My Location and Nearby Places 1
Looking for most important locations in caseofemergency ( or whatever ) near you on a single click?Not a problem anymore. My Location and Nearby Places gives youtheability to locate the most important daily life locations whichyouuse while traveling or hanging out with friends. These placesarethe compiled to give you the ease to locate yourself andnearbylocations to You.In this application you are able to find your current locationbyjust connecting to the GPS and WIFI/GPRS. Map will display amarkerat your current location and Orange markers which willlocate thenearby places as you have selected from the Navigationdrawer.You can view "My location" in Google Maps and also you can uselistview to find out the distances between the My location andplaceyou are looking for. We aimed to keep this application verysimplein order to use less battery consumption and Networkdata.This Application can locate you following places nearby 1 kmofdistance.1 - Restaurants2 - Bank / ATM3 - Gas Stations4 - Hospitals5 - Police stationsAll you have to do is to connect to the Internet and turn onyourGPS. The app will locate you and search for Your currentLocationsand best possible near locations you are searching for.My locationand nearby places is just a download away. Try it andleavefeedback!e6f8784bc0