Gymster Apps

Gymster Pro - Weight Lifting Log & Healthy Recipes 2.0
The ultimate WEIGHT LIFTING log & RECIPE app! 💪 Randomise ormanually pick exercises based on equipment at your gym 🍕🥞🍗🥗🥑 200+IIFYM recipes with a sort by macros (calories, fat, protein &carbs) feature! 💪 Why waste time scrolling through exercises youcan't perform? Unlike other apps Gymster only returns exercises youcan perform based on your gym's equipment! There are NOrestrictions on the lite version! Recipes Looking for a wide rangeof IIFYM recipes? Looking for specific macro meals? High in fat?Low in carbs? Ketogenic, vegan or vegetarian, Gymster has youcovered. • 200+ IIFYM recipes (if it fits your macros) • Breakfast,lunch, dinner, snacks and desserts. You'll never need another dietor recipe app again. • Order recipes by macros, sugar, fiber andtime to suit your lifestyle • Macro bar breakdowns for each recipemaking it easy to track macros. • Recipe creator profiles detailingcreator information • Full nutritional information includingcalories, fats, carbs, protein, fiber and sugar • Ingredients anddetailed methods for an easy cooking experience Workout • 2 workoutmodes (randomised and manual). Keep your workouts fun withrandomise mode (like wod but better!) • Only returns exercisesbased on equipment you have available at your gym so you never haveto worry about which exercises you can or can't perform. • Savemultiple gym presets in case you use more than 1 • 500+ exercises •70+ pieces of equipment to choose from including kettlebells, steelmace, bulgarian bags and weight machines. (more added at userrequest) • Instructional GIFS for exercises • Videos for specificexercises • Never seen before 3D interactive tutorials for specificexercises. Spin and rotate around the animation of the exercise! •Lifting log for your workouts to keep track of progress. • Swap outfeature for exercises you don't wish to perform for randomise mode.• Quick and easy fitness workout routines no matter what equipmentyou have or which gym you are at It's 24 hour fitness at yourfingertips! Additional features • News section for updates on theapp and other news from around the fitness world Reviews: • I'm anutrition coach and I tell all of my clients to get this app ifthey need food ideas. It is a fantastic resource to expand yourpallet and to make fat loss taste good. Combine the workouts andrecipe sections and you've essentially got yourself a coach. Greatapp. In my opinion it is under priced for the value that you get! •This app is absolutely perfect for anyone!! From either a totalbeginner just wanting to get started right through to someonelooking to get in serious shape. I upgraded from Gymster lite assoon as it was released. As a bikini competitor Gymster recipesgive me all I need for a productive off season and a lot of varietyand colour to my meals. The macros are all broken down which savesme a huge amount of time. I also use this app to track my workoutsand have them pre loaded in. The random selection tool is alsogreat for those days when you just aren't feeling it!! Can'trecommend enough • I'm finishing my year of personal training at mygym and this is the best app for someone like me to learn and keeptrack of my workouts. Thanks to Bert Kreischer for the heads up onhis podcast. • I've used a few gym apps in the past, but this isundoubtedly the best! The reason for that is the 'random' selectionfor workouts-input body part(s) and the amount of exercises, andaway you go! Gives me a fresh workout every time! • Love this app.I spend my time working in various locations so sometimes don'thave a lot of gym equipment choice, but this app adjusts to whatyou have so you get the perfect workout in. Great way to stayfocused and on track with the gym. No excuses. And the recipes aredelicious. Love it.
Gymster - Weight Lifting Log & Healthy Recipes 2.0
The ultimate WEIGHT LIFTING log & RECIPE app! 💪 Randomise ormanually pick exercises based on equipment at your gym 🍕🥞🍗🥗🥑 200+IIFYM recipes with a sort by macros (calories, fat, protein &carbs) feature! 💪 Why waste time scrolling through exercises youcan't perform? Unlike other apps Gymster only returns exercises youcan perform based on your gym's equipment! There are NOrestrictions on the lite version! Recipes Looking for a wide rangeof IIFYM recipes? Looking for specific macro meals? High in fat?Low in carbs? Ketogenic, vegan or vegetarian, Gymster has youcovered. • 200+ IIFYM recipes (if it fits your macros) • Breakfast,lunch, dinner, snacks and desserts. You'll never need another dietor recipe app again. • Order recipes by macros, sugar, fiber andtime to suit your lifestyle • Macro bar breakdowns for each recipemaking it easy to track macros. • Recipe creator profiles detailingcreator information • Full nutritional information includingcalories, fats, carbs, protein, fiber and sugar • Ingredients anddetailed methods for an easy cooking experience Workout • 3 workoutmodes (randomised, manual & custom). Keep your workouts funwith randomise mode (like wod but better!) • Only returns exercisesbased on equipment you have available at your gym so you never haveto worry about which exercises you can or can't perform. • Savemultiple gym presets in case you use more than 1 • 800+ exercisesto make perfect gym workout routines. • 70+ pieces of equipment tochoose from including kettlebells, steel mace, bulgarian bags andweight machines. (more added at user request) • Instructional GIFSfor exercises • Videos for specific exercises • Never seen before3D interactive tutorials for specific exercises. Spin and rotatearound the animation of the gym exercises! • Lifting log for yourworkouts to keep track of progress. • Swap out feature forexercises you don't wish to perform for randomise mode. • Quick andeasy fitness workout routines no matter what equipment you have orwhich gym you are at It's 24 hour fitness at your fingertips! Youcan even cancel that gym membership and workout from home withGymster! Additional features • News section for updates on the appand other news from around the fitness world Reviews: • I'm anutrition coach and I tell all of my clients to get this app ifthey need food ideas. It is a fantastic resource to expand yourpallet and to make fat loss taste good. Combine the workouts andrecipe sections and you've essentially got yourself a coach. Greatapp. In my opinion it is under priced for the value that you get! •This app is absolutely perfect for anyone!! From either a totalfitness beginner just wanting to get started right through tosomeone looking to get in serious shape. I upgraded from Gymsterlite as soon as it was released. As a bikini competitor Gymsterrecipes give me all I need for a productive off season and a lot ofvariety and colour to my meals. The macros are all broken downwhich saves me a huge amount of time. I also use this app to trackmy workouts and have them pre loaded in. The random selection toolis also great for those days when you just aren't feeling it!!Can't recommend enough • I'm finishing my year of personal trainingat my gym and this is the best app for someone like me to learn andkeep track of my workouts. Thanks to Bert Kreischer for the headsup on his podcast. • I've used a few gym apps in the past, but thisis undoubtedly the best! The reason for that is the 'random'selection for workouts-input body part(s) and the amount ofexercises, and away you go! Gives me a fresh workout every time! •Love this app. I spend my time working in various locations sosometimes don't have a lot of gym equipment choice, but this appadjusts to what you have so you get the perfect workout in. Greatway to stay focused and on track with the gym. No excuses. And therecipes are delicious. Love it.