ICE Apps

SeX Factor 2.0.2
How much do you know about chlamydia and safersex?Can you sort out the myths from the facts?Play our game to find out.
Safe Wrexham 2.0
Safe Wrexham app is packed full of tipsandadvice for having fun and staying safe on a night out inWrexhamtown centre. Includes 'Find my nearest...' helping peoplenavigatetheir way around Wrexham town centre.Also has sensible drinking advice, and offers easy access toarange of local emergency numbers.
FlintshireDoggy Do - Welsh 1.1
Support and updates for this app willbediscontinued. Please use the following link to view thenewapp: app for Flintshire residents to report fouling, overflowingbins, find out about great dog walks in the County,licensedkennels and much more!Ap sy’n galluogi trigolion Sir y Fflint i roi gwybod i niamachosion o faw cŵn, biniau gorlawn, canfod lleoedd da i fyndâ’chcŵn am dro, cynelau trwyddedig a llawer mwy!
Flintshire Doggy Do English 1.2
An app for Flintshire residents toreportfouling, over flowing bins, find out about great dog walks intheCounty, licensed kennels and much more!
FlintshireDoggy Do English 1.1
Support and updates for this app willbediscontinued. Please use the following link to view thenewapp: app for Flintshire residents to report fouling, overflowingbins, find out about great dog walks in the County,licensedkennels and much more!
ASAP Glos NHS 2.4.2
Illness or injury? Not sure where to turn? Get advice ASAP
Best-You 1.4.1
We are excited to welcome you to Best-You.