Horntell Apps

Horntell - Smart Notifications 0.5.0
Horntell is the new improved notificationcenter for your Android phone. It allows you to be more productivethrough your already power-packed day.★ QUICK REPLY ★Horntell aggregates and arranges all your chats from Whatsapp,Messenger, Hangouts and SMS into conversations that you can respondfrom the notifications themselves.It saves you from jumping between multiple apps to keep up withmultiple simultaneous chats that you are part of. The unified chatexperience that Horntell provides makes you have more ideasdiscussed with your friends in lesser time.★ SNOOZE ★All of us have had been in the situation when we get whole lotof important notifications at the WRONG time. Horntell allows youto snooze the notifications till the time you are ready to takeaction on them.Be the snooze time as less as 15 minutes to as long as aparticular time of the day, Horntell allows you to snooze differentnotifications for different durations, and thus allowing you tohave your perfect day.★ HIDE ★Ever felt bombarded by the stream of notifications that you donot want? Let's accept that we all have. Horntell comes to therescue. It allows you to hide notifications from the spammyapps.All the notifications from the hidden apps stay in a separatearea from the important ones so that you can take action on themlater when free.