differentworking modes supported - suitable to your time base •Flexibletime confirmation mechanism (single or multiple days) •Offlinemode to assure smooth operation when there is nointernetconnection. Clock in or out quickly regardless ofinternetconnection. • Essential time information for each day IFSTimeTracker 9 can be used in Try Me mode with demo datawithoutrequiring a log on or network connection. Use of IFS TimeTracker 9connected to your company’s IFS Applicationsinstallation(s)requires that your company has a valid IFS TouchApps subscription.It is recommended to be used with IFSApplications 9 (Update 6 orlater), and the latest version of IFSMobile Framework.
IFS Notify Me 8 1.0.0
"IFS Notify Me 8" is intended for customers running IFSApplications8 only. IFS Notify Me tells you when there are newbusiness eventsrequiring your attention and action. Thenotifications are shown ina single unified list where you can viewdetails and take actionsuch as Approving or Authorizingimmediately. Additional featuresinclude possibility to Follow Upat a later time up by creating areminder task in IFS Applications,and calling or e-mailing therelevant contact person directly fromwithin IFS Notify Me. In itscurrent version IFS Notify Me willnotify you about new purchaserequisitions, purchase orders,supplier invoices, and travelexpenses waiting for yourauthorization. IFS Notify Me can be usedin Try Me mode with demodata without requiring a log on or networkconnection. Use of IFSNotify Me connected to your company’s IFSApplicationsinstallation(s) requires that your company has a validIFS TouchApps subscription.
IFS Trip Tracker 10 1.0.7
IFS Trip Tracker 10 makes it easy to track expenses, mileage,anddeductions during your travels. The completed travel report isthensent to IFS Applications as an expense sheet for furtherprocessingand reimbursement. IFS Trip Tracker 10 is centered aroundanitinerary, making it easy to do your reporting as youaretravelling and having the “paperwork” all done by the timeyoureturn. In its current version IFS Trip Tracker 10handlesexpenses, mileage, allowances and deductions for domestic aswellas international travel. Organizations can choose whether toallowreporting against multiple companies or against the user’sdefaultcompany only. IFS Trip Tracker 10 also support both “onereport pertrip” as well as “periodic expense reporting” stylesoftrip/expense claims. IFS Trip Tracker 10 can be used in Try Memodewith demo data without requiring a log on or networkconnection.Use of IFS Trip Tracker 10 requires your company’s IFSApplications10 installation(s) and a valid IFS Touch Appssubscription.
IFS Apps 10 Scan it 1.0.9
IFS Scan It 10 lets you capture data and execute time consumingERPprocesses within and beyond the warehouse in a simple andefficientway on smartphones as well as ruggedized professionaldevices. IFSApps 10 Scan it comes with an easy-to-understand userinterfaceconsisting of a process menu to get you started, followedby acustomer configured process flow which for each step tells youwhatto capture by scanning a barcode, manual entry or reading anNFCtag if your device supports it. If you don´t have a scannerbuiltinto the device or connected via Bluetooth, IFS Apps 10 Scanitallows you to use the device camera as a barcode scanner. UseofIFS Apps 10 Scan it connected to your company’s IFS Applications10Installation(s) requires that your company has a valid IFSTouchApps subscription.
IFS Notify Me 10 1.0.6
"IFS Notify Me 10" is intended for customers running IFSApplications 10. IFS Notify Me 10 tells you when there are newbusiness events requiring your attention and action. Thenotifications are shown in a single unified list where you can viewdetails and take action such as Approving or Authorizingimmediately. Additional features include possibility to Follow Upat a later time up by creating a reminder task in IFS Applications,and calling or e-mailing the relevant contact person directly fromwithin IFS Notify Me 10. In its current version IFS Notify Me 10will notify you about new purchase requisitions, purchase orders,supplier invoices, and travel expenses waiting for yourauthorization. IFS Notify Me 10 can be used in Try Me mode withdemo data without requiring a log on or network connection. Use ofIFS Notify Me 10 requires your company’s IFS Applications 10installation(s) and a valid IFS Touch Apps subscription.
IFS Aurena Notify Me 10 10.13.1360.0
IFS Aurena Notify Me 10 tells you when there are new businessevents requiring your attention and action. IFS Aurena Notify Me 10has been developed using the IFS Aurena Native mobile framework toprovide Push Notification support. The notifications are shown in asingle unified list where you can view details and actionimmediately within the IFS Aurena Notify Me 10 App. This singleunified list is the same list shown in Streams within the IFSAurena and IFS Enterprise Explorer clients. From IFS Aurena NotifyMe 10 the full details of the business event notification can beviewed in IFS Aurena. It is also possible for the User to marknotifications for follow-up which shows up as a Task in IFS Aurenaand IFS Enterprise Explorer clients. IFS Aurena Notify Me 10 isintended for customers running IFS Applications 10. Use of IFSAurena Notify Me 10 requires your company’s IFS Applications 10installation(s) with the new IFS Aurena Notify Me Frameworkcomponent and a valid IFS Touch Apps subscription.
IFS Trip Tracker 8 1.0.0
"IFS Trip Tracker 8" is intended for customers runningIFSApplications 8 only. IFS Trip Tracker makes it easy totrackexpenses, mileage, and deductions during your travels.Thecompleted travel report is then sent to IFS Applications asanexpense sheet for further processing and reimbursement. IFSTripTracker is centered around an itinerary, making it easy to doyourreporting as you are travelling and having the “paperwork” alldoneby the time you return. In its current version IFS TripTrackerhandles expenses, mileage, allowances and deductions fordomesticas well as international travel. Organizations can choosewhetherto allow reporting against multiple companies or against theusersdefault company only. IFS Trip Tracker also support both“onereport per trip” as well as “periodic expense reporting” stylesoftrip/expense claims. IFS Trip Tracker can be used in Try Memodewith demo data without requiring a log on or networkconnection.Use of IFS Trip Tracker connected to your company’sIFSApplications installation(s) requires that your company has avalidIFS Touch Apps subscription.
IFS Aurena Scan It 10 10.13.1360.0
IFS Aurena Scan It 10 lets you capture data and execute ERPprocesses within and beyond the warehouse in a simple and efficientway on smartphones as well as rugged professional devices. IFSAurena Scan It 10 comes with an easy-to-understand user interfaceconsisting of a process menu to get you started, followed by acustomer configured process flow where each step tells you what tocapture by scanning a barcode or manual entry. If you don't have ascanner built into the device or connected via Bluetooth, IFSAurena Scan It 10 allows you to use the device camera as a barcodescanner. Use of IFS Aurena Scan It 10 connected to your company’sIFS Applications 10 Installation(s) requires that your company hasa valid IFS Touch Apps subscription.
IFS Apps 10 CRM Companion 1.0.3
IFS Apps 10 CRM Companion is designed to support bothsalespersonnel in their day-to-day work in the field and theirmanagers.It is fully integrated with IFS' Embedded CRM Solution,allowingusers to keep track of: • Customers • Customer Contacts •BusinessLeads • Business Lead Contacts • Business Activities •BusinessOpportunities while also supporting Custom Fields; mapping,emailand phone functionality; and integration of BusinessActivitieswith the device's calendar. The app is fully functionalwhileoffline, so losing network connectivity will never get in thewayof your work. Use of IFS Apps 10 CRM Companion connected toyourcompany’s IFS Applications installation(s) requires thatyourcompany has a valid IFS Touch Apps subscription.
IFS MWO Service 10 10.20.1419.0
This app is for technicians out in the field, covering the workorder process.
IFS Time Tracker 8 1.0.0
"IFS Time Tracker 8" is intended for customers runningIFSApplications 8 only. IFS Time Tracker lets you report andconfirmworked time, as well as viewing the current time reportingstatus.Current status is shown at a glance in the monthly overview,andshortcuts makes the daily time reporting a quick and easy. Initscurrent version IFS Time Tracker handles reporting of workedtimeon projects as well as deviance's such as overtime and absence.IFSTime Tracker can be used in Try Me mode with demo datawithoutrequiring a log on or network connection. Use of IFS TimeTrackerconnected to your company’s IFS Applicationsinstallation(s)requires that your company has a valid IFS TouchApps subscription.
IFS Mobile Work Order DEMO
The Mobile Work Order solution supports separate and routeworkorder processes and is applicable for Enterprise AssetManagementand Service Management solutions across Service-, Energy&Utilities- and Asset Intensive Industries along withmanufacturerscarrying out internal maintenance work in large plantsandfacilities. The solution can also be used inproject-basedindustries to execute project work orders, thoughissues of ProjectInventory is currently not supported. The solutionprovides aprescribed process that is available off-line withsynchronizationto the back-office. As such, the transaction supportis limited tothe functionality written in the solution andcustomizations arecostly to undertake. Care should therefore betaken to ensure thatthe customer needs offline access and that thetransactional flowis sufficient for their requirements. That said,the use of surveysto enable ad-hoc data collection and the flexibledriven processare major benefits. It is easy to deploy, easy to useand has avery low training overhead for end users.
IFS Barcode Scanner 10 1.0.0
Intended to be used only with other IFS applications to scanandinterpret several types of barcodes.
IFS MWO Maintenance 10 10.13.1360.0
IFS MWO Maintenance is ideal for plant engineers andfieldtechnicians who work where connectivity is sporadic ornotavailable by collecting the users input, then syncing the dataon aschedule, or when a connection becomes available. Withrobustaccess to equipment information, MWO guides techniciansthrough thework process allowing them to perform assigned or pooledtasks andgives them the ability to create new tasks that can eitherbereported against or sent to the back office.
IFS Apps 10 Account Manager 1.0.5
Use IFS Account Manager 10 to set up the IFS touch appsaccountdetails you need in order to use other Android apps fromIFS. Thecredentials specified in IFS Account Manager 10 are used bytheother Android apps from IFS so that you only need to specifyyoursystem id, user name and password once, even if you usemultipleapps that connect to the same IFS Applications system. Useof IFSAccount Manager 10 requires your company’s IFS Applications10installation(s) and a valid IFS Touch Apps subscription.
IFS Audit Companion 9 1.3.1
IFS Audit Companion™ is helping auditors with their qualityauditsby letting the auditor work on a scheduled audit and registertheresults at the time of finding them. The audits which theauditoris responsible for are shown in a list and when selectingone, theauditor can download checklists and other documents, addpicturesand add notes. It is also possible to take advantage of theIFSNonconformance Reporter™ app when performing an audit anddirectlycreate nonconformance reports that are related to theaudit. IFSAudit Companion™ can be used in Try Me mode with demodata withoutrequiring a log on or network connection. Use of IFSAuditCompanion™ connected to your company’s IFSApplications™installation(s) requires that your company has a validIFS TouchApps™ subscription.
IFS Scan It 8 & 9 1.7.0
IFS Scan It lets you capture data and execute often timeconsumingERP processes within and beyond the warehouse in a simpleandefficient way on smartphones as well as ruggedizedprofessionaldevices. IFS Scan It comes with an easy-to-understanduserinterface consisting of a process menu to get you started,followedby a customer configured process flow which for each steptells youwhat to capture by scanning a barcode, manual entry orreading anNFC tag if your device supports it. If you don´t have ascannerbuilt into the device or connected via Bluetooth, IFS ScanItallows you to use the device camera as a barcode scanner. UseofIFS Scan It connected to your company’s IFSApplicationsInstallation(s) requires that your company has a validIFS TouchApps subscription.
IFS Notify Me 7.5 1.3.11
"IFS Notify Me 7.5" is intended for customers runningIFSApplication 7.5. Customers running IFS Applications 8 orlatershould use a new app called "IFS Notify Me". IFS Notify Metellsyou when there are new business events requiring yourattention andaction. The notifications are shown in a singleunified list whereyou can view details and take action such asApproving orAuthorizing immediately. Additional features includepossibility toFollow Up at a later time up by creating a remindertask in IFSApplications, and calling or e-mailing the relevantcontact persondirectly from within IFS Notify Me. In its currentversion IFSNotify Me will notify you about new purchaserequisitions, purchaseorders, supplier invoices, and travelexpenses waiting for yourauthorization. IFS Notify Me can be usedin Try Me mode with demodata without requiring a log on or networkconnection. Use of IFSNotify Me connected to your company’s IFSApplicationsinstallation(s) requires that your company has a validIFS TouchApps subscription.
IFS Account Manager 9 1.3.7
Use IFS Account Manager to set up the IFS Cloud account detailsyouneed in order to use other Android apps from IFS. Thecredentialsspecified in IFS Account Manager are used by the otherAndroid appsfrom IFS so that you only need to specify your systemid, user nameand password once, even if you use multiple apps thatconnect tothe same IFS Applications system. Use of IFS AccountManagerrequires that your company has a valid service order for IFSCloud.
IFS Time Tracker 10
Manage your daily time reporting quick and easy with IFSTimeTracker 10 for IFS Applications 10. IFS Time Tracker 10 letsyouregister and confirm the time reporting on hours worked,projectsand work order tasks. Use wage codes to report deviance’ssuch asovertime and absence. Current status is shown at a glance inthemonthly calendar overview and makes it easy to keep trackofunreported time and other information. Features: •Differentworking modes supported - suitable to your time base •Flexibletime confirmation mechanism (single or multiple days) •Offlinemode to assure smooth operation when there is nointernetconnection. Clock in or out quickly regardless ofinternetconnection. • Essential time information for each day IFSTimeTracker 10 can be used in Try Me mode with demo datawithoutrequiring a log on or network connection. Use of IFS TimeTracker10 connected to your company’s IFS Applicationsinstallation(s)requires that your company has a valid IFS TouchApps subscription.It is recommended to be used with IFSApplications 10 and thelatest version of IFS Mobile Framework.
IFS Barcode Scanner 9 1.0.0
IFS Barcode Scanner 9. Intended to be used with otherIFSapplications to scan and interpret several types of barcodes.
IFS Quick Facts for 7.5, 8 & 9 2.0.3
IFS Quick Facts lets you quickly look-up just about anything inIFSApplications. Type in a word or two to search all indexedlocationsand drill down to detail information about the object youarelooking for. In addition to the indexed data, the detail viewsshowany configured Information Cards for the object as well asanymedia items attached to it though media library. IFS QuickFactscan be used in Try Me mode with demo data without requiring alogon or network connection. Use of IFS Quick Facts connected toyourcompany’s IFS Applications installation(s) requires thatyourcompany has a valid IFS Touch Apps subscription.
IFS assyst Self Service 1.2.0
Employee self-service from IT and other departments, all fromamodern mobile app powered by IFS’ assyst an ESM &ITSMsolution. IFS assyst delivers great support andproductivitythrough digital omnichannel experiences. IFS assystgives youcontrol and flexibility to conduct key tasks anywhere andanytime –all from a modern mobile app powered by the IFS assyst ESM&ITSM solution. A continuous, connected journey providesquickresolution and a positive customer experience interacting withIFSassyst. Empowering you as a customer to resolve issues yourway.Examples of things you can do in the app: • Search – Quicklyfindthe support and services that you have access to • Shop forITServices - Browse the service or support offerings in acatalogview • Requests – Access self-service for requests or checkthestatus of a request • Approvals – You can reject orapproverequests, changes and other decision tasks • Log Issues /Requests– Raise support issues or request services for yourself oronbehalf of other users • Tailored Experience – The sameself-serviceshortcuts, quick links and views are available fromtheself-service portal Notes This app may require additionallicensingor user permissions to access or for certain features tobeactivated. Detailed release notes can be found on the IFSassystproduct documentation website. Icons by Icons8
IFS MWO Maintenance 22.4.505.0
IFS Mobile Work Order for Maintenance is ideal for plantengineersand field technicians who work where connectivity issporadic ornot available by collecting the users input, thensyncing the dataon a schedule, or when a connection becomesavailable. With robustaccess to equipment information, Mobile WorkOrder for Maintenanceguides technicians through the work processallowing them toperform assigned or pooled tasks and gives them theability tocreate new tasks that can be immediately reported againstor sentto the back office for later work. IFS Mobile Work OrderforMaintenance comes with fully embedded remoteassistancecapabilities which allows maintenance technicians tovisuallycommunicate and interact with other techs and back-officeexpertsin order to assist each other. This includes the abilitytoremotely see through the camera and add annotations on thevideofeed.
IFS Trip Tracker
IFS Trip Tracker makes it easy to track expenses during yourtravels
IFS MWO Service
This app is for technicians out in the field, covering theworkorder process.
IFS Scan It
IFS Scan It lets you capture data and execute warehouseERPprocesses.
IFS CRM Companion 23.3.822.0
IFS CRM Companion is designed to support sales personnelinday-to-day work
IFS Notify Me 23.10.996.0
Get notified about new business events that require yourattentionand action.