KKU 1.2
King Khalid University of the leaders in SaudiArabia universities , with headquarters located in the city of Abha, and distributed Fifty colleges to include the Asir region in:Abha - Khamis Mushayt - A Rafidah - Tthleet- Bisha - Alnmas-Saturday Alallayh - Mahayel - Men brightest - Majardh - Sarat Abyei- Dhahran south.These colleges and supports eight deanships support in addition tothe twenty-four scientific center and a research and a number ofdepartments that contribute to the work of the management ,financial and academic in achieving the mission of the universityand the pursuit of Roetha , The University of the major Saudiuniversities in terms of the number of students who the more thanseventy thousand students based on their affairs more than eightthousand members faculty and staff .
بشائر الدمام 1.1
اخبار الدمام