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英文儿歌合辑 1.0
英文儿歌合辑》收集了16首在校园里流传的儿童英文歌曲,让歌声带领我们穿越孩子们的世界。English songs compilationalbum "collected 16 English songs for children spread in thecampus, singing lead us through the world of children.
中国交通标志2013 1.0
史上最严的交规已然出炉,闯黄灯罚款什么的坑爹有木有?犀利的吐槽并不能解决实际的问题。如何应对考官的刁难?如何应对交警的罚单?别着急,《中国交通标志(2013免罚必备)》收集了绝大部分常见的交通标志,并分为8类供大家学习参考。《中国交通标志(2013免罚必备)》不仅是一款驾照考试的参考APP,也是开车一族在生活中不可或缺的学习助手。Most stringent trafficrules in the history of the already baked, Chuang yellow to finewhat wood pit father have? The sharp Tucao does not solve theactual problem. How to respond to the examiner's making thingsdifficult? How to deal with the traffic police ticket?Do not worry, "traffic signs in China (2013 Impunity necessary)to collect the most common traffic signs, and are divided intoeight categories for all to learn.Traffic signs in China (2013 Impunity essential) "is not only adriver's license exam reference APP, is also an integral part oflife learning assistant car owners.
驾考考试宝典 1.0.0
驾考考试宝典,实时同步最新版全国机动车考试题库,全面解读《机动车驾驶教学与考试大纲》,轻松迎战驾考各科目。我们还配有题库讲解,更易于考生学习理解。学车必备!Driving testexamCollection, the latest version of the national vehiclereal-timesynchronization exam, a comprehensive interpretation of"motorvehicle driver education and syllabus," easily against eachdrivingtest subjects. We also have to explain the exam, candidateseasierto learn to understand. Learn to drive essential!
考试通--教师资格考试 1.01.01