Geoflik Apps

Geoflik 2.0.3
Geoflik is the easiest way to requestsomeone's location or share your location via SMS text message.The best part is the person you want to request a location fromdoes not need to have the Geoflik app installed on their phone.Geoflik works using the GeoSMS standard to exchange geolocationinformation. This allows geoflik to work with other geolocationapps on your phone such as google maps. When your location requesthas been responded to you will receive their geolocation in theform of a map. Then you can either open in google maps or getdirections via google maps.Because Geoflik works via text message SMS, there is no need tobe "friends" with the person you are requesting location from.There is no pre-existing relationship required to request someone'slocation. Simply type in their phone number, press request, andthey will receive a text message with your request. If they acceptyour request, their gps will acquire their location and send itback to you as a notification on your phone. This notification willopen a map pinpointing their geolocation.