FatimaSoft Apps

Learn Matlab 4.6
** 61 Youtube Videos to teach you Matlabbasics including:- User Interface- Basic Calculations- Variables- Mathematical Functions- Complex Numbers- Vectors- Matrices- Algebraic Calculations- Calculus- Graphing** A lot of videos for specialized Matlab including:- Image Processing- MATLAB and OpenCV- MATLAB and Android- Physical Modeling- Signal Processing- Control System Design- Parallel and GPU Computing- Arduino Tutorials** Developer zone feeds for advanced topics** Questions and Answers feeds** Matlab Graphics feeds** Quizzes section to test your progress** No ads :)** Hope you will like our application :)
Arabic Sign Language Keyboard 1.0
هو تطبيق غرضه الاساسي مساعده الصم و البكموضعاف السمع على ممارسة الحياة الطبيعية وعدم الاعتماد على الاخرين اوالحاجة الى شخص مرافق للتعامل مع العامة او ممارسة الحياةالعمليةالتطبيق يحتوي على كيبورد تحتوي على اشارات الصم حيث يقوم الاصمباختيار الاشارات التي يريدها ثم يقوم بالضغط على زر انطاق لينطقالجملة باللغة العربية.It is the application ofits basic purpose assistant, deaf and dumb and hard of hearing tonormal life and not rely on others or the need for a personfacilities to deal with the public or the practice of the processof lifeThe application has to contain Keyboards deaf signals where thedeaf to choose the signals they want and then clicking on thebutton Tunnels to utter the sentence in Arabic.
قصص التائبات 1.4
في حياة كل منا لحظات ومواقف تنقله إماإلىالأحسن و إما إلى الأسوأ، فمنا من يغفل عن هذه اللحظات وتمضيحياتهبلا هدف و منا من ينتبه ويدرك غايته في الحياة و تكون لكلمةسمعها أومشهد رآه أو نعمة مَنَّ الله بها عليه أو ابتلاء أصيب به نقطةتحولفيستيقظ ويبدأ البحث عن وسيلة للتغير فيأخذ الله بيده عند ذلكويرشده.ولقد اهتممت أن أنظر في تجارب الناس كيف اهتدوا ووجدت فيالقرءانالكريم ضرب الأمثال ليعلمنا تجارب الآخرين. فلما تأملت هذهالتجارب،ودققت النظر في لحظات التحول في حياة الناس ووجدت أن أعظموسائلالهداية أن تسمع وتفهم كيف تحول غيرك، فتكون هدايته هدايةًلك.فنرجو من الله ان يكون هذا الكتاب بداية طريقك للهداية و رجوعكإليالله…"و انك لا تهدي من أحببت و لكن الله يهدي من يشاء"و لا تنسونا من صالح دعائكم…In the lives of all ofusto moments and situations transmitted either for the better andtoeither the worst, our mouth of overlooked for these momentsandspend his life aimless and us from paying attention and awarethanin life and be a word heard or scene saw or the grace of God byhimor plague infected Vistikz shift and start looking for a waytochange God takes his hand and guide him at that point. I see thatIwas interested in how people's experiences guided found in theHolyQur'an proverbs to teach us the experiences of others. Whenyouthink about these experiences, and checked considertheirtransition moments in people's lives and found that thegreatestmeans of guidance to hear and understand how turningsomeone else,so the guidance of His guidance to you.We hope to God that this book will be the beginning of your wayforguidance and turned back to God ... "and you do not guide whomyoulove, but Allah guides whom He wills."And do not forget the favor of the allegations ...
قصص التائبين 1.4
في حياة كل منا لحظات ومواقف تنقله إماإلىالأحسن و إما إلى الأسوأ، فمنا من يغفل عن هذه اللحظات وتمضيحياتهبلا هدف و منا من ينتبه ويدرك غايته في الحياة و تكون لكلمةسمعها أومشهد رآه أو نعمة مَنَّ الله بها عليه أو ابتلاء أصيب به نقطةتحولفيستيقظ ويبدأ البحث عن وسيلة للتغير فيأخذ الله بيده عند ذلكويرشده.ولقد اهتممت أن أنظر في تجارب الناس كيف اهتدوا ووجدت فيالقرءانالكريم ضرب الأمثال ليعلمنا تجارب الآخرين. فلما تأملت هذهالتجارب،ودققت النظر في لحظات التحول في حياة الناس ووجدت أن أعظموسائلالهداية أن تسمع وتفهم كيف تحول غيرك، فتكون هدايته هدايةًلك.فنرجو من الله ان يكون هذا الكتاب بداية طريقك للهداية و رجوعكإليالله…"و انك لا تهدي من أحببت و لكن الله يهدي من يشاء"و لا تنسونا من صالح دعائكم…In the life of each ofusto moments and situations moving either for the better andeitherfor the worse, our mouth from overlooked for these momentsandspend his life aimless and us from paying attention and awarethanin life and be a word heard or scene saw or the grace of God byhimor plague infected Vistiqz shift and begin their search for awayto change God takes his hand and guide him at that point. And Iseethat I was interested in how people's experiences guided andfoundin the Holy Qur'an hit parables to teach us the experiencesofothers. When you think about these experiences, andcheckedconsidering the transition moments in people's lives andfound thatthe greatest means of guidance that you hear andunderstand howturning someone else, so the guidance of His guidanceto you.We hope to God that this book will be the beginning of your wayofguidance and refer to God ... "and you do not guide whom youlove,but Allah guides whom He wills"And do not forget the good prayers ...
Learn Matlab Pro 4.4
** 61 Youtube Videos to teach you Matlab basics including: - UserInterface - Basic Calculations - Variables - Mathematical Functions- Complex Numbers - Vectors - Matrices - Algebraic Calculations -Calculus - Graphing ** A lot of videos for specialized Matlabincluding: - Image Processing - MATLAB and OpenCV - MATLAB andAndroid - Physical Modeling - Signal Processing - Control SystemDesign - Parallel and GPU Computing - Arduino Tutorials **Developer zone feeds for advanced topics ** Questions and Answersfeeds ** Matlab Graphics feeds ** Quizzes section to test yourprogress ** No ads :) ** Hope you will like our application :)
Elzero Web School 1.1
* All courses are in Arabic Langauge * Html, HTML5, CSS, CSS3,Javascript, jQuery, JSON, PHP, MySQL, PDO, OOP, MVC, Design Pattern* Learn, Learn, Learn, Non Stop Learning
Talabino Driver
It is a mobile application to manage your business services,whether connected or capture
The easiest way to get to know the restaurants and shops around youand asked eating
Talabino Admin
With to reach your customers easily and pleased
Books Paradise for Kids Pro 4.0
Are you searching for nice books, stories, games, etc. foryourkids. You are here in the right place * Through ourapplication,you will get tons of books for your little kids updatedregularlyand in different languages. - Arabic - English - German -andFrench * New chapters and new books are available without theneedto reinstall the application (need Internet connection to gettheupdates) * You can add your favorite chapters to the bookmarksandsee them offline without the need of Internet connection. *Feelfree to add your comments and to send suggestions forimprovements.* !Great New Feature* Now you can listen to the storythrough anonline service (needs Internet)
Pocket English Pro 4.1
* English For You video series: a three-level, video-based,Englishlearning set. It has been prepared and presented byEnglishteachers in a real-class ambiance. With the help of thisset, youwill be able to learn English at home. * Business Englishvideos *Practical drama videos that will help you learn better... *Englishstories videos for helping you to improve your listening *EnglishAmerican pronunciation videos * English certificates: TOEFL,IELTS,GRE videos * Even more: Learn something new every day! Alittle andoften is the best way to acquire new vocabulary. * Wehave fourdifferent types of words and phrases for you to learnfrom. **Idiomof the Day **Phrasal Verb of the Day **Slang of theDay **Saying ofthe Day * English MCQ quizzes to monitor yourprogress * No Ads :)* Give one hour daily for the application andwatch your greatprogress in less than 3 months :)
Volo 1.5.5
اول شركة دليفري في الاسماعيلية سرعة - امان - ثقة