Framelogic Apps

FM.frameLOGIC 2.45
Our FM.frameLOGIC mobile app enables anaccess to the information about company’s vehicles, theirlocations, and the latest routes. Filtering option allows to narrowa list of visible information to the chosen vehicles groups. Mapsengine, based on Nokia Here technology, guarantees the most precisepositioning service. Thanks to the exploitation reports , one canview various operation parameters for chosen vehicles, includingfuel consumption data. The alert mechanism allows for immediateaccess to all relevant fleet reports, for example: exceeding thespeed limit, entering and leaving any designated area as well asany registered reading interruptions.App features:● Logging with the same data as in our web solution,● Access to all frameLOGIC fleet servers,● Preview of chosen vehicle list,● Preview of vehicle groups,● Last registered vehicle location,● Route tracking in a chosen time period,● Information about a driver logged in a vehicle,● Current vehicle’s status (drive, idling, break),● Vehicle operation alerts,● Vehicle exploitation parameter view including fuel consumption,distance for chosen time interval,● Observation of registered events for any available vehicle in thefleet.ImportantTo utilize the application through frameLOGIC servers , one needsto have correct login information. To obtain relevant details,please contact our Technical Department.What’s new?:The alert module allowing for viewing all vehicle operationnotifications generated by the web application including exceedingthe speed limit, missing readings, entering/leaving defined area,fuel losses.Exploitation reports allowing most accurate analysis of vehicleoperation modes: overall fuel consumption, distances, fuelconsumption per 100 km, opening and ending vehicle mileage- for anyrequested time frame. If vehicles have got CAN BUS connection,relevant data is also available.View of FMframeLOGIC registered events connected to operations ofeach vehicle within the fleet along with a simplified working timechart from the web application.Spanish version
FS.frameLOGIC 5.44
FS.frameLOGIC application is an excellent toolfor managing your fleet and teams of field workers. Its primaryfunction is communication between the dispatcher and the driver,but it offers much more. Thanks to the latest technology, we canoffer data gathering, its transfer, depicting and archiving. Wealso provide supervision of work progress in particular tasks,location of a vehicle position and a driver navigation, directly orthrough designated points in between.App features:- Sending notifications to a driver about orders, theirlocalization, cargo data, harmful products, etc.- Progress analysis of a various tasks stages, based onpersonalized statuses, and driver comments- Navigating a route, including specific waypoints (loading andunloading), based on the Sygic Navigation- Text communication, with full archive, between dispatchers anddrivers, as well as other users of the mobile app- Voice calls / SMS (if device is equipped with SIM card)- Taking pictures, adding attachments to a task, and transferringthem (via FTP) to the dispatcher- Preview of the attachments, and their description, etc.Additional dispatcher features:- easy logging, with the same data as to our web app- an access to the all frameLOGIC’s fleet servers- selected vehicles list view- vehicles groups view- the last registered position of a vehicle- route monitoring, in any chosen time period- information about driver logged-in at a vehicle- current vehicle status (driving, pause)Requirements:- A serial to frameLOGIC system for the first app launch (to obtainit please contact our Customer Service)- Registered frameLOGIC user account to log in as a dispatcher (toobtain it please contact our Customer Service)- For proper operation of all components, Sygic navigation appshall be installed
eKarta 1.53
Aplikacja E-Karta jest narzędziemdedykowanym do transmisji danych do systemu frameLOGIC logującychsię w pojazdach floty kierowców. Umożliwia rejestrowanie czasujazd, wskazywania zleceń, na rzecz których wykonywane są prace, coumożliwia rozliczanie ich kosztów za pomocą modułu „Karta drogowa”,a także innych parametrów aktywności kierowców firmy. Dziękinajnowocześniejszym rozwiązaniom dostarcza ona technologiękompletowania, przekazywania, obrazowania i archiwizacji danychdotyczących pojazdów i kierowców w trakcie realizowania przez nichwyznaczonych zadań i w efekcie rozliczania ich kosztów.Program umożliwia:Zapisywanie aktywności kierowców,Zdefiniowanie typu jazdyDefiniowanie zleceń na których rzecz odbywa się danajazda,Określanie stanu drogomierza w momencie rozpoczęcia jazdy,Wskazanie daty i celu przejazdu,Po przeprowadzonej synchronizacji danych – pracę off-line.Wymagania:Klucz identyfikacyjny aplikacji w systemie frameLOGIC dopierwszego uruchomienia aplikacji (aby go uzyskać należyskontaktować się z pracownikami Działu Obsługi Klienta),Konto kierowcy na serwerach firmy frameLOGIC (aby je uzyskaćnależy skontaktować się z pracownikami Działu ObsługiKlienta).Application E-Card isa tool dedicated to data logging system frameLOGIC vehicles in thefleet drivers. Allows you to record the time rides, indicatingorders for which the work is performed, which allows forcalculating the cost of using the module "Road Safety", as well asother parameters of the driver activities of the company. With thelatest technology solutions it provides assemble, transfer, imagingand archiving of data on vehicles and drivers during the executionof their assigned tasks and as a result their costaccounting., you can:Saving the driver activitiesDefine the type of ridingDefining orders to whom held a horse,Determining the status of odometer reading at the start ofdriving,The date and purpose of the journey,Following that data synchronization - to work off-line.Requirements:Key application identification system frameLOGIC to firstrun the application (to get it, please contact the Customer ServiceDepartment personnel)Account driver's servers frameLOGIC (to obtain them, pleasecontact the Customer Service employees.)
myEasyCar 1.0.18
myEasyCar is a mobile car assistent which allows you to handle allconcerns that matter to you as a driver. myEasyCar lets youdiagnose your vehicle’s condition, localize your car when you’reaway and contact car mechanics. You'll never forget about scheduledcar reviews thanks to alarms and reminder systems. In case of anaccident myEasyCar will offer you first aid instructions and legalassistance.