Fanush Apps

Off-line ZIP code application for BANGLADESHincluding ZIP/ postal code of a towns and villages.All Bangladesh'spostal code or Bangladesh's zip codes are here. You can easily getBangladesh area zip codes or postal codes here.
Nearby Place Finder - GPS 1.1.10
Nearby Place Finder is a place searching app.Using Nearby Place Finder, you can easily locate the Airports,Library, ATMs, Banks, Hotels, Coffee Shops, and many other placesnear you. Nearby Place Finder will itself locate your position byusing GPS and on the basis of that, it will find your Places ofInterests.Get detailed information of the place you want to go. Also you canfind the directions you have to follow to travel between any twoplaces. You just have to click the place you want to go.Key Features of Nearby Place Finder-- Freely available- GPS Supported- 50+ Types of Place Supported- Both Map View and List View- Nice Interface- Google Material Design guided- Powered By Google- Ease of use- Locate places easily.- Get Directions to reach from one place to another.- All Types of Map Supported- User Can Change Distance
Tank Battle Forest 1.0
“Tank Battle” is a game where you have toshootat the enemy tanks at a high speed in different angle todestroy andcontinue. Enemies attack in a higher speed and try toenter passingthe gamer’s tank. If any enemy tank passes you aredefeated and thegame is over. You can play again to try a higherscore. This is asingle player game and gives the gamer an immensepleasure andchallenging environment. The attractive graphics andmusic takes tothe real battlefield feel the fight.Features:- Superb quality graphics- Attractive sound- Extremely addictive gameplay- Enemies power up gradually- Shoot, destroy thousands of tanks and enjoy
মুরাদ টাকলা - Murad Takla Chat 1.1.7
"মুরাদ টাকলা" হচ্ছে "মুরোদ থাকলে" এর ভুল বানান । আমাদের মধ্যেঅনেকেই বাংলা লিখতে গিয়ে এমন ভুল করে থাকি। যেমন, "মুরোদ থাকলে মজাকর" এটাকে আমরা লিখি "মুরাদ টাকলা মগা কর"। এধরণের বানান ভুল যারা করেথাকে তাদেরকে মজা করে "মুরাদ টাকলা" বলা হয়। The phrase “Murad Takla”was derived from a gross misspell of “murod thakle”. It's used asthe name of a viral Facebook page featuring failed transliterationslike “ata ka?” instead of “eta ke?” or stuff like “ke hocca?” Thepeople who spell this way are called Murad Takla. মুরাদ টাকলারএকমাত্র লক্ষ্য ইন্টারনেট ও ইলেকট্রনিক মাধ্যমে বাংলা অক্ষরে বাংলালেখার প্রচলন করা। বাংলা ভাষা বিকৃতি নয়, বরং বাংলা ভাষার বিকৃতিকেচোখে আঙ্গুল দিয়ে দেখিয়ে দেয়াই এই অ্যাপ এর উদ্দেশ্য।
মাথা নষ্ট - Matha Noshto 1.1.4
আপনি যদি মাথা চালু রাখতে চান থাহলে এই গেইমটি আপনার জন্য। MathaNoshto Man!