Ginoventure Apps

Call Log Search Filter GlogMe 2.04
Search Calls / MessagesMute Annoying CallsManage / Easy Share of ContactsCall RemindersCalls / Messages StatisticsBulk Delete MessagesBookmark Calls / Messages for futureUnlimited Call Log / Message Log Storage
Keep It Simple - Organiser 1.05
This is an app to store your essentialbusiness and personal items in an organised way and share them tothe world whenever they are required.You can create a new category of items and define what you want tostore under that.Keep them simple and get organised.
GPS Location Tagging - TagMe 4.03
You can use this app to tag your currentlocation and store it inside the app and view it anytime on GoogleMaps.Following are the salient features:1. Tag your location using GPS or WiFi Network2. View and navigate to the tagged location using Google Maps3. Share a tagged location via SMS or eMail or native TagMe app toothers4. Where Am I? - find where you are with reference to a givenlocation. You can know the distance and direction from the givenlocation to your current location. It also tells you the currenttime at your location by getting it from GPS satellites.5. Measure Distance - Measure distance between your tagged,received and famous locations and view the measured locationsimmediately on Google Maps together6. Enjoy the satellite view of various famous locations of theworld7. View multiple locations simultaneously by adding them to thegoogle maps8. You can tag and make a location as public. It will be availableto everybody when they search under public locations.
Collaborative tasks - protoAnt 2.07
protoAnt stands for Productive Task OrganizerAndroid Tool.protoAnt is a collaborative task management application.Using protoAnt, you can manage your everyday tasks and also you cancollaborate with your friends and subordinates. You can assign thetasks to others and manage them via task collaboration.Following are the salient features of protoAnt:1. Simple Tasks with reminders, priority, snooze features2. Color based task lists3. Recurring Tasks with various recurring intervals4. Task Collaboration - Initiate and confirm Collaborationrequests5. Assign Tasks to others - Task Assignment, Task Updates, SendReminders, Cancel Tasks, etc6. Share Task Lists via eMail and SMS7. Smart Task Addition by filtering "task like" text messages usingsmart task keywords
Hide Calls / Messages in dBox 2.1
Hide calls / messages of yourpersonalcontacts...The hidden calls / messages will be stored inside dBox can be with piece of mind even if yourphone is atsomebody else's hands...