FuogyMedical:Medical/HealthApp 2.6
FuogyMedical is a Medical cum Health (2-in-1App) for your Family.It allows you to manage health/medical profile, doctor visits,medical records, personalized health tips, medical alerts,health/medical insurance, doctor visit / medicine reminders. Italso allows you to find medical services (Doctors, Pharmacies,Laboratories and Emergency Services) across the world.We claim it to be Your Complete Medical in Your Mobile. Wepromise It will be the Only App you will ever need to manage yourFamilies Medical Data.WHY FUOGYMEDICAL IS FOR EVERY FAMILY:1. MEDICAL IDENTITY: Your Family member has an should carry aMedical Profile. It is a very useful identity that they willrequire throughout their life, whenever in contact of a MedicalService. Any Emergency or a Doctor visit with a Medical Profile -will ensure that Doctors have complete view of your Health Vitalsand Medical Conditions.2. TRACKING OF ALL VISITS AND RECORDS: It takes few minutes tostore your Family members visit, medical records and expenses inFuogyMedical App. Access it anytime, anywhere and never worry ifyou loose your Medical Records. You are in complete control of yourMedical Records and no need to carry files when you visit a Doctor.You can Flash your Visit details when you visit a Doctor.3. SHARING YOUR DATA: Share your Prescription with a pharmacistor Share your Visits and Medical Records with a Doctor for a 2ndOpinion.4. UTILITIES: Set a Reminder for Doctor Visit, Insurancerenewal, Health checkup or having too many medicines- then set aMedicine Reminder and stay on-top of your health with this App.5. PERSONALIZED MESSAGES: Your Medical Profile, helpsFuogyMedical App curate Health Tips and only share with you usefulinformation thats relevant to you or your family member. ReceiveVaccination Alerts, Flu Alerts, Health Checkup notification anduseful articles relevant to your Medical Identity.6. ALL MEDICAL SERVICES: We believe that finding MedicalServices (Doctors, Hospitals, Pharmacies, Laboratories andEmergency) should be simple and clean. Experience this withFuogyMedical App and let us know your feedback. We are in theprocess of further refining the overall experience.7. MEDICAL DATA IN SECURE CLOUD: Your Medical Data is securelybacked up in Cloud- tagged to your User Email ID. No worries if youloose a Device Or Change a Phone.8. KEEPING IT UP: FuogyMedical App allows everyone to stay ontop of their Health. FuogyMedical App Renewal will ensure you getnewer tools and technology for your Medical in Mobile in a singleApp. We intend to bring everything medical and health that MAKESSENSE in this App.--------------------------------------------------------------Your 1 Body needs 1 Medical/Health App and FuogyMedical promises tobe that App.--------------------------------------------------------------********************************************************WE ARE TRYING TO MAKE THIS APP BETTER EVERYDAY WITH A SINGLE GOALOF HAVING"YOUR MEDICAL IN YOUR MOBILE- ALWAYS".WE MAY MAKE MISTAKES, BUT PROMISE TO LEARN AND REFINE.YOUR CONSTRUCTIVE FEEDBACK WILL MOTIVATE US AND YOUR RENEWALS +APPRECIATION WILL HELP MAKE THE JOURNEY SMOOTH.PLEASE DO SHARE YOUR FEEDBACK/SUGGESTIONS [email protected]'D LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU.*********************************************************++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++If you are or know a Doctor/Hospital/Pharmacy/Laboratory/EmergencyService- get listed on FuogyMedical for Free and be found by allusers of FuogyMedical App.++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++