GPro Apps

abc4kids 2
abc4kids is an English phonetic alphabet gamefor kids with cartoon images, abc4kids includes all alphabetletters from A to Z and counting from 1 to 10.abc4kids teach your kids to practice alphabets and numberstracing.
Alphabet Memo 1.0
Do you want to memorize the alphabet ?Touch the buttons in alphabetical order from A to Z as fast as youcanthe fast you are the good you will be in alphabet.
تعلم الحساب بسرعة 1.0
هل تريد تعلم القيام بالعمليات الحسابيةبسرعةمذهلة ؟هذه اللعبة ستساعدك في ذلك.كل ما عليك هو التحقق من صحة الاجابة بالضغط على الزر الموافق فياقلمن ثانيتين.كلما كانت اجاباتك صحيحة كلما نمت مهاراتك الذهنية فيالعملياتالحسابية اليومية.Do you want to learn todocalculations with astonishing speed?This game will help you with that.All you need is to validate the answer by pressing thecorrespondingbutton in less than two seconds.The more correct your answers whenever grew mental skillsineveryday calculations.
Canyon Plane 1.0
Canyon Plane takes you to fly throughthecanyon and test your ability to dodge obstacles.Canyon Plane is easy to play. You need to tap and hold forascendingmotion, release the hold for descending. You can utilizemaximumthree hit points before your crash in this aviationracing.Download the airplane taking off game, the Canyon Plane. It isfreeandroid game.Enjoy.
FlappyBat 1.0
FlappyBat is a simple one button game inwhichyou have to navigate past the obstacles, collect bonus andriseyour score.FlappyBat is easy because you have just to Tap to control thebatflying height and collect as many Insects as you can to gainscorethat you can share with your friends.FlappyBat needs reflection and challenge.
RoboRun 1.0
Roborun is one of the highly advancedhumanoidrobots, developed to keep peace between the two worlds.HelpRoborun make it through his final challenge byflippinggravity.
Best Of Life Quotes 1.0
This app is full of Best Life Quote,famousquotes, motivational quotes, inspirational quotes andmoreclassified by categories and authors.See it for yourself, download it now and get inspiredeveryday!.
Droppy Bird 1.0
Use the catapult to launch DroppyBird,avoiding obstacles by leaning the device to right or leftandcollecting gold coins, flowers ,mushrooms and gas, the birdspeedis on the decrease gradually it can be increased by releasingthegas.Retry Droppy Bird and get the highest score.Droppy Bird is free.Enjoy !
Free Sudoku: Sudoku Puzzles 1.0
The objective of Free Sudoku game is to enteradigit from one through nine in each puzzle cell, in such a waythateach horizontal row, each vertical column and each sub-gridorregion of the puzzle contains each digit exactly once.Solving a sudoku puzzle is simple it does not require knowledgeofmathematics.Free Sudoku has three levels of difficulty: easy, mediumandhard.Free Sudoku if a free game.
Spotme 1.0
Spotme is an easy game that will improveyourvisual memory and extend your concentration.The concept is very simple, it consists of memorizing aportionof an image then spot this portion in the full picture.The quicker you are the time you save, your score willincreasemore with your precision.Spotme has three levels of difficulty: easy, normal andhard,each one with his own high score that you can share withyourfriends.
kubmic 1.0
Play rubik puzzle and slide the rows,columnsaround to match the small rubik model on the top. Try tomake asfew moves as possible and get your rubik done in superrecordtime.
Fingerprint Lock Screen Prank 1.3
Fingerprint Lock screen is a free app forentertainment purposes only!The thumb print scan functionality is just a simulation of thereal fingerprint scanning.Otherwise, the screen lock is real but doesn’t provide any locksecurity function.Fingerprint Lock screen is a prank thumb print scanner that lockthe screen of your phone or tablet with a cool sci-fi backgroundwallpaper, that you can unlock simply by touching the fingerprintin the wallpaper.Just after installing this app, it’s active and running noadjustment is required, the icon of the app will show permanentlyin the status bar, if you want to deactivate this app justuninstall it!So what do you waiting for to prank and impress your friendswith Fingerprint Lock screen!
Rubicube 2.0
Rubicube est un jeu de réflexion gratuitdanslequel vous faites décaler les lignes et les colonnes ettournerles cases pour reproduire la figure du petit rubicubeprésenté dansla partie droite en haut.Le jeu est composé de plusieurs niveaux. Il faut finirchaqueniveau avant le compte à rebours. Le temps qui vousreste estaccumulé vers le niveau suivant donc si vousmanquez detemps pour un niveau il suffit de refairelesniveaux antérieure en un temps record pour accumuler plusdetemps.Rubicube est un jeu gratuit que vous pouvez jouer a toutmomentsans ou avec connexion.Rubicube is a freepuzzlegame in which you shift the rows and columns and turn theboxes toreproduce the figure of the little Rubicube presented inthe righttop.The game consists of several levels. We must finish eachlevelbefore the countdown. The time that you have accumulated tothenext level so if you lack time for a level simply repeattheprevious levels in record time to earn more time.Rubicube is a free game that you can play at any time withorwithout connection.
لعبة شيش 1.0
شيش هي لعبة ألواح مجانية استراتيجية.تلعب شيش بنرد و أربعة أقراص لكل لاعب.هدف لعبة شيش هو أن يحاول كل لاعب إيصال أقراصه انطلاقا مننقطةالبداية (الدار) إلى الهدف النهائي، محاولا خلال مسيرته أن يعرقلمسارمنافسيه بتقنيات الالتهام و السدود. اللاعب الأول الذي يوصلأقراصهكاملة للخانة النهائية يعتبر فائزا.في هذه اللعبة يمكنك البدء في اللعب مباشرة باختيار تشكيلةاللاعبينالمعرفة مسبقا (أ، ب، ج، د) أو إنشاء تشكيلتك الخاصةباستعمال الازرارالتي تحمل علامات استفهام في الاسفل.لكل لون يمكنك تحديد ما اذا كان شخصا او روبوت او لا يلعب،كلالتشكيلات ممكنة، بالنسبة للروبوتات يمكنك تحديد مستوى قوتها:مستوى 1: تلعب بعشوائيةمستوى 2: يحب الامان ولا يتوانا في اكل اي بيدقمستوى 3: ياخد في الاعتبار البيادق التي يمكنه اكلها والتييمكنكاكلهامستوى 4: يكون على علم بالحالات الخاصة كأن يكون لديه بيادقفيالدارفي لعبة شيش يتم تمثيل اللاعبين بوضع ايقونات دمى بلباسالكاراتيهعلى اركان اللوحة بحيث يمثل لون اللباس مستوى اللاعبفي شاشة البداية هنالك أربعة أزرار تمكنك من تعيين مزيج اللاعبينالذيتريد وذلك بالضغط مطولا على تلك الازرارإذا كان اللاعب شخصا إتبع التعليمات التي تظهر في الشريط السفلي،إضغطعليه لإلقاء النرد او تحريك بيدق او اختيار البيدق المرادتحريكه.Shish is a freegamestrategy boards. Shish play Bnrd and four discs per player. Shish goal of the game is that each player is trying todeliverOaqras from the starting point (the house) to the finalgoal,during his career, trying to hinder the course of hisrivalstechniques engorgement and dams. The first player tocompleteOaqras arrive for the final box is a winner.In this game you can start playing directly selectplayerspredefined range (a, b, c, d) or create Ceccheltk own usingbuttonsbearing the question at the bottom marks.Each color you can determine whether a person or a robot ordoesnot play, all configurations are possible, for robots youcandetermine the level of strength:Level 1: Play randomlyLevel 2: loves safety and Lithuania in eating any pawnLevel 3: Eachd pawns in mind that he can eat them and that canbeeatenLevel 4: be aware of specific instances if he has pawnsinCasablancaIn the game players are represented shish status iconsdollsdressed in karate on the staff of the painting so that thecolorrepresents the level of player DressAt first screen there are four buttons enable you to blendtheplayers you want to set it at length and pressingthosebuttonsIf the player people follow the instructions that appear onthebottom bar, click on it to throw the dice or move a pawn orchoosepawn to be moved.
Basketball: Tir au panier 1.1
Basketball Tir au panier est un jeudebasketball simple addictif et gratuit avec simulationphysiqueréel.Avec un nombre limité de tir au panier essayer de réaliserlemeilleur score possible et ainsi défier tes amis.Basketball Tir au panier est simple à jouer il suffit de poserledoigts à l’endroit de tir loin devant le panier puis glisserpouravoir la force et la bonne direction du tir.Basketball Shootingtocart is an addictive basketball game easy and free withrealphysics simulation.With a limited number of shot for trying to achieve thebestpossible score and challenge your friends as well.Basketball Shooting to cart is simple to play simply placethefingers on the shooting spot ahead basket and slide to havethestrength and the proper direction of the shot.
Risky Road Rider 2.0.0
Risky Road Rider is a free driving bikegamewhere you have to climb risky hills obstacles.Risky Road Rider is easy to control: use the arrowstoaccelerate, decelerate or jumping.Share your progress with your friends on FacebookandTwitter.So lets see how far you can go with your new bike.
جزيرة الكنز 1.0
حيث يجب تخطي كل العقبات والمخاطر وجمع اكبرعددمن القطع النقذية والوصول بأمان الى نهاية كل مستوى للمرورالىالمستوى الموالي.Where you mustovercomeall obstacles and dangers and collect the largest number ofAnakvehpieces and reach safely to the end of each level to pass tothenext level.
Risky Car Road 1.0
Risky car road is a free driving game withlotsof challenges and cool realistic physics simulation. Drivethroughall obstacles until the end of the level. Risky car roadhasinfinitely number of randomly generated levels.Avoid all the obstacles on your way and try to get keep yourcar’swheels down.Risky car road Features:* Realistic physics simulation game.* Infinit levels* addictive to everyone!* Cool Graphics* Fast action Extreme racing fun* Easy controlsGet fun !